Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I was all over getting this until I saw the price. $250? :lol HT has finally priced themselves out of the market. $30 more and you get a Killer Jason PF. I mean seriously! Only the Map room clothes/dio are worth getting from this at is current price. $200 and they would have sold me. They shouldn't have added that idol pedistal when SS did so well on theirs already. Heck, getting the Sideshow Indy and Belloq EX still costs less than getting this guy! :lol
I hope when in hand pictures of this start to show up that those who pulled the trigger don't get ridiculed for buying it. To spend that amount on it must mean that they really wanted it and probably saved hard to afford it. :peace
So much is inaccurate or cheap looking about this figure...
hat, clothing, belts, holster, jacket, sculpt

It's baffling how many flaws this proto has and for such an iconic marquee character. With just about every item there is a mistake or inaccuracy. It's not like the correct information is difficult to find. And at $250, if little is changed, this is one of the biggest fails Hot Toys has produced. so unfortunate. :( :thud:
For those pre-ordering from toys2- is there any benefit of doing so? if the price does down, do you screwed or will Eric lower it?

I think I am going to order this... I think the sculpt could use SOME work but I am confident that they will do what needs to be done before the fall.
I would think that it would benefit you to order through toys2. Shipping should be cheaper since you're in Canada and you'll get it earlier than a lot of us U.S. guys that order it through Sideshow or their retailers.
Yep, I'm particularly crushed, that's why I'm being naughty.

It's like some Indy noob bashed this thing together. :dunno There's a fedora (jacket,sculpt, etc)... sure it looks very little like the RotLA one but it's close enough for the masses who don't know any better, right? I suppose we're lucky they didn't change the color to black like his belt. :monkey1
I don't understand how anybody can knock that headsculpt, it looks perfect to me. I look at it and see Harrison Ford immeadiately, it is a major improvement over the prototype pic's.
To me Indy doesn't really look that bad but I really don't need another pedistal or idol.
I got an email today from JJ (Rismo) making sure I had received my repainted SS Indy I commissioned from him, and he went on to talk about the Photoshop manip he did in his spare time today. He doesn't visit the boards anymore so I let him know that his work had generated some buzz :lol

"The HT sculpt has me worried. I saw it on their facebook this morning. I was sitting in a business meeting so I opened photoshop and made some suggestions. hopefully they take everyone's suggestions into consideration! It's really a nice sculpt from the nose down. I attached a pic incase you wanted to see."


Extraordinary PS work, there. Thanks. I hope someone posts it on the HT facebook page.
wow, I suddenly see a perfect Harrison Ford in that redone pic !
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