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There aren't many Star Wars fans too far over 40 right now, and the collecting boom of the early 2000's was hedged by the economic downturn. The product pegwarming now has more to do with people not having money, or not being willing to spend as freely as they did 10 years ago.

It's possible that something like that could do serious damage to a franchise that has no new media to keep it afloat, but without that interference, I don't think anyone would be questioning Star Wars' shelf life.
Star Wars is a brand you can't break. George is the evil genius of marketing. Most star wars fans see the star wars label on something and buy it because it's star wars. I know I'm guilty of it. I went into Walmart and saw a pair of earphones that had gold c3po heads on the earbuds and thought, "wow those must sound great. It says star wars and has c3po on it"! Got them home and they sucked!

I'm just saying there will be people who buy star wars for generations to come. There is no stopping it. Star wars has been the top hasbro seller for years even though it's gone up and down with sales still remains number one.
There aren't many Star Wars fans too far over 40 right now, and the collecting boom of the early 2000's was hedged by the economic downturn. The product pegwarming now has more to do with people not having money, or not being willing to spend as freely as they did 10 years ago.

It's possible that something like that could do serious damage to a franchise that has no new media to keep it afloat, but without that interference, I don't think anyone would be questioning Star Wars' shelf life.

It was kind of sobering to watch that episode of Toy Hunter where the collector presented the guy with a mint Howdy Doody doll and the toy dealer just said, "I'm sorry but there just aren't that many Howdy Doody collectors still alive anymore." I pictured a similar show airing in 50 years where someone pulls out a mint Darth Vader or Boba Fett and the dealer of that time just shrugging and saying "eh" and tossing it back in the box.

But I really doubt it. I think Star Wars will be like Superman or Batman and will still be going strong after 70+ years.
Howdy Doody is a little different. Star Wars is a universally relative story that appeals to all ages. It brings elements of religion, myth, and history all together into a morally steadfast story about good versus evil, David Versus Goliath, spirituality versus technology that will stand the test of time because of its timelessness and continuing issues that still are unanswered today.

Howdy doody was a cowboy puppet. Not the same longevity.
There's no doubt SW will always be going strong, but I doubt that it will sustain the same market that it has in the past. The days of MR commanding big $$$ for prop replicas is over - sure there's eFX, but they're not doing anywhere near as well as MR did. Yea, we have HT in the mix, but we know how well they follow thru with a license once they have it or have access to it.

I love SW to death, but even I accept that the party as it is can't last forever.
Yeah but 30 plus years of star wars and collecting and fans at still wanting every character to be made into an action figure or high end collectable. With all the clone wars and expanded universe, video games, books star ways is still going strong. Legos is huge and still growing.

Star wars Collectables even had record sales in a year with no movie 2010. It may take dips now and then but star wars will remain the top selling boys toy line ever.
I'm sure Star Wars will always be a big thing, but I just wonder when Luke Skywalker won't be the hero anymore. How much longer will The Clone Wars go on. Will Anakin be the hero to any of this generation of Star Wars fans? Will LFL create a new story set in the Star Wars universe to keep the money machine rolling on??
I put in Empire yesterday and my five year old son was whining that he wanted to see Clone Wars. Makes me wonder if CW will come before the classic for the young ones. Maybe my fault as my son started to get exposed to SW as I was getting exposed to the Clone Wars series.
I'm sure Star Wars will always be a big thing, but I just wonder when Luke Skywalker won't be the hero anymore. How much longer will The Clone Wars go on. Will Anakin be the hero to any of this generation of Star Wars fans? Will LFL create a new story set in the Star Wars universe to keep the money machine rolling on??

Of course they will. :lol
Will LFL create a new story set in the Star Wars universe to keep the money machine rolling on??

I hope not. Lucas said he was retired and that's probably the bets thing to happen to SW in the past few years. Either he should hand it off to someone else or walk away with alittle dignity.
We'd be living in a truly ****ed up world if Anakin ended up being who kids identified as the hero.

Yeah. Lucas is Anakin. A slave boy oppressed by the establishment who grew up to be a hero by many. Then became what he feared most; an evil sith lord bent on total domination and demanded allegiance to his koolaid. Ultimately brought down by his offspring, the original trilogy, and forced to see the error of his ways. Now retiring into the force and away from the known galaxy.

Wait... What the hell am I talking about?
Yeah. Lucas is Anakin. A slave boy oppressed by the establishment who grew up to be a hero by many. Then became what he feared most; an evil sith lord bent on total domination and demanded allegiance to his koolaid. Ultimately brought down by his offspring, the original trilogy, and forced to see the error of his ways. Now retiring into the force and away from the known galaxy.

Wait... What the hell am I talking about?

"Master Lucas, there are too many versions of Star Wars, what are we going to do?"

**Lucas ignites lightsaber**