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Skywalker, you done good. You done good my good sir. That Forbes piece is exactly what I, and many others who loved the film, saw. Only I can't articulate it as well as the writer did.

What I loved about snyders films and his story of superman is that it took a risk. Somehow people continue to cling onto the old ways and only see superman as this flawless character. Yes, most of the time he is "flawless"...but he had to get there from some point in his life. He didn't just go to the fortress of solitude, talk to a hologram of his birth father and then boom, time skip and he's superman, like in the donner version. He had to learn how to be. But we never truly saw that process. in snyders version, he chose to tell the process...the time skip if you will, in his way. He wanted to add another layer to superman...a character where writers struggled for so many years to tell a good story and become relevant again because many found him to be a boring character. So Snyder made a wrinkle in the fabric and people still can't let go of the past.

The world in snyders universe is a reflection of our own. It's dark, cynical, and scary. To put a superman in it and have him react to it is, IMO, an enjoyable experience. And that's what makes his superman relevant and important in today's world. If he's able to overcome the atrocities we're capable of and eventually have hope for a world like ours, he becomes an inspiration for us as a species. To hate the movie because of "editing" says more about that viewer than it does the movie.

It's all there in the film...if some didn't get it, it's not because it's misunderstood, It's because they weren't paying attention.

Best article about the movie. If it could mic drop, it sure as **** did.
Skywalker, you done good. You done good my good sir. That Forbes piece is exactly what I, and many others who loved the film, saw. Only I can't articulate it as well as the writer did.

What I loved about snyders films and his story of superman is that it took a risk. Somehow people continue to cling onto the old ways and only see superman as this flawless character. Yes, most of the time he is "flawless"...but he had to get there from some point in his life. He didn't just go to the fortress of solitude, talk to a hologram of his birth father and then boom, time skip and he's superman, like in the donner version. He had to learn how to be. But we never truly saw that process. in snyders version, he chose to tell the process...the time skip if you will, in his way. He wanted to add another layer to superman...a character where writers struggled for so many years to tell a good story and become relevant again because many found him to be a boring character. So Snyder made a wrinkle in the fabric and people still can't let go of the past.

The world in snyders universe is a reflection of our own. It's dark, cynical, and scary. To put a superman in it and have him react to it is, IMO, an enjoyable experience. And that's what makes his superman relevant and important in today's world. If he's able to overcome the atrocities we're capable of and eventually have hope for a world like ours, he becomes an inspiration for us as a species. To hate the movie because of "editing" says more about that viewer than it does the movie.

It's all there in the film...if some didn't get it, it's not because it's misunderstood, It's because they weren't paying attention.

Best article about the movie. If it could mic drop, it sure as **** did.

:goodpost: :exactly:
Please, you don't make points, you make one point over and over.

Your point is:
"this film is bad, as defined by what makes a movie good or bad".

And when people ask: "what makes a movie bad ?" You just answer. "You know".

So, as a way to try to stop this. OK. We get it.

It's a bad movie according to Starscream Soundwave's code of movie quality.

We all get it. But please, just give up on us, poor stupid people that just don't understand what is needed to define a good movie and liked this "bad" movie.
We, that are just to stupid to understand the simple and obvious facts that only you understand.

And to the rest. Let's give him his W.O. Victory, please.

If you think all I've done here is simply said 'the film is bad, because I said so' you probably haven't been reading my posts.
I go tonight and see this film for the third time. I haven't seen anything more than twice for a long time. Really looking forward to it. And then I might bring my daughter next week. I think WW rocked and I think she's a cool role model to have... + I really want to buy the WW Hot Toys and if I can get my daughter on my side, we can do that :)
The new body looks great!


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If you think all I've done here is simply said 'the film is bad, because I said so' you probably haven't been reading my posts.

You keep repeating the film is bad, nothing else.
The fact remains that you are unable to explain and defend any of your "opinions" which automatically invalidates them.
You come off as a troll and your posts are truly the least interesting in this thread.
It was actually me that inquired about flamethrower tanks igniting when shot with a bullet. Not necessarily exploding, but igniting. I wasn't using films as my reference either as being why I was under that impression, but I know in WW2 they used to shoot the tanks on troops wielding flamethrowers.

I only ask because in the film, apparently what happened is Bats shot the flamethrower tank of Luthor's henchman to apparently merely disable it, then when the guy pulled the trigger and tried to use it on Martha Kent, is when everything blew up.

Yes, that's what I saw too. I think Bats was just trying to disable it. The guy killed himself by pulling the trigger.
Great Forbes article. The Martha complaint is among one of the stupidest, in my opinion. My girlfriend has never read a comic let alone picked one up in her life so whatever she knows is from me or from movies. After I took her to see it on my second viewing I asked her "What is your interpretation of the 'save Martha' line and why do you think Batman stopped from killing him?" she said in sum and substance "I think because Batman felt that Superman is more human than he is an alien." Why that isn't so easy for everyone else to understand is beyond me.
I think people get that. But who the **** says their mother's first name in the moment of death?

Or even, if he decided to say Martha, why not complete the ****ing sentence. Martha Kent. How the **** is he supposed to know what you're talking about idiot? You had ample time as you kept repeating it.

Superman was all kinds of dumb in this movie.

Unless Superman was being next level and already knew who Bruce's parents were and knew Batman would react this way to potentially save his own life.

If that then, well played, Superman. You're a better detective than this Bats will ever be.
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I think people get that. But who the **** says their mother's first name in the moment of death?

Or even, if he decided to say Martha, why not complete the ****ing sentence. Martha Kent. How the **** is he supposed to know what you're talking about idiot? You had ample time as you kept repeating it.

Superman was all kinds of dumb in this movie.

Unless Superman was being next level and already knew who Bruce's parents were and knew Batman would react this way to potentially save his own life.

If that then, well played, Superman. You're a better detective than this Bats will ever be.

If I was about ready to die at the hands of a person that I knew deep down was a hero and a genuinely good person who simply fell victim to the cynical and corrupted world that we live in while I knew my mother was in a similar situation of unfairly facing life or death, I think my last words to him would be to implore him to save her as well. Perhaps not by first name, but at least saying "my mother". Even if Supes said that, I personally feel that still probably would have resonated with Batman because the whole point of that scene was that Bats realized he (Supes) was merely a man with a mother that he loved and had people that loved him also. Just like himself.

Bats had a heavy metal foot jammed on Superman's throat, so I would imagine it would be pretty difficult to clearly say an entire sentence, let alone anything. If anything, who I found more to be the "stupid" one in this case was Batman, being that he was demanding why Supes said that name, while still jamming his foot down on his throat. Well if you release your foot off of his throat and let him talk/answer your demand, he might be able to tell you.

That's just what I saw, at least.
Well **** if he does we're left with wondering how. Laser visions?

What was the point of taking off his mask in that knightmare scene then... humiliation?

And yes Bats was being pretty dumb too.
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I feel like since Clark obviously heard the radio transmissions of Bruce and Alfred at the party coupled with his remarks and comments towards Clark's questioning about Batman might have aroused suspicion that maybe Bruce Wayne could be Batman.
That's kind of a jump still isn't it? Goes from suspicion to accusation.

But maybe we'll get a deleted scene or two connecting the dots. Or not, we can just keep assuming everything.

This reminds me... you know a smart way to have the audience connect the dots in your story BVS crew? Having more than 1 dot.
That's kind of a jump still isn't it? Goes from suspicion to accusation.

But maybe we'll get a deleted scene or two connecting the dots. Or not, we can just keep assuming everything.

I think their is surely going to be some answers to a lot of questions in the directors cut. I did love this movie but I can admit its not perfect but the issues I have with the movie really don't hinder my enjoyment of it. That's just me.
I think their is surely going to be some answers to a lot of questions in the directors cut. I did love this movie but I can admit its not perfect but the issues I have with the movie really don't hinder my enjoyment of it. That's just me.

My sentiments as well.

I went in with an open mind and let myself be entertained, and I paid attention to the film. I didn't go in with the intentions of seeing if I can find every single little flaw. I feel when one does that, you stop focusing on the film itself and start focusing on what you can find "incorrect" with it, and consequently, end up ruining the film for yourself.

The extended version probably will indeed show scenes that flat out explain many things as opposed to leaving it to the mind of the viewer to connect the dots themselves by using hints and innuendos in the film.
My sentiments as well.

I went in with an open mind and let myself be entertained, and I paid attention to the film. I didn't go in with the intentions of seeing if I can find every single little flaw. I feel when one does that, you stop focusing on the film itself and start focusing on what you can find "incorrect" with it, and consequently, end up ruining the film for yourself.

The extended version probably will indeed show scenes that flat out explain many things as opposed to leaving it to the mind of the viewer to connect the dots themselves by using hints and innuendos in the film.

Funny you say that, because my first time seeing it on opening night I was almost letting myself focus too much on the issues the critics had with the movie but truthfully the negative reviews almost make me enjoy it more because of the fact that I sort of lowered expectations going into the movie. Talking about it makes me want to go again this week actually.
Funny you say that, because my first time seeing it on opening night I was almost letting myself focus too much on the issues the critics had with the movie but truthfully the negative reviews almost make me enjoy it more because of the fact that I sort of lowered expectations going into the movie. Talking about it makes me want to go again this week actually.

If you have any sort of expectations for a film, whether they be high or low, you end up missing the movie, in my opinion. Just go in with an open mind and simply judge it for what you felt it was, not what you want it to be.

I was so much looking forward to MoS, I almost let that happen to me with that film. I was so bummed out that early reviews from the critics were bashing it because I wanted it to be good, since it was the movie I had wanted to see for so long.

I went in to see it myself and absolutely loved it. And liked it more with each subsequent viewing.
If you have any sort of expectations for a film, whether they be high or low, you end up missing the movie, in my opinion. Just go in with an open mind and simply judge it for what you felt it was, not what you wanted it to be.

I was so much looking forward to MoS, I almost let that happen to me with that film. I was so bummed out that the critics were bashing it because I wanted everyone to like it, since it was the movie I had wanted to see for so long.

I went in to see it myself and absolutely loved it. And liked it more with each subsequent viewing.

Same here. I was waiting a long time for a fresh take on Superman. It's still my favorite Superman film.