Hot Toys 1/4 Mk 43 or 45 which Is best???

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Super Freak
Dec 28, 2009
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I can only pick one, but which Is better? I like the look of them both and cannot choose. Head sculpt will not be displayed so not bothered about that. Please help :pray:


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43 cause of the sark portrait. It just adds a new dimension to it.
They're equally good in my opinion but Mark 43 comes with the Stark headsculpt. That seems to be a selling point for most. It's all down to which suit you prefer the most though. :)
1/6 would make this a toss up (45 imo) but the 43 headsculpt on the 1/4 makes it the easy winner.
Which ever you like best, I think the 45 has the better more interesting design

Exactly. It doesn't much matter what anyone says. Every time there's one of these threads a bunch of people list what they like then the op agrees with what he likes and that's the end of it. As I've said before, it's like asking someone else to pick your favorite food, or color. Everyone has their own individual and personal reasons why they prefer one thing over another. Why hey spend their money on an item. If your asking someone else to pick the collectible you are buying based on their interest you are doing lots of things wrong. And each figure has a few thousands posts in a thread to each that tells you what the people here already think. So your asking someone else to spend your money, pick what you should collect, and do your research, then explain it to you. Seems silly
43. Not enough gold in the 45, plus too rounded and "organic" looking.

Having said that, my only IM is the 1/6 Mk 4. :)
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^ Just thinking......the 45 looks like those anatomy book drawings of the human body, less skin. So that you can see the body's muscular system.

Not that that is bad, just thinking out loud. That's why everyone says "organic" I think.
Yup, first i liked the 45 but when i see the 43, It's more mechanical and thus more Iron man for me. The extra headsculpt doesn't hurt it either :)
The 45 looks better but the head sculpt in the 43 would make me choose it.
Exactly. It doesn't much matter what anyone says. Every time there's one of these threads a bunch of people list what they like then the op agrees with what he likes and that's the end of it. As I've said before, it's like asking someone else to pick your favorite food, or color. Everyone has their own individual and personal reasons why they prefer one thing over another. Why hey spend their money on an item. If your asking someone else to pick the collectible you are buying based on their interest you are doing lots of things wrong. And each figure has a few thousands posts in a thread to each that tells you what the people here already think. So your asking someone else to spend your money, pick what you should collect, and do your research, then explain it to you. Seems silly

I asked because I like them both equally and cannot decide, peoples opinions on their differences of why they think one is best might show me something I have missed In the pictures.
I'm not a big collector of Iron men, actually I have no other Iron men figures, this 1/4 will be my first and last so people who have collected 1/6 previous and know more about the suits obviously can offer more on why they think which suit is the better suit.
Not silly at all really.
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I will be buying the Mark 43. I think my decision would be harder if the mark 45 came with a Tony Head sculpt. I will be displaying with the Tony head sculpt and him holding his helmet.
I've seen both on display at a local show last September. I have Mark 43 on order, and I can't wait to have it after seeing it. I prefer it over Mark 45 because of the killer Tony Stark head, and its display comes complete unlike Mark 45 where you have to get the exclusive to get Ultron's sentry's head (if I'm not mistaken).

But you said you don't care about those, so I guess it would zero in on the main concern which is the armor itself. Which looks more badass to you, and would look more badass on your display, is something that only you can answer :) Goodluck!
The sixth scale figures, no question to me - Mk43 looks better, is cheaper, has a better base and has a head sculpt.

Quarter scale I have to say I'm liking the look of the wear on the Mk45, but still, once again Mk43 all round is a better looking suit with a head sculpt, so it's my pick.