Hasbro 6" Black Series Star Wars line

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This isn't about what is right or true, it's about what the larger masses think and sterotypes and archetypes.

I didn't say Solo wasn't a good guy, i said he was somewhat of an anti-hero to begin with. He's the guy who gets things done, but not always in the most righteous way. He ain't batman lol
Personally Ive never understood the outcry over this. Lucas to my knowledge always said it was meant for Greedo to shoot first, Han to dodge and then kill him. They just shot it badly the first time around. That's not a real change like the blu ray has for say rendering new anakin in place of old anakin at the end of rotj, oradding the "no" to vader in rotj (hoooorrible change imo). With Greedo it seemed they just fixed what had gone badly first time around, I get them doing that.

You're okay with him trying to ret-tard the core of the character, but you aren't okay with superficial changes? Wow...

You guys miss my point. it's not about how much it changes the character. It's about whether it's a change that's a true retcon, meaning they thought of it afterward and were like hey let's change that aspect of the character, OR a character that was designed in a way, then got his version in the film, and the film didn't turn out to be exactly as the director wanted regarding this point. We all know Star Wars was a pioneering film and didn't exactly have everything going for it. Maybe they were behind on shooting and just accepted the way the scene came out at that time, oir were forced to.

All I'm saying is if Lucas had always intended Han to shoot second, which he claims, then it's a logical 'repair' ad people should just accept Han never was what they thought in this regard. You can then blame Lucas for THAT, which I can get, but then imo you have beef with how Lucas meant the character in the first place... And/or his ability to put that on screen the first time.

Now you can not believe Lucas when he says he always intended it this way, but initially I don't see why you wouldn't. If anyone wants to present arguments why Lucas just made this up to validate his retcon, go ahead. I just think that if it's true Lucas had always intended Han to not shoot first, then it's not a true retcon to 'fix' the original scene.
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I didn't know, but apparently Lucas only started saying it was always meant like this since 2012. The fact that it's not mentioned in the original script that Greedo shoots is pretty much compelling proof he did fully retcon his own film.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_shot_first

My bad, should've done my research. Got no trouble understanding the outcry now.
It's just a dumb argument to make.

If the original intention was to always have Greedo shoot at Han first (and miss), why not just do that in 1976 when they were filming it? How hard would that have been.

But no, it's not the original intent. Han blows Greedo away before Greedo can even think of pulling the trigger. We see the shots of Han upholstering his blasters during the convo, we see his face, we see him pretending to mess around with that wall. He planned to kill Greedo right then and there, and he does. Even after the fact, the cold, "sorry about the mess" and throwing the money to the bartender shows that anti-hero side of the character.

The edit is BS, plain and simple. That CGI head bob to avoid a point blank blast is some is one of the worst things I've ever seen. That's the reason everyone has a problem with it, it's just stupid.

Han shot. Not first, not second. He was the only one that pulled the trigger.
Damn right DiFabio!

Now if I can just find a black series Han without googly eyes. j/k I'm sure I will.
I get what Silrian is saying, and its a valid point. the problem however is George is lying out of his ***, its a really weak back pedaling of sorts...

edit: what DiFab said..
Yeah I see that now too LipSmack, especially the original script not mentioning Greedo shooting AT ALL makes Lucas' words downright manipulative. Again, sorry, I didn't know.:/ Kinda bummed out about it.XD

To boot, I saw the special edition when I was still fairly young so I can't remember the first time I saw the original version, but regardless, whether you know the original or not, Greedo not being able to hit Han point Blank from a rested sitting position is retarded. You don't even need to know the original for that so it's a stupid edit no matter where you're coming from.
Its all good, George is awesome, he brought us what is Star Wars, but I think something happened to his brain along the way, and I'll leave it at that. :lol

Without him, we wouldn't have commercials like this:
