Has hot toys or anyone ever made a Terminator Endoskeleton?

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There are great odds we will see this figure again or at least a figure like it if/when Hot Toys makes Terminator: Salvation figures.
I got the battle damaged version from Sideshow when they first came out. It's an amazing figure. The paint, articulation, and special base are all top notch, it's one of my favorites. :)

Just be careful with the fingers if you do get one, they can break easily.
I too have ordered myself a Terminator Endo BD. Everyone said that's the one to go with, so couple of days ago I just did :). Now I'm anxiously waiting. ^ That clean version looks awesome though.

*P.S. I'm no expert in toy models or paints, but if I wanted to turn the BD version into a clean version, what would I need?
Hi, I just wanted to say that my Battle damaged Hot Toys Endoskeleton is one of the best items I have. It is much better after getting him posed and seeing how the figure is articulated. Especially all the piston movements. One of the rods came out of the neck area on mine, so be VERY CAREFUL when posing him. I am just glad I did not break anything else on him.

How do you post photos that are imbedded, rather than attached?
How do you post photos that are imbedded, rather than attached?
First you have to pick a site to upload your pictures to, such as photobucket or tinypic or whatever. Upload your pic using their browse button, to find the pic on your computer. Click the upload button. Wait a little while for it to upload. It will give you several url's and tell you what ones are best for which application, like this 'message board'. Copy and paste the url into your post. It will have some brackets with 'IMG' at both ends.
The Hot Toys endoskeleton on ebay is priced at $350. That is way to much. Although the figure is great I would not pay that much for it. I paid $200 for mine. And that is top dollar.
If these'd be re-release when T4 is out, then yes, $350 is way overpriced. If not, then these'd be just as rare as those preds. Especially the BD version.
Hey guys, I just received my figure. I'm happy to say it checks out, the eyes worked without meddling with anything, just had to properly insert the battery. I tried little fiddling around with fingers and neck and toes, and than I quickly put this bad boy back in the box, I'm not ready to display it yet :D. But it's an A++++ figure, real collectible.

Hey guys, I just received my figure. I'm happy to say it checks out, the eyes worked without meddling with anything, just had to properly insert the battery. I tried little fiddling around with fingers and neck and toes, and than I quickly put this bad boy back in the box, I'm not ready to display it yet :D. But it's an A++++ figure, real collectible.

Awesome pick up! Congrats! Now you just need a Robocop do go with it :monkey3
Awesome pick up! Congrats! Now you just need a Robocop do go with it :monkey3

As soon as funds come in, I'm sure to get one :). But with paying for University and books, it's a bit difficult, so it won't be soon unfortunately :(. I do have a Robocop, but its from way back and its by Toy Island and a bit loose since my little brother played with it often. Except for the arms and paint, it does looks like the one from the movie, but no where near Neca's or HT figures though.
I have the clean version, and I love it! :D





i have the clean version too. it's easily my favorite ht figure ever. it's just mind-blowingly intricate.
haven't seen the bd version in person. judging from the pics here, i'm not too keen on the paint job. the base is a cool idea though.
Clean version is simply marvelous. But reason I did not get it is because many people, some of whom I personally asked as well, claimed that it doesn't have chrome paint, which I would want in a figure such as that. Now in case of Battle Damage version, it's not trying to be clean, therefore chrome is not required. Plus I like the base and the fact that it is rarer, :D.