Great looking custom!

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Yeah,I saw this last night on the bay.That is the best custom Indy I have ever seen.Whatever he is casting these heads in really makes a big difference.
The head he's selling is cool but what I really want is his custom Indy. Wow!

Best part is the real gloves. I wonder where he got those?

If Trev's INDY wasn't coming soon, I'd be all over this head. Looks great with the real beard, although it is a bit heavy. But the genius of casting the head in a "real-skin" material is brilliant. All in all, the beard and skin texture really give that custom a whole new look and would probably be a stand-out on the shelf.
I think I know what he cast it in. At least it looks the same. It’s Smooth-On’s ReoFlex or VytaFlex I can remember off hand I’ll have to check the bottle when I get to my studio tomorrow. It’s a rubber that cures pretty hard and takes paint very well. I cast a head in it the other day, and some hands for a figure because it’s still flexible enough to get an object in the hand. I used a little So Strong causation dye in it and it came out with a semi- translucent flesh look.
The fleshy material does look nice on figures... I thought he recent NECA figures from Grindhouse looked a lot better than their ealier painted figures. It helped to make them look more realistic IMO.

It would be nice to see more companies trying this out, especially in 1/6. It kinda looks like HT might be doing it with the new Rambo figure coming out.
Ah yeah, it does look great. Whatever is used does make an improvement to the eye, very natural. I still reckon it looks off. I'm happy to wait for Sideshow Trev's killer sculpt. It's about the best I've seen. If Enterbay do one, it will be interesting to compare it to Trev's inspirational sculpt.
Wow. No one is bothered by the fact that this guy is selling a recast head? It plainly states in his auction that the head is recast from the Frontline sculpt (which isn't that great a likeness of Ford in the first place). The translucent effect of the cast and the real hair beard create an interesting look, but it's still a recast. I have no problem with someone who does this for their personal collection, but once they start selling them (even one) it is an insult to the artist, who has not granted that individual the right to mold and cast their work. I know this is beating a dead horse, but a recast is a recast, despite the quality, or the bells and whistles that are added to it.
...It plainly states in his auction that the head is recast from the Frontline sculpt (which isn't that great a likeness of Ford in the first place)....
Does anyone else generally feel this way towards Frontline's INDY sculpt?

I thought it was 1 of THE best around...

That's just me though.

I had a few requests to see if I could sort out how jovytrader cast the Indy head. However one member here just asked him and this is what he said when email about his head casting technique...

“I use a clear resin I get from a friend who
works in the special effects dept. for the movies, there is no
label, there are only marked "A", "B" I mix the two and add a
flesh colored "enamel" paint(just a pinch)....When the cast comes
out, you paint it with acrylics(acrylics are also very translucent
when diluted with water) I guess that's all I can tell you, the rest
is a journey you have to go on by yourself”

So I experimented casting my Chris Reeve Superman head and this is what I came up with:

1. This is a Smooth-On 320 cast with causation dye added. (The brown bits are epoxy added later)
2. Smooth-On Crystal Clear 202 same dye.
3. Smooth-On Simi-rigid plastic (kind of rubbery) same dye (not mixed well).


You can see that #2, the clear with dye added is somewhat translucent and has a very soft skin look to it but is rock hard and can be sanded and filled. You can see compared with the other two castings it’s the better looking one.

Also... I think what’s giving his casting a more realistic look may be a combination of the “enamel paint” and the air bubbles. His castings are riddled with air bubbles giving it an even more translucent look by letting more light pass though.

I’m going to paint the Clear cast head and see how it turns out. This is a nice technique I might use more often.
Thanks for the info Spense, that Reeves head is amazing... is that one of your own? Stunning work.
Does anyone else generally feel this way towards Frontline's INDY sculpt?

I thought it was 1 of THE best around...

That's just me though.


Maybe I'm the only one, but I have never been crazy about most of their offerings. There are usually enough of the right ingredients to corretly guess who the sculpt is. Personally I prefer sculpts that are a little more refine while still keeping the likeness. I've always thought it was a shame that Frontline didn't go after some of the sculptors that worked for Andgor. We have all heard the horror stories about their customer service, but their sculpts were more to my liking.

Regarding the clear resin casting posted by Spenser, I have heard that even clear resin has to be primed to get the paint to bond. Wouldn't this ruin the translucent effect?
Maybe I'm the only one, but I have never been crazy about most of their offerings. There are usually enough of the right ingredients to corretly guess who the sculpt is. Personally I prefer sculpts that are a little more refine while still keeping the likeness. I've always thought it was a shame that Frontline didn't go after some of the sculptors that worked for Andgor. We have all heard the horror stories about their customer service, but their sculpts were more to my liking.

Maybe I've been in the dark by thinking they have the best 1/6 sculpts for purchase.

Who's doing a better job than Frontline?