Gentle Giant Obi-Wan in Clone Armor up for order!

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I preferred the one in that toyfair pic, from what I could see anyways, but there was heavy shading and it was from an awkward angle so by no means will I stand by that! At any rate I ordered it (it's been and expensive night!) and I'm happy its in 1/6 scale.
Well, the trooper outfit is very cartoonish in itself when you think about it. Just look at the original trilogy when those guys are running around in it. :D
SolidLiquidFox said:
It cant be from Episode 1 of Clone Wars since Obi has short hair and his newer lightsaber. I put this somewhere before the second season of Clone Wars.
He may have meant season 1, but the figure is not consistent with then either. I wrote to Gentle Giant the day after I saw the Toy Fair images about the following problems: the lightsaber, the color of the undersuit, and the belt.

As people have noticed, he has his ROTS lightsaber in the statue, but in the cartoon he had something much closer to his AOTC lightsaber. The maquette had the correct lightsaber.

His under suit in the statue appears to be black. It can clearly be seen in the show (and numerous other sources) that it should be dark brown. It has been said in many places that (Old Republic) Jedi do not wear black. Even Dooku's costume is actually dark brown. This was also wrong in the maquette.

His belt has all the boxes that a clone trooper would have. In the TV series, his belt did not have any boxes. This is correct on the maquette.

While the statue is suppose to be more realistic, that is really only the case in regards to a resemblance to Ewan McGregor and the armor is more in line with the armor seen in the movies. Unfortunately, a little TOO inline with that.

And wouldn't a Super Battle Droid or Muunilist worked better than a normal battle droid?
Obi-TN said:
...And wouldn't a Super Battle Droid or Muunilist worked better than a normal battle droid?

Well, if is any consolation it is a Battle Droid commander (yellow markings). :D

You bring up some valid points but in the end I think they were trying to go for a realistic look all around with A LOT of creative license. Luke wore a full trooper outfit and a black outfit as a Jedi so the argument of "no black" is kinda true...from a certain point of view.

I see this more as an homage statue to the Clone Wars in general. The stuff that we never saw on film and not the cartoon. It'll be interesting to see what the correlation between the maquette and this piece is in terms of collectibility and which one people desire most. One is obviously animated version and accurate to it's source. Not to mention an Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan. The other is an expanded universe piece that is based on Revenge of the Sith.
SolidLiquidFox said:
You bring up some valid points but in the end I think they were trying to go for a realistic look all around with A LOT of creative license. Luke wore a full trooper outfit and a black outfit as a Jedi so the argument of "no black" is kinda true...from a certain point of view.

I see this more as an homage statue to the Clone Wars in general. The stuff that we never saw on film and not the cartoon. It'll be interesting to see what the correlation between the maquette and this piece is in terms of collectibility and which one people desire most. One is obviously animated version and accurate to it's source. Not to mention an Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan. The other is an expanded universe piece that is based on Revenge of the Sith.
Luke doesn't count in the "no black" argument. This is the prequel era where records are plentiful.

And this can't be seen as based on ROTS. Later in the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan wears his normal Jedi robes with a few pieces of armor as seen in Volume II of the animated series. He wore this costume on Muunilist, and perhaps only on Muunilist. I'm not sure if his saber ever changed in the animated series.

In terms of creative license, why do they need to take it? A perfectly good statue could have been made that was accurate to what he wore. Maybe I'll try to find a broken one and then modify it. They could have had him standing on a piece of Durge.
Expanded Universe buddy...expanded universe. Love it or hate it GG seems to support it if it'll sell. Just look at the Blackhole and Mara Jade busts.

I meant to say that Obi's look was ROTS based (hair and saber) but with an homage to the Clone Wars. Not a literal version of his outfit progression.
SolidLiquidFox said:
Expanded Universe buddy...expanded universe. Love it or hate it GG seems to support it if it'll sell. Just look at the Blackhole and Mara Jade busts.
There is a difference between "Expanded Universe" and "based on Star Wars." Lucasfilm creates the Expanded Universe of comics, novels, viedo games, etc. You could say that a custom Mandolorian costume is based on Star Wars, but neither my friends nor a licensee of collectibles can create the Expanded Universe. The minibusts you mention are accurately based on depictions in video games and comics. If the animated maquette of Leia coming out was beige or yellow instead of white, would that be wrong or Expanded Universe?
Obi-TN said:
There is a difference between "Expanded Universe" and "based on Star Wars." Lucasfilm creates the Expanded Universe of comics, novels, viedo games, etc. You could say that a custom Mandolorian costume is based on Star Wars, but neither my friends nor a licensee of collectibles can create the Expanded Universe. The minibusts you mention are accurately based on depictions in video games and comics.

Expanded Universe, in my book, is everything that is not on the movies but is based on some type of SW source. We have all seen ROTS Obi-Wan and Trooper outfit on film. We have all seen the Clone Wars cartoon and how Obi-Wan dressed up in armor for whatever his reasons were. You put those elements together and you have a certain look never seen before. Now, you can argue that GG just made it up, but at the same time you can argue that it's a design meant to go between Clone Wars season 1 and 2. Hence I call it Expanded Universe. Tomato...tomatoe.

Labeling becomes a technicality but most of us get it that it is an homage piece not really based on anything specifically. You get Obi-Wan in a realistic look at his prime. You get some Clone Wars cartoon reference. You get the obvious homage to ANH as Ben Kenobi speaks of the Clone Wars to young Luke and the tribute to Luke and Han in trooper outfits.

Obi-TN said:
If the animated maquette of Leia coming out was beige or yellow instead of white, would that be wrong or Expanded Universe?

No, that would be just a shameless Gentle Giant variant. Don't give them any ideas. It's not beyond them to do something lame like that. :rolleyes:

SolidLiquidFox said:
that would be just a shameless Gentle Giant variant. Don't give them any ideas. It's not beyond them to do something lame like that. :rolleyes:

Like the SSE edition? :rotfl
well i always thought that EU was something approved by Lucas to be officially part of the story. doesnt matter to me anyways because i like anything SW. however, there are some things that i wish never happened in the EU...has something to do with this guy: :chew
hairlesswookiee said:
well i always thought that EU was something approved by Lucas to be officially part of the story. doesnt matter to me anyways because i like anything SW. however, there are some things that i wish never happened in the EU...has something to do with this guy: :chew
To me Lucas sits on the fence with that one, from what I understand he either says yea or nay on whether something can happen in the EU, but on th eother hand I've heard he doesn't consider it officially part of the story. Maybe he's preparing to run for office...