Frontrunners for the next 1/6, PF announcements

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
With so many OT characters and bad guys covered in one fell swoop does that leave only Palpatine/Sidious as the true frontrunner for the next SW announcement?

I could see that, but we also still have *no* ANH characters in the 1/6 line-up.

And SS seems to like to complete "themes" so I could see them announcing a TPM Obi-Wan, Mace Duel Palpatine, or Hoth Leia. Actually scratch Leia, no way we'll see her for a while due to Boushh.

Lando would be really cool to, and we're really due for another Luke (though I fear that the 20th anniversary of ANH next year means we're still a ways off from the Bespin variety.)

For PF it'd be nice to see some more PT characters. ROTS Anakin, ROTS Obi-Wan and any Padme would top the PT PF list for me, though I'd like to not that I *would* love to see a PF TPM Jar Jar.

People have mentioned hoping for a Theed invasion Amidala in PF, however this is a character that 1/6 scale could probably also do very well, where Geonosis arena or Lars homestead Padme could only be done in PF (for the time being anyway.) So maybe we should see the Queen outfits in 1/6 first so one of the others can be done in PF.
Well I hope the next 1/6 figure is from the OT. We need to get a figure from ANH badly. Hopefully we will get at least 5-6 next year from ANH. I think that the next announcement will still be OT. I dont think we will get any more 1/6 announcement though for at least a month though.
I think Sideshow has said that the next Sith is still a few announcements away but I would really like them to release Vader sometime next year as the first armoured figure. I wouldnt mind getting a ROTS Palpatince but I would much rather get a ROTJ Emperor with his chair and window. If they did this it would be the perfect oppurtunity to release a Royal Guard.
As for TPM Obi-Wan while I want one of these I hope we get an ANH Obi-Wan next year.
LordAzrael said:
I'm hoping for an EU figure. The longer they spread out the big hitters the more likely the line is to keep its legs.
But their are so many big hitters that I want done that it will probably take years to get all of the version of the characters. For example I really want Luke in Tatooine Gear, Stormtrooper, X-Wing Pilot, Ceremonial, Hoth, Bespin/Dagobah (can just have another shirt packed in and bang you have a Dagobah Luke), Endor. So thats 7 more Luke which if they release 1 a year it would take 7 years to get them all unless they made a Stormtrooper two pack with Han once they get the Stormy mold made.
Another example would be Leia, were already getting Boushh,so that leaves these possibilities ANH, Ceremonial, Hoth, Bespin red dress, Bespin white suit, Slave, Endor, Ewok. Thats alot of Leia to do, even though we may not get all of those it would be nice.
On the PT side of thing just think about the number of Padmes they could theoretically do.
I just want as many as possible. I wouldnt mind seeing 12 - 15 figures a year for 10 years.
I just hope that Hasbro doesnt pull the carpet out from under Sideshow in 2 years when they have to renew the license with them.
LordAzrael said:
I'm hoping for an EU figure. The longer they spread out the big hitters the more likely the line is to keep its legs.

I agree. We know 'Snow bunny Padme' is on the way but it would be cool for SS to throw in a couple of the more visually stunning EU characters such as Darth Nilius or Prince Zizor.

I think All the different versions of characters will be made as long as SS does get the license renewal.( which they should do. This said, this figures will be coming at us for a long time as there are so many :cool: )
That concerns me. If Hasbro has the option to take the rights to the line back in two years then I want SS to do nothing but release main characters or EXTREMELY well-known secondary characters until then (OT Troopers, Boba Fett, Greedo, Count Dooku and so on would qualify for the latter category.)

Absolutely no more Kit Fisto types please.
IMO the frontrunner has to be the Emperor. We don't have him in ANY form and he just seems to be a logical choice. I think we will see him before we see minor characters.
In one of the SDCC chats, Brant said that the next Sith anouncment is a few figures away. So it won't be Palps or Dooku! I really expect Lando from ESB or Obi from TPM to be next.

With so few Sith in the movies, I really hope they expand to the EU for more. Darth Malak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that stinks. I just hope we see major characters in PF before we get the Greedo's and such. A Stormtrooper would be cool. I am not sure if I would buy a Lando or not. I probably would as he is a major character in IV and V. I am trying to keep my PF buying to major OT characters only.
They won't do any of the PF figures in 1/6 scale for a while yet. I reckon stormtrooper Luke might be a good bet. And less Prequel figures please, more OT!
I was only referring to 12". The next PF is anyone's guess. I hope is is Palpatine in some way shape or form.
You anti-PT guys do realize that the last three 1/6 announcements (Jabba, Boushh, Bib) and all but one of the 1/4 PF figures have all been OT characters, right?

Personally, I'd like SSC to continue to announce and release a nice blend of characters from BOTH trilogies, thank you very much.

I love the OT as much as anyone (and definitely prefer it over the PT) but I have to give credit where it's due and I also believe that the PT is chock full of cool and interesting characters (probably moreso than the OT, actually).
for PF's we need:


of course would like:

rebel soldier
sand people
jabba and party(1/4....although i'm loving the 1/6)
emperor's guard
ewok(nahh, nevermind)
variations of stormtroopers, e.g. sandtrooper, scout trooper, pilot, etc.
I think Palps is a frontrunner for either format right now. Dooku I think will come in 12" before PF and I think Maul will be coming soon in PF. Greedo is another I could see coming in 12" very soon. They need to do ANH Obi-Wan and they'll have the biggies minus chewie from the OT done from the good guys. Still need a Boba Fett 12". Still need some PT characters in the PF line to help balance that out.

OT 12"
Salacious Crumb=6

PT 12"

Dagobah Luke


So some serious balance needs to be made on the PT characters in PF.
Khev said:
That concerns me. If Hasbro has the option to take the rights to the line back in two years then I want SS to do nothing but release main characters or EXTREMELY well-known secondary characters until then (OT Troopers, Boba Fett, Greedo, Count Dooku and so on would qualify for the latter category.)

Absolutely no more Kit Fisto types please.

I have to endorse this if the two year license is true. I'd hate to see a bunch of chumps like Kit Fisto and 'snow bunny padme'(comic books, I'm guessing?) get released when the major chars are for more important. And honestly? The only char that really needs multiples is Luke, because of Hamill's car accident. It pains me to say that, but I'm not shelling out for a bunch of different outfits of the same figure. I don't want Tatooine Luke, X-wing Luke, ROTJ Luke, Hoth luke, etc, considering I'd be pretty happy with just ESB Cloud City Luke. Its iconic, works well with the interchangeable hands, and is IMO the biggest storytelling moment of the OT.

I'm all for multiples, however, if the license can be extended. My only fear is that Lucas will see how well SS is doing and change over to Hot Toys or Takara or someone else ridiculously expensive. Of course, if he's happy at the end, maybe he can persuade Spielberg to let SS license INdy Jones figs...
I just want my exar kun and ulic qel-droma. SO then I can have my ultimate uber bada$$ sith master/apprentice.
Stop ragging on Kit Fisto! LOL. He was the one I wanted more than any other so I was thrilled when he was announced.

Also, I would much rather get a 12" Plo Koon, Shaaki Ti, Sassee Tinn, Ki Adi in the Jedi order line then I would Lando or 5 versions of Luke and 4 of Leia. I know I am in the minority there, but it's just my opinion. I guess since I am doing the PF's too and they have leaned towards the OT that I want the 12" line to continue on the Jedi order and Lords of the Sith more than the same characters they have done in PF already.
Yeah, I don't get the Kit Fisto hate either. In fact, I think it's the best SW 1/6 figure released for far.

And thanks for that list, jlcmsu. That perfectly illustrates that SSC hasn't been focusing too heavily on the PT. The fact of the matter is that there are characters from the PT anyway, so an even blend would be more than fair to fans of both.

I would be completely shocked if SSC's license was not extended several more years. Don't panic there.

Oh, and Lucas doesn't have to persuade Spielberg or anyone else to license INDY stuff. He owns the rights to INDY in total.
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