FINALLY! ERAGON Movie Trailer!!!

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Great trailer thanks!! Stunning book even if it is a bit too much like LOTR in parts its still an amazing achievement he started to write this at 15yrs old!!! Amazing!
Looks really good. I will definitely check this one out. There just isn't enough movies made with dragons!!!
The SFX look good but overall I get a "Dungeons and Dragons" vibe* from the trailer rather than a LotR one.

Never read the book(s) so no idea how close it is to them or how good the story is (or not).

Will probably still go and see it.

*Probably down to Jeramy Irons being in it and Malkovich playing the King in such an OTT way.
Looks good so far!

Corwin said:
The SFX look good but overall I get a "Dungeons and Dragons" vibe* from the trailer rather than a LotR one. ....... *Probably down to Jeramy Irons being in it and Malkovich playing the King in such an OTT way.

I agree! It does feel a lot like D&D and the outcome will probably depend on Irons and Malkovichs performance.
If you have not read the is a very fun read. Sort of a Hobbit meets Sword in the Stone meets Excaliber. The trailer was friggin sweet...very fun, loads of action, and appears every bit like the book.

If you watch the trailer and enjoy it in the least (which I think many LOTR fans will), then go out and check out the is easy reading (sort of like Harry Potter reading) and fun. While the plot is similar to many other fantasy epics, this looks like a decent translation to film. Their work was WAY behind as far as the CGI for Saphira (the Dragon), but looks like SHE is turning out pretty good.

I, for one, hope this is a successful means that more fantasy will have the opprtunity to make it to film and that we can hope for other franchises to become successful. I sure hope that someday, someone can realize a Wheel of Time epic on film that is accurate, detailed, and represents Randland with the success it deserves.

I haven't read the books, but if I based it purely on the trailer, Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich may be the undoing of this movie. Irons' last fantasy movie was the deplorable Dungeons and Dragons (back then I had high hopes for it). His voice rings too much of Scar from Disney's Lion King. John Malkovich has not graced any fantasy movies, so he may either sink it or buoy it up. Overall, for me the movie doesn't draw me in. Even Narnia drew me in compared to this if we were just talking about the trailers. I'll wait for the reviews when the movie actually comes out . . .
I agree with the D&D vibe comments. But that's probably because of the Dragon and Irons more than anything else. Still, the plot sounds a little simplistic(is it basically just medieval star wars but without han and chewie, and a dragon instead of the x-wing?).

I'd love to see someone tackle the Lankhmar series by Fritz Leiber, or even a childhood favorite, Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising series.
Geb said:
I, for one, hope this is a successful means that more fantasy will have the opprtunity to make it to film and that we can hope for other franchises to become successful. I sure hope that someday, someone can realize a Wheel of Time epic on film that is accurate, detailed, and represents Randland with the success it deserves.


Geb, couldn't have said it better myself! I'm right there with you.
Saw the trailer at SDCC and, although it didn't blow me down, my curiosity was tickled enough that I've picked up the book to see what it was all about. Not a bad book. Some plot items are pretty obvious to see coming a mile off, but there are some nice little twists (dunno how it compares to D&D since I've never been interested in them). There WAS a small vibe of Tolkien, but what fantasy book nowadays doesn't borrow a bit from the grandaddy of the genre? It kept me entertained enough to go to the library this weekend and check out the 2d book, "Eldest."

As for the movie, I'm not nearly as excited about it as I might be. Saphira just didn't hit any chords for me (but it's early days yet so there might be more refining on her going on). Irons is a favorite of mine, and the young actor playing the lead seemed okay, but Malkovitch being in it is really turning me off. (I know, what I just said about Malkovitch was blasphemy :rolleyes: )
Thanks for the heads up, I'm not familiar with the books, but the trailer looked pretty good. And at least worth the price of admission. It doesn't quite appear to have the refinement of LOTR or Narnia, but you never can tell.
I've read the two books that have been published so far, and enjoyed them enough to be looking forward to the third and final book.

As for the movie: it has dragons and swords. That's all I need to know about it to want to go see it.

As an aside: I'm not too taken from what I saw in the trailer of Saphira's design. Looks a little griffin-like, which is not how I pictured her. But, as always, I will keep an open mind until I've actually seen the film.

I'l much more excited about the His Dark Materials movie that began filming this month. THAT one I can't wait to see.