EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I have statues, but they don’t give me the same level of enjoyment as poseable figures. Think I’ll skip Lady Borg.
Undecided on the Borg Queen myself. Not a big statue fan either and I’m also not the biggest fan of the character. She’s a wait and see piece for me.
Don’t mean to stir the pot, but this is the kind of “only worship allowed” exchange Nanjin gets on Facebook. This one got my attention because this group was mentioned.

Constructive feedback = Telling him how to run the company. For real?

I got into a fight with another Kool Aid drinker there today too. It's worse than Twitter when you have a valid question or opinion.

Nothing boils my blood more than fanboys jumping the gun like that.

Right, and anyone who is actually a member here can see with their own eyes that no one has tried to tell him how to run his company. We just tried to let him know AS HIS CUSTOMER BASE, what we like and what we dislike. Companies routinely PAY for that kind of direct feedback.

So here’s what you need to know, evidence suggests that we have members amongst us who see the honest (and from what I’ve seen) respectful discussion we’ve had with this individual on these threads, and choose to mischaracterize and vilify those exchanges on FB and other media in attempts to curry favor. It’s dishonest and not right.

If you fear offering honest criticism to this individual, then don’t. That’s your choice and your power. But don’t lie to fan the fake flames that propel this false narrative.

You can take this down if you like, of course, Snoop…but I hope a few people take note first.
Ok, I hope Nanjin has a ghost account here. That way he can look in on our honest and fair discussions without feeling the need to defend what he probably sees as the honor of his company in person any time he reads something he doesn’t like.

I have no clue why his extra account would have been banned though. I wonder if that’s more nonsense.
Ok, I hope Nanjin has a ghost account here. That way he can look in on our honest and fair discussions without feeling the need to defend what he probably sees as the honor of his company in person any time he reads something he doesn’t like.

I have no clue why his extra account would have been banned though. I wonder if that’s more nonsense.
Or he posted under that account, acting like a customer? Don't know the reason for the ban.
People are probably annoyed that this topic keeps rearing it’s head every few weeks or months, but sometimes I just get pi$$ed. I get that way when I feel like members of this family are getting treated unfairly.

And as I’m typing this I’m hit with the memory that at least one comment on this thread suggested that all those members who somehow offended Nanjin delete their accounts to entice him to return. That might get us closer to determining who our sellouts are. @Johnny Utah

Do what you have to, Snoop…
To quote the great Phillip Seymour Hoffman in The Ides of March:

'There's one thing I value most in this world and it's loyalty. And without it, you have nothing, and you are no one.'

Nothing is worse than feeling betrayed, and seeing someone who is a board member speak like that about the board just irked me and had to speak up on Nanjin's page.
Wait so am I understanding that the poster on Bookface is saying Nanjin got an alternate account banned on here or his Nanjin account? If it is his Nanjin account I wonder if it is similar to the issues Asmus is having right now. I believe there is a new rule that you have to be a premium sponsor in order to promote your product on the forum. I could be 100% but that is what it sounded like in the Asmus thread and according to Asmus their posts that mentioned product were deleted.

Outside of something like that I can’t think of anything he could have posted that could have gotten him banned.
Wait so am I understanding that the poster on Bookface is saying Nanjin got an alternate account banned on here or his Nanjin account? If it is his Nanjin account I wonder if it is similar to the issues Asmus is having right now. I believe there is a new rule that you have to be a premium sponsor in order to promote your product on the forum. I could be 100% but that is what it sounded like in the Asmus thread and according to Asmus their posts that mentioned product were deleted.

Outside of something like that I can’t think of anything he could have posted that could have gotten him banned.
Alternative account banned. The "Nanjin" account is untouched.
Too much drama, lol.
If Nanjin doesn't want to post here anymore, okay. Most people were really polite. Some were a bit pushy and would get on my nerves, too.
As long as I keep getting figures at about triple the pace (at least) of companies like Hot Toys, I'm a happy camper. I love every Trek series, so each figure is a wonderful addition to the collection.
Here's my question. Do we even have proof of an alternate account? For all we know that guy is making stuff up to stir up drama on his FB page.

I'm not pointing fingers here, but there have been some comments that can be viewed as people telling him how to run his company. Ones that come specifically to mind are ones saying he shouldn't be making X series/character before Y series/character because Y is way more popular, and X is horrible, and no one likes it.

I get a feeling he's going to be cutting ties on FB too, it's reaching epic troll levels there.
Here's my question. Do we even have proof of an alternate account? For all we know that guy is making stuff up to stir up drama on his FB page.

I'm not pointing fingers here, but there have been some comments that can be viewed as people telling him how to run his company. Ones that come specifically to mind are ones saying he shouldn't be making X series/character before Y series/character because Y is way more popular, and X is horrible, and no one likes it.

I get a feeling he's going to be cutting ties on FB too, it's reaching epic troll levels there.
How do you figure it’s reaching ‘epic troll levels’ on FB? 99.9% of his page comments are fan boys praising him. Very rarely get anything else.

Here was mainly constructive criticism which he asked for, and most seem to agree EXO-6 figures strike a great balance of quality vs price. I fail to see where the witch hunt and ‘driving him away’ comes from.

I’m loving the TMP figures and can’t wait to get TWOK but realistically know they’re not going to be perfect for a couple of hundred bucks, which is fine by me.
How do you figure it’s reaching ‘epic troll levels’ on FB? 99.9% of his page comments are fan boys praising him. Very rarely get anything else.

Here was mainly constructive criticism which he asked for, and most seem to agree EXO-6 figures strike a great balance of quality vs price. I fail to see where the witch hunt and ‘driving him away’ comes from.

I’m loving the TMP figures and can’t wait to get TWOK but realistically know they’re not going to be perfect for a couple of hundred bucks, which is fine by me.
I've seen several "fans" just rail into Nanjin for being a crook, that he's doomed to fail, and that he is a liar. There are also like the post that is currently being discussed that is made just to stir up drama. That post had nothing to do with what Nanjin posted, and its intent is clear to see. OR the guy who posted on the Quark post that he needs to stop wasting time with DS9 because it was a inferior show to TNG, and then proceeded to troll everyone who said something.

I agree that most comments here were constructive criticism, but we all know there are also the bad apples that ruin it for everyone. Plus some constructive criticism could of been worded better. As someone who often types something that is taken in a way I did not intend I can relate.

You, like I have realistic expectations, there are many loud Trek fans out there that do not. You should see the coals the recent TMP 4k Director's cut got for minor picture errors that lasted seconds. Let alone those that feel paying 200 plus for a action figure is gouging the fanbase (see my earlier crook comment). This isn't a accusation about the people here or the forum in general, I wouldn't keep posting here if I thought everyone here was a bad egg, but I do feel that the entitlement that fans have across all fandoms is negatively affecting people who create our collectibles. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Nanjin goes radio silence on us soon.
I've seen several "fans" just rail into Nanjin for being a crook, that he's doomed to fail, and that he is a liar. There are also like the post that is currently being discussed that is made just to stir up drama. That post had nothing to do with what Nanjin posted, and its intent is clear to see. OR the guy who posted on the Quark post that he needs to stop wasting time with DS9 because it was a inferior show to TNG, and then proceeded to troll everyone who said something.

I agree that most comments here were constructive criticism, but we all know there are also the bad apples that ruin it for everyone. Plus some constructive criticism could of been worded better. As someone who often types something that is taken in a way I did not intend I can relate.

You, like I have realistic expectations, there are many loud Trek fans out there that do not. You should see the coals the recent TMP 4k Director's cut got for minor picture errors that lasted seconds. Let alone those that feel paying 200 plus for an action figure is gouging the fanbase (see my earlier crook comment). This isn't a accusation about the people here or the forum in general, I wouldn't keep posting here if I thought everyone here was a bad egg, but I do feel that the entitlement that fans have across all fandoms is negatively affecting people who create our collectibles. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Nanjin goes radio silence on us soon.
Even though we disagree, to a point, this is a constructive discussion without name calling. A few people can’t do that without it getting nasty. But that’s my very point - I only see a few negative comments on FB. Not saying zero, but the vast majority praise everything which is also no good for a company supplying a picky fan base. Listen to constructive criticism, ignore rude people, move on. Nanjin can’t ignore them, so I agree that FB is not a good place for him to interact with Trek fans.

When I drive to my office, I always seem to get stuck behind bad drivers. But it’s misleading. Statistics is like that. 99% of drivers on my journey drive past unnoticed. The bad ones stand out. FB is no different.

I also don’t agree the post was made to stir up drama. Nanjin mentioned the forum and how he was driven away, yet he was here every day under an alt account. Playing the victim, IMO.

Anyway, I’m out on this subject. Give me TWOK!
I also don’t agree the post was made to stir up drama. Nanjin mentioned the forum and how he was driven away, yet he was here every day under an alt account. Playing the victim, IMO.

Totally agree alot of this is perception. And also agree nothing but praise can ruin a project.

I would like to circle back to what I quoted above. Do we know for a fact he has a alt account that was banned? All I see is the accusation which makes me think it's just someone stirring up unfounded drama. If he does in fact have one, then that changes the context for me.

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