DST Monsters next wave

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you should be able to tell how old i am from my username and i already said why i didn't like sideshow's UM dolls...

but that's irrelevant.

what i was saying is that we should be able to freely talk about these toys without you or or anyone else killing the discussion with something negative EVERY time someone posts on these threads.

you hinder the conversation, you discourage people from posting and it's an annoyingly negative attitude.

i think you both made your points over and over and over again, there's no reason to outright kill the thread just because you are disappointed in the line.

I started the friggin' thread....INITIATING THE CONVERSATION but according to you, oh wise enlightened sage, I HINDER THE CONVERSATION??! You're coming across as a seriously snotty ass. Are you? If you cannot tolerate it that there are differing opinions on these figures, and not every one just falls to the ground and worships a product simply because you're in love with---you need to be on meds. I HAD VERY HIGH HOPES FOR THESE FIGURES. But they are coming up short.

I'm not the only one disappointed in DST's cheap skate tactics on this line. One of the sculptors for the line is kinda peeved about the Creatures head warping/elongation and the inability of DST to allow for the deluxe mummy to have a wrapped set of legs,etc because of the "cost" associated with sculpting a wrapped set of legs. But because you like them---you want all differing or dissenting opinions silenced? If there is a differing opinion that doesnt match yours, then it hinders the conversation. What's the conversation: a mutual admiration society? No one who dares speak against the Deity of DST allowed?

Even the people who are buying these pretty much know they arent very good---they are buying them out of brand loyalty. Except perhaps for yourself. Maybe you feel they are perfect. Good for you. I hate them. Its infuriating that fellas like you will be die hard supporters of a line thats inferior. Thats exactly what DST is banking on. That we will be so desperate for new monsters products we will simply buy anything. And how the heck is anyone supposed to know what your user name means? Because you put a 79 in it? That could be your lucky number, your IQ, your granny's age, etc. If you dont want to hear anything other than "happy thoughts" on a topic and cannot tolerate differing points of view...learn to hit the ignore button.

The line is quickly turning into a disaster. If you did a little homework (but be warned---it involves people who might come across as negative) you'd see some of the dissenting issues. More proof of this is now DST feels that there are going to be licensing issues with their not yet released Phantom of the Opera. It was no longer on display at their booth at New York Comic con, despite being on display at the last Toy Fair. The only issue could be if they dont want to pay Ron Chaney a license fee to do the figure with an accurate likeness. That equates to cheap. And thats what they are making....cheap toys that are not just beneath Sideshow or NECA standards...but even beneath their own standards. They are just as expensive or higher than the Marvel heroes they do. But the Marvel heroes are cleanly done and look like who they're supposed to. The Monsters...not. Dracula looks like a body builder. I will stand by my assertion that they are sub par. You keep singing their praises. :peace:nana::lecture:stick:horse

The line is quickly turning into a disaster. If you did a little homework (but be warned---it involves people who might come across as negative) you'd see some of the dissenting issues. More proof of this is now DST feels that there are going to be licensing issues with their not yet released Phantom of the Opera. It was no longer on display at their booth at New York Comic con, despite being on display at the last Toy Fair. The only issue could be if they dont want to pay Ron Chaney a license fee to do the figure with an accurate likeness. That equates to cheap. And thats what they are making....cheap toys that are not just beneath Sideshow or NECA standards...but even beneath their own standards. They are just as expensive or higher than the Marvel heroes they do. But the Marvel heroes are cleanly done and look like who they're supposed to. The Monsters...not. Dracula looks like a body builder. I will stand by my assertion that they are sub par. You keep singing their praises. :peace:nana::lecture:stick:horse


They haven't paid for anybody's license yet. Neither The Monster nor Mummy have Karloff's likeness. The Mummy looks like Charlton Heston and the Monster looks like a retarded Vin Diesel. Drac couldn't possibly look less like Lagosi. The ____ing Wolfman looks more like Ron Pearlman than Chaney Jr. I HIGHLY doubt these cheap bastards would squeeze out even a penny for Chaney Sr., considering they won't even pay the price for brushes for their sweatshop painters.
Its killing me that these arent better. I want to support my childhood monsters...but I cannot pay out $15-20 per figure when they are rushing them, or just being cheap. I thoguht about buying or trading for a Frankenstein,just to put a 30 minute quick spray re-paint on it just to show my fellow freaks exactly how hurried these are and how much better they might look with just a little tlc. But I cant even bring myself to buy one even to do that. I never thought I would live to see the day when Toy Island's Dracula and Creature look better than a DST offering. But they do.:peace


I have to agree and as a retailer of DST products, i am as angry as every one else about the quality of these figures.I always expect a little difference between the product in Previews and the actual product but these are terrible.I just hope that the Munsters come out of the factory better painted.
I started the friggin' thread....INITIATING THE CONVERSATION but according to you, oh wise enlightened sage, I HINDER THE CONVERSATION??! You're coming across as a seriously snotty ass. Are you? If you cannot tolerate it that there are differing opinions on these figures, and not every one just falls to the ground and worships a product simply because you're in love with---you need to be on meds.

of course i know you started the thread you ******. i'm not a moron. & once again, you are missing the whole point so screw it.
of course i know you started the thread you ******. i'm not a moron. & once again, you are missing the whole point so screw it.

You have a retailer agreeing with the folks who are dissatisfied with the quality of these right above you. I am a former retailer who knows shoddy work when he sees it. Especially since I can paint these figures better than what we are being given with both of my eyes gouged from my sockets.. When I initiated this thread your immediate response was an abrasive "pick a fight" tone because I didnt like wave 1 enough to support the line. Go back and read it. Its great you are excited about the crappy over priced figures. Spend your allowance on them all you like. They still are poor quality, rushed and sub par. Even the die hard folks who will buy anything Universal Monsters are weighing in with "They arent too bad, they're ok." No one seems to be raving with excitement over them but you. So enjoy them. But those of us who have graduated to big boy pants realize they are inferior to other products released by the selfsame company. They are even inferior when compared to some products released decades ago. :cuckoo:
I will say this--and this is me trying to be really nice here: The sarcophagus on the Mummy is nice, and the Julia Adams figure/base would be awesome with a Sideshow Creechie on it. But thats all I can muster. Sorry.:monkey3
I will say this--and this is me trying to be really nice here: The sarcophagus on the Mummy is nice, and the Julia Adams figure/base would be awesome with a Sideshow Creechie on it. But thats all I can muster. Sorry.:monkey3

:rotfl And I thought they were gonna mess up the sculpt/paintjob on Julia...and wouldn't you know, she turned out better than all the Monsters combined... :rotfl
:rotfl And I thought they were gonna mess up the sculpt/paintjob on Julia...and wouldn't you know, she turned out better than all the Monsters combined... :rotfl

I know....and human figures are harder to get "right" than Monsters. Especially human females. They have to be smooth and blemish free. I really hope they dont screw that Phantom at the organ up. I was actually gonna buy that one.:pray:
Just out of curiosity ~ Does anyone remember Sideshow's 8 inch Monster line falling apart like these. Seems to me on wave 1 there were some joint pinning issues. I gave my loose set to my brother ages ago, and only have a carded set now. Thanks.:peace
yeah... I remember... arms and fore arms, legs and knees falling off willy nilly...

Still, some great sculpts for that scale.
I still hate the crappy paints, and the fact that Dracula resembles Dwayne Johnson. But since they are now going to do characters that Sideshow didnt do (like the forthcoming Mr. Hyde from Abbot and Costello meet Mr. Hyde), I am going to have to hold my nose and support this line. Hoping we will continue to get figures that havent been made in this scale yet as the end result of such.

You know you are an addict when you choose to buy figures you think are sub par...I probably need an intervention.:slap. I blame it all on that dang Hyde.:monkey2:lol
Total intervention needed dude! :goodpost:

I had one when McFarlane released Don Corleone, I only own Frankenstein and the Mummy which I don't mind but I can see your point as for breakage mine is on a shelf as display I don't want articulation to *pose* it denounces frustrated childhood in my eyes. :dunno
Total intervention needed dude! :goodpost:

I had one when McFarlane released Don Corleone, I only own Frankenstein and the Mummy which I don't mind but I can see your point as for breakage mine is on a shelf as display I don't want articulation to *pose* it denounces frustrated childhood in my eyes. :dunno

I will prolly leave whatever I buy carded. Except Hyde. I am gonna buy a couple of those.:horror:lol