Dragon Star Trek TNG pictures

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 15, 2008
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I found the following while checking out Toy World forum:







Here are links to the original threads:

To me, the only one that look's decent is Data.
I agree with Data looking the best of them but, i think this is a line Sideshow would had done way better then DID..those sculpts are eewww and the boots look like a step back for being a DID product.

Ok, not DID..DID make good boots..its Dragon! so its cheap rubber boots, I think Worf looks..ok.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="https://toysplenty.com/wordpressblog/?tracker=4075" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>I agree with Data looking the best of them but, i think this is a line Sideshow would had done way better then DID..those sculpts are eewww and the boots look like a step back for being a DID product.

Ok, not DID..DID make good boots..its Dragon! so its cheap rubber boots, I think Worf looks..ok.

You can easily see the resemblance, they do look ok though.
Picard in the first pic looks like he is asking if someone has seen hi beachball...its this big! :D
These are official from Dragon (aka DML). Data looks great, although the outfit is a bit baggy. Picard is posed awkwardly and seems to have a wonky eye, but the sculpt looks great. Worf seems to be a generic Klingon though.
I can totally see Michael Dorn's likeness there in the Worf figure but, i think these are way over priced..with DML i just buy their WW2 as even now, most of them can be had for dirt cheap.

On a side note, why couldn't female uniforms on TNG look like this? :D

Excellent Kitbash fodder and whilst your waiting for the parts to come in theyd still look good on the shelves anyway ! Data looks great cause he isnt supposed to be human he looks like a moving doll anyhow.

I bet with a repaint on that Picard sculpt you wouldnt be far wrong

If they brought out a Klingon in a Klingons uniform with a sculpt that looked like worf, then id buy the one above and swap the heads out
Picard and data look pretty good, if they're in the $40-$50 range. I'd definitely get Picard.

If Dragon is really going to try and sell these at $100+ though... well, good luck with that.
The more I look at them the worse they look. That Worf is terrible. It makes the old Playmates look like Hot Toys in comparison.
Nice, but not $140 nice? Hard to say till we see production figures (are these production), might be tempted by Data though.

But who on Darwin's earth posed those things, cheez, how to make your product look like crap 101!
Dragon makes garbage in today's standard. $140 for a licenses crappy figure doesn't make sense even for the most hardcore Trekkie. That's $100 more than they are worth.
Sculpts are ok, uniforms are baggy and ill-fitting.
No way these are worth 140 bucks.

:lecture Absolutely agreed. Those baggy sleeves look awful, as do the boots. And Worf's sash looks horribly cheap.

Data's sculpt is great, Picard's is passable, but Worf's doesn't look much like Michael Dorn. I think I'll be skipping this line entirely unless they do a Klingon in full warrior armor...THAT'D be hard to resist.