Dr. Who busts from Titan

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Amy is pretty good, if a bit shiny. Certainly has captured the likeness, although the hair sculpt isn't perfect.
Sad about these good solid sculpts & the clothes are well painted, but its the skin that ruins it. Too glossy & Amy's eyes are off (which can totally distract from even the best statue if it has poor eye app). I'd have to see one in person before buying it
Damn. Can't say I'm very impressed to be honest. I had heard word about what to expect, but I hadn't seen pics myself until now.

I wasn't going to get into the Who line of busts anyway, because even the prototypes lacked consistency across the various Doctors and companions thatw ere shown, sculpt wise (at least in my opinion), but I was really looking forward to their Cushing and Lee Hammer Horror busts. However with production paint jobs like that I don't know if I'll even bother with those now...

I mean they're by no means the worst I've seen or anything, but I just find them to be just completely underwhelming. Thanks for sharing with the pics though. :)
Doctor Who busts are out

Titan's Doctor Who busts are starting to appear i just had the Doctor and Captain Jack into stock.I know a few people have been waiting a long time for these.Sorry i could not take them out fully but they are very well packed and also wired into the box.


Got Jack bust today and I'm not really happy with it. It was part of the Australian release last month so maybe its same faulty release as Amy, but the paintjob was far below average.

Compared to some other busts I have, which cost me even less, this one is very disappointing.

He seem to have a very uneven yellow-ish wash, resulting with few yellow smuges on his forehead and right cheek, and on his right hand.

On top of that there are few yellow stains on his coat.

Did anybody else noticed those on their bust? Is it normal?

I've contacted the seller to see how I can arrange a replacement so hope the other one won't be as bad.
Has anyone had a decent paint job of the Dr or Amy yet? Someone on Forbidden Planet site reviewed to Dr & gave it the thumbs up for the sculpt & paint job.
I'm still in two minds about colecting these maxibusts. I love the Cushing & Lee Hammer Horror ones too. The Trek one's are also show potential. Shame to have such nice sculpts ruined by bad paint work
Has anyone on here had a reply from Titan regarding general queries about this line? I sent a couple of emails a while back & heard nothing? I'd of thought with the economy the way it is & people cutting back on unnecessary purchases, manufactorers would be a bit more responsive to their customers/or potential customers?
I got my Amy for a while now and I have to say I'm impressed. Not nearly as ugly as seen before.
Has anyone on here had a reply from Titan regarding general queries about this line? I sent a couple of emails a while back & heard nothing? I'd of thought with the economy the way it is & people cutting back on unnecessary purchases, manufactorers would be a bit more responsive to their customers/or potential customers?

what kind of questions are you asking?

these things are awful by the way. Much worse than most busts I own.
what kind of questions are you asking?

these things are awful by the way. Much worse than most busts I own.

Do you own these?

IMO they are equal to GG at least - I'm very happy with them.

As for a manufacturer not responding to general inquiries - that's the rule - most will not answer non-customer service related questions.
Nope, glad to say I don't. The skin tone especially is bad compared to the GG SW ones I own. Even my Firefly Malcolm Reynolds from Razors Edge blows these out of the water.
what kind of questions are you asking?

these things are awful by the way. Much worse than most busts I own.

I was asking Titan about if they planned to improve the paint quality of the next wave of Amy Pond maxibust, as I've seen quite a few on various forums with really poor paint apps. Their Van Helsing & Dracula bust sculpts look great but I hope they aren't spoilt by poor paint work.
Which busts do you have ProgMatinee?
I took the plunge on these!
I like the 11th Doctor Maxi-Bust a lot, for the most part. I really enjoy how dynamic these busts are. I'm not much of a statues guy, but I think these have a lot of personality, which is important in this kind of piece. I like the pose a lot.

I think I my biggest complaint is that this bust and the 3rd Doctor Maxi-Bust (which is brilliant) almost look like they could have come from different companies. The eyes on this are more cartoonish, and the face sculpt seems a bit too smooth. The skin tone is also very different. Overall, I like this piece MUCH better in person than in the online pics I'd seen, though. I think if the 3rd Doctor is any indication these will just get stronger.

One thing though - I noticed there was no felt on the bottom of this one and there was on the 3rd Doctor. I wonder if this is a mistake or just a running change they made.





Though the 11th Doctor has issues, I think the 3rd Doctor is a home run! He's VERY heavy and substantial, and I just think it captures the feel of the Doctor so well. I love the pose, and the paint is really top notch. I hope future ones are of this quality!




And a pic of the two together. I think you can kind of see how they seem a bit like different styles in a weird way. I think they'll look fine once more Doctor's join the line.

When i spoke to Titan earlier in the year they did say that they were trying to address paint problems with there factory. I think this may be the reason why these busts are constantly being canceled and then re-solicited at a later date.I saw all there prototypes in person and the Star Trek busts looked great.I was very impressed with the Tom Baker Who sculpt,and they also had a line of resin Daleks they were working on.
That's great to hear. I feel like you see a real improvement just between these two. I hope they can go back to 11 some day - maybe in his green coat. But I'm pretty happy with this guy, he just lets down the nice sculpt somewhat. Right now the schedule is totally confusing on these. It looks like we're getting a lot in October, and then it's well into the middle of next year before any more are coming.