Does Disney own Indiana Jones now as well?

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Super Freak
Nov 4, 2010
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The articles are all obviously concentrating on Star Wars right now.

But could this mean more Indy movies as well?

Could they run it like the James Bond franchise and have a different actor take over every decade or so?!
Not necessarily. I think the official statement said something to the effect that rights to Indy are tied up with Paramount and the fine print hasn't been examined with regards to Indy just yet.
just found this on the conference call notes:

8:07 am
Q. What was going on in George Lucas' head that made him sell out now? And are there any exit fees you have to pay / constractural stuff to fee Indiana Jones from Paramount?

A. We didn't ascribe any value to Indiana Jones as part of the valuation of this deal. We like it, but because of the Paramount connection we haven't included it in our valuations of Lucasfilm

A. We're not going to put answers in George's mouth. It's his intent to retire though.

So at the moment its definitely Star Wars directly in their sites.
Indy is an afterthought they're not focusing on at present.
According to the NY Daily News

"The Walt Disney Co. announced the blockbuster agreement to make the purchase in cash and stock Tuesday. The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise."
Interesting, but I agree that Indy is an afterthought. Disney's main focus will be SW, and all SW, because that's the moneymaker and the franchise they obviously can best market to kids.

I wonder how this will affect Sideshow's Indy license.
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Regardless.. Star Wars or IJ with Disney driving the project will be a huge improvement over Lucas... he's just delusional..
Interesting, but I agree that Indy is an afterthought. Disney's main focus will be SW, and all SW, because that's the moneymaker and the franchise they obviously can best market to kids.

I wonder how this will affect Sideshow's Indy license.

Since Sideshow's licenses for Marvel, Star Wars and Disney haven't been affected we can probably assume that this will stay true for the Jones licnese too.
They own the rights to INDY (including merchandising) but they can't make any new films (or even release the existing films) without a deal with Paramount, who owns distribution rights to RAIDERS/INDY in perpetuity.

Incidentally, this is also the case with SW: A NEW HOPE and 20th Century Fox.
Interesting, but I agree that Indy is an afterthought. Disney's main focus will be SW, and all SW, because that's the moneymaker and the franchise they obviously can best market to kids.

I wonder how this will affect Sideshow's Indy license.

While this might only be a small percentage, I'd assume at the very least this will increase the profitability of the Indy merchandise in DL and DHS since they now own the rights.

I have zero idea about the existing situation, but if they were licensing Indy's name and likeness for the ride and stunt show, that expense might come off the books, as well. Although again, that's a guess as to the situation.