DC DIRECT: Batman (Justice) 1:6 Scale Deluxe Collector figure

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Mine is due on Monday. I'm wondering if the head is removable. If so, I might consider transplanting the head from my Alex Ross Bats custom. The head on mine could really use a repaint though.

It took a little while for me to remember how to post pictures here, and these aren't the greatest shot but it's a start.
Hope other, better, photographers post their pix in this thread.




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Mine will arrive next Friday. The head looks big. I wonder how hard it would be to take this figure apart, since at one point, these components were separate afterall? Like with my Kingdom Come Supes, beefing up the torso and thighs are in order, as well as making the calves smaller to make it closer to the proportions of the Alex Ross study sketches. With Superman, I had to dremel cut the back seams of the boots to remove them and I hope that Bat's boots aren't truly solid as they seem.
Mine will arrive next Friday. The head looks big. I wonder how hard it would be to take this figure apart, since at one point, these components were separate afterall? Like with my Kingdom Come Supes, beefing up the torso and thighs are in order, as well as making the calves smaller to make it closer to the proportions of the Alex Ross study sketches. With Superman, I had to dremel cut the back seams of the boots to remove them and I hope that Bat's boots aren't truly solid as they seem.

Just saw the boxed figure at a San Francisco toy/comic store. The head doesn't look big at all and the figure overall looks very very nice. I guess it's the camera angle esp. when taking a static photo. The legs/boots look in proportion IMO, but still big when comparing it to the Ross artwork. Can't wait to get mine this Friday!
i really want this fig.I'm going to try to pick one up as I'm a huge Ross fan.I really hope DC at least does the big 7 in this style,but I'd like to see characters like Hawkman and Green Arrow,too.As for villains,I think a Ross Joker would more than make up for that horse faced monstrosity they previously released.
i really want this fig.I'm going to try to pick one up as I'm a huge Ross fan.I really hope DC at least does the big 7 in this style,but I'd like to see characters like Hawkman and Green Arrow,too.As for villains,I think a Ross Joker would more than make up for that horse faced monstrosity they previously released.

I kinda liked their comic book Joker (aside from the crazy wall eye thing going on).

It's the Wonder Women figure they did that was really hideous.
I'd love to see them redo her in the Ross style.

A couple of more pix:

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33233581@N05/5365404120/" title="IMG_2566 by ursus3978, on Flickr"><img src="https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5161/5365404120_8acbba2957_b.jpg" width="768" height="1024" alt="IMG_2566" /></a>

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33233581@N05/5365404224/" title="IMG_2572 by ursus3978, on Flickr"><img src="https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5004/5365404224_c4ec01c034_b.jpg" width="768" height="1024" alt="IMG_2572" /></a>
The cape is thin vinyl and their is enough room underneath the bottom of the hard plastic cowl so that the cape can be folded back under it, allowing you to have different lengths of the cape visible from the front. It'll allow for a "smoother" line of the cape above the bat symbol like in my pictures in the post above.

i really want this fig.I'm going to try to pick one up as I'm a huge Ross fan.I really hope DC at least does the big 7 in this style,but I'd like to see characters like Hawkman and Green Arrow,too.As for villains,I think a Ross Joker would more than make up for that horse faced monstrosity they previously released.

agreed with this entire post! i think I'm going to pic this guy up and KC Sups.

It's the Wonder Women figure they did that was really hideous.
I'd love to see them redo her in the Ross style.

YES! WW really didn't come out too well. DCD just needs to produce more Ross styled figures for awhile. I bet their sales would most likely increase from it, plus we'd be getting some great new figures!

Great Pics btw Ray! :rock
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She's really not that bad a figure. The paint apps need help, and I'm going to cut the clear bustier straps off. If her top slips down, I'll use some strategic glue dots.

She's really not that bad a figure. The paint apps need help, and I'm going to cut the clear bustier straps off. If her top slips down, I'll use some strategic glue dots.


looks great! the new paint really helped it out!

could I bother you for a front view pic?

and yes those straps are another thing that bothered me about this figure. but you've seemed to be fixing it
Gipetto0812, I posted the front view in the general DCD 13" thread, so as not to hijack this discussion of the Ross Batman.