Darkness PF!!

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I'm pretty sure mine just shipped. Got a shipping notice for 25 lbs and should be here on the 30th. I'll confirm once I get me invoice.
You really shouldn't have Valer Al. I was hoping for a bigger rock, but I guess I can accept this. After all, to even buy such a nice ring on a Wal Mart paycheck is pretty sweet! Kidding bud!

Congratulations Vader Al! I wish all the best of luck in your future endeavors which I sure will be a great future with your future wife to be! :chew
You really shouldn't have Valer Al. I was hoping for a bigger rock, but I guess I can accept this. After all, to even buy such a nice ring on a Wal Mart paycheck is pretty sweet! Kidding bud!

Congratulations Vader Al! I wish all the best of luck in your future endeavors which I sure will be a great future with your future wife to be! :chew

ha, ha....Thanks you s.o.b. :)

i gave up an LCD big screen and many, many SW PF's for that. it will be worth it though.
ha, ha....Thanks you s.o.b. :)

i gave up an LCD big screen and many, many SW PF's for that. it will be worth it though.

Good thing I said that about Valer Al or else you would have given me hell Vader Al. Hey, that rhymes! And goodness gracious.. great balls of fire! Copy paste: "best of luck in your future endeavors which I sure will be a great future with your future wife to be." Copy paste ended. That's some bad grammar on my part. Probably was a good thing and what most likely saved myself from getting my face pummeled in by you. Of course, you also don't know where I live. Unless that ring's for me, along with the Vader (THE TOY, NOT YOU!) *teehee* then here you go... I live...

Honestly, despite being kicked to the curb, and then curb stomped repeatedly by the last few women in my life (hohum), I still believe in love. If it's true, then no LCD big screen or any number of PFs could compare to what being in love is!!!

Let us know how she takes the news!!!

But alas, that still doesn't answer my question, when are we getting the next notice that Darkness is shipping? Wahhh!!!
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Darkness will be neat no doubt about that and I can't wait to get mine but I don't think he will be the grail most claim him to be. Legend is just not that popular and the ES isn't all that small. Plus the exclusive item you can live without.
Finally figured out why Bob sent me a shipping notice for the next few days and why a person on statueforums.com has received their notice that it has already shipped out. It's the regular versions. Like the Emmas, they are shipping out before the exclusives!

For for the 53 bucks I saved by not getting the ex this is excellent news!

Besides, I ain't paying a whole 1:6 SideShow figure to get some measily unicorn horn.
I canceled my exclusive a while back, having decided that it was him or the Speeder Bike.

But I've had second thoughts and, a couple of days ago, I put myself on the Wait List.

I just got an e-mail saying that it's converted already.

Could it be that all of the hype for this figure is just hype? :confused: I've looked at the completed listings on eBay, and the exclusive is selling for bupkus. :(
Could be hype.....but personally I didn't order this in hopes that it would be the next grail or that I would rake in the profits if I decided to sell. I ordered it because I love the movie and the Lord of Darkness is one of the most memorable characters from my childhood. So for those reasons I'm buying and it looks like a damn great figure. My favorites seem to never be worth all that much. My favorite comiquette is the old Western Ghost Rider than you can now get for a little over a hundred on ebay. Even though it's dropped in price, I'm still glad I have one because I think it's beautiful. (though I wish I would have bought it at this lower price rather than retail...but oh well. :) )
No hype here I order for the love of the character. I WILL NOT cacenlled. PERIOD. I knew from a long time ago that many would order just to flip.

Either way, I will have one and that all that reall matters to me:rock

Honestly it's being canceled because people wanted to order it just for the hype. Also, it's a bloody statue of pretty much what looks like a devil. I really think that has some people against purchasing this. I should be..I had nightmares of the devil. hehe

Heck, I even had thoughts of canceling this item.

Actually thinking about it perhaps I should have and reordered him when he goes for 25-50 percent off. hehe
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No one has Actalluy been to hell and come back to tell the taler, I would like to met someone whot actually think thats whats a :devoil" looks like.
No one has Actalluy been to hell and come back to tell the taler, I would like to met someone whot actually think thats whats a :devoil" looks like.

That is why I said it looks like "a devil" and not "the devil." The design is based on the interpretation or view of what the devil looks like. The big horns. Red skin...wait, the Chicago Bulls logo is the devil!!!

Some people play that card, I can't own anything that represents the devil. We live in a nutty religious world, and a lot of them in these neck of the woods are Christian. hehe

Seriously a lot of people won't buy this because of what it is and what they (not you or I) believe it represents... all evil incarnate and blah blah blah.
I'm a fairly devout Catholic and I'll have no problem displaying Mr. Darkness when he arrives. :monkey3 The GF is Catholic too and she probably thinks it's even cooler than I do! :p

That said, both mothers are extremely devout so when they visit we'd no doubt have some explaining to do. Maybe I'll just have him displayed with my Saint Michael statue when they come over. :lol

Of course, the fact of the matter is that he's just a very well-designed character from a movie... and that's pretty much what most of us here collect in this hobby of ours. I have to think that the majority of those who are getting this statue are doing so because it simply looks amazing... and not because they plan on performing human sacrifices in front on it. :monkey1
Really looking forward to this one ! Especially since the bust is so damn expensive !