Congratulations Booyah & Nessasita - first SSF baby!

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A mighty congratulations to you both.

Now you have legitimate excuse to buy toys!!

And most importantly you will realize just how much you can love something.
Thanks for all the sweet wishes. :D

Even though I hardly get any sleep and it seems like he wants to eat all the time, he is the cutest darth critter ever. We truly are blessed and cannot wait to grow with him every single day.

I am getting better every day but I do not want to take my painkillers because they make me too loopy.
very cute ...... enjoy the ride .... Im only a few blocks ahead of you .... :D
Kongrats Nessa and Booyah!!! :woo :woo Your son looks absolutely beautiful. I wish you all the very best as you embark on this new chapter in your life. :D
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'm back at work now, but count the seconds everyday when I can go home to hold him. :joy
OMG this child is really Darth Critter and from the dark side. He sleeps during the day and is up every hour during the night. I am sooooooooo exhausted and last night he was really not in a sleepy mood and fussy that I was ready to put him up for adoption. Sleep deprived of course. Now he is asleep, I am doing work from home so I can not sleep when he is sleeping. I am counting the days that he will sleep longer.

But other than that I love him to death. In two weeks time he has almost grown an inch so he is now 22 3/4 inches long and 11.4 pounds. He is not fat but just big big big. No wonder he is always hungry. I feel like a pacifier. Ugh.

I have attached a little smile I was able to get on the picture and yes that picture has him with open eyes so it was taken at night. Arghhhhhhhh.
OMG this child is really Darth Critter and from the dark side. He sleeps during the day and is up every hour during the night. I am sooooooooo exhausted and last night he was really not in a sleepy mood and fussy that I was ready to put him up for adoption. Sleep deprived of course. Now he is asleep, I am doing work from home so I can not sleep when he is sleeping. I am counting the days that he will sleep longer.

But other than that I love him to death. In two weeks time he has almost grown an inch so he is now 22 3/4 inches long and 11.4 pounds. He is not fat but just big big big. No wonder he is always hungry. I feel like a pacifier. Ugh.

I have attached a little smile I was able to get on the picture and yes that picture has him with open eyes so it was taken at night. Arghhhhhhhh.

Here are two really good books to help you become a 'sleep nazi' - which is actually really important. Babies are almost like dogs, if you give them an inch, they will take that inch and stretch it into a mile... meaning they notice if you run in to comfort them at the tiniest little fuss, and they will continue that until you are exhausted and they are running the house:

On Becoming Baby Wise

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Anyway, it takes a while, about 7-9 weeks usually, but all of my friends who have used these as guides, combined with a healthy dose of Dr. Spock, have gotten their infants to sleep through the night by 2 months of age, with relatively little fussing/crying. I have babysat weekends for one of them who is now 15 months old and has gone down at night without a peep since about 6 months old, with some really minor fussing before that age... maybe 5 mins at the most before self-soothing himself to sleep. (she didn't use these books with her first child, who STILL has nighttime sleep problems at 5 years old... with that first one, she immediately soothed, didn't let her cry, and co-slept for a while)

Can't wait to see if it works with preemies too - only a few more weeks! :)

P.S. He's such an adorable chunky monkey! Congrats again!
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His first visit to Toys R Us.....

It's amazing how so many things become "for Nathan when he's older" wink, wink.

Here another update on Darth Critter. OMG he is a giant. We went to the pediatrician today and he is now 5 weeks old. He is 13 pounds 8.5 oz and 23.5 inches long. He is in the 95 percentile with his length but with weight he is off the charts. And he is not fat at all... just sooooooooooo big. She said he is like a 4 month old. I cannot believe it. He eats like crazy. Still does not sleep through the night but at least now I can sleep 3 hours at a time. Here are some more pictures. :D

He loves to hang like in the pictures and falls asleep like that. Fun for him. Serious workout for mommy and daddy
heavy weight babies :lol:lol dress him up as a sailor when he starts to get chubby, it looks really funny.
I'm right there with you on big babies..

My boy has been off the chart in height and weight since he was born.. He is now 21 months old and wears clothes made for 4 year olds.. Not fat or over weight, just big and solid.

He also eats more than me, and I'm a 6'4 215 pounder.. Amazing..