Christopher Tolkien wants to stop The Hobbit

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I think that Christopher will go to his grave never having seen the films.

I don't think Christopher Tolkien will live too see these films finished
Nor to see his kids sell the rights to Silmarillion the day after his funeral, lol.

Wouldn't that be great? Not the fact that he dies (obviously) if his children sold the rights too the Silmarillion and a film was made :google:google:google
Nah im getting to far ahead of myself :lol
yay!!! more delays. that's a shocker.:rolleyes:

ps. tomandshell, i was watching temple of doom earlier today and when indy climbed up the bridge like in your sig i was seriously expecting him to whip out a can of coke. damn you free world marketing!!!

Hey, I watched Temple of Doom today too and thought the exact same thing when Indy climbed up the bridge - tomandshell's sig line. Damn this board is boring into my mind. :lol

On topic: Enough facts seem sketchy in that article that I wouldn't take too much stock in it (not that anyone seems to be). Tolkien may get a settlement, but I doubt the film will be halted.
Yeah i would be quite suprised if Tolkien Jr gets his wish although if he had an agreement with New Line then they should pay him the funds.They stuffed around with PJ long enough giving us fans some anxious moments.
The problem is that all of these things happen over a large spread of years and they mentioned that they want to cover a pretty singular and contained period of time during Film Two, not sixty years.

Yeah and when they've done that one story MGM knows they can go back and make more from the other storylines! 'Think of the franchise!' :sick
I hope this can be resolved without having any effects on the Hobbit. We've waited all this time already and any more delays are just ridiculous. Christopher Tolkien is a disgruntled old man who needs to quit being stubborn and let PJ do his thing.
His way of thinking may be different from fans who want this movie made, including mine, but if not for him we very likely would not even be talking about the Silmarillion and the other great books he helped get published. He may be just an "old dude" to some people, but let's at least give the man a little of the respect he justly deserves.
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good luck chris, you'll need it. unless these claims are backed in writing, he doesn't have a snowball's chance.
This one part has been talked about on other places on the net. It's an interesting sentence (ie: carpenters are due to begin work) considering a script isn't anywhere near being done.

Keep in mind that they started building up the Shire about a year before filming on "The Fellowship of the Ring" started there. They planted the foilage and crops early enough to look real, which it certainly did.
Chris Tolkien really needs to check himself.

OOOOoooo yet again one more GREAT post....What the helll does that mean??:rolleyes::monkey4

Bottom line here it is yet coming down to money and in a way I dont blame CT for trying to get what his family or him is due, I mean come on now its not like New Line is short on money.......Sad that it dos indeed come to this, yet again....
Bottom line here it is yet coming down to money and in a way I dont blame CT for trying to get what his family or him is due, I mean come on now its not like New Line is short on money.......Sad that it dos indeed come to this, yet again....

I don't remember too many objections when PJ and Co were trying to get paid.

While I think halting the project might be a bit of a reach, CT does deserve the royalties owed his family/estate -- assuming his claim is valid.
The deal JRR Tolkien got when he sold the film rights was 7.5% of the gross once a certain income threshold had been crossed. That was defined as expenses times 2.6.
In other words. lets say that expenses on the films were 500 million dollars. Once they took in 2.6 times that amount, or $1 billion 300 million dollars, then Tolkien was owed 7.5% of the gross from dollar one. Seeing that this films took in some $3 billion at the box office plus another billion from other rights, that is a great deal of money.
The problem is the usual one. There was no clear and agreed upon definition of terms that both sides adhered to. What is income? What are expenses? Its just not clear.
New LIne tried to cheat nearly everyone out of money in the deal so it would not surprise me to find out the Tolkien Estate was in that same line.
His way of thinking may be different from fans who want this movie made, including mine, but if not him we very likely would not even be talking about the Silmarillion and the other great books he helped get published. He may be just an "old dude" to some people, but let's at least give the man a little of the respect he justly deserves.

Regardless of CT's views on the films, he and his family need to be respected. As has been noted, the story of writers getting jacked by the 'wood is an old one, and its so common as to be a tradition. A small group of people have been made extremely rich off of CT's father's toil, and they haven't payed up. How can anyone not empathize with CT on this? I'd be sad if we didn't get a Hobbit film, but if the trade-off is the Tolkien family getting their proper financial due, I can live with the justice of it.