Chinese factories, QC and Sideshow - rambling thoughts.....

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Super Freak
Nov 4, 2010
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Decided to leave this post here as it got too long for any particular individual thread....reference it, flame it or ignore it, whichever suits you best

I've seen one particular post recently claiming that Chinese factories don't produce quality product for non-Chinese owners because of racism. Its gained traction on this site and seems to be being reposted on various threads and generally commented upon as a given. And its specifically coming up in Sideshow threads to somehow explain their lack of quality compared to Hot Toys.

I work for one of the worlds largest companies and have been heavily involved on outsourcing projects with Chinese production centers. The idea that it is because of racism isn't true.
You get what you pay for and generally when driving everything as cheap as possible, overseas factories will look for ways to cut costs as you go along. This could involve getting inexperienced under payed staff, swapping out materials for lesser qualities ones, and rushing production lines....amongst other things.

Chinese companies can SOMETIMES be better at managing it because they expect all these things, are ready for it, compensate for it and stay on top of the factories constantly, drive them and won't accept excuses. (assuming they care to....)
The difference is western owned and run factories - if they're not setup correctly and aware of it - are generally going to be taken advantage of. It happens in every industry.
And if it were true that Chinese companies are always better at managing Chinese factories or that they received a better product simply due to nationlism, then Chinese companies would be known for higher quality production which is definitely not the case in most industries.

The only thing that is true is Hot Toys is a smaller company, produce a higher quality product, while specializing in one particular format, generally for a much higher price. (all things that can result in higher quality in any industry)
We have no idea what the factory setups between Sideshow and Hot Toys looks like, no idea of the size/scale, production lines, processes and most importantly, we have no idea how much the workers are paid. Perhaps Hot Toys who generally have much higher prices, actually have a better managed and rewarded factory :horror

The idea that you need an American to fly over there and be stationed there to do it is just silly. Just like any worker on Earth in any country, you can pay a few experienced Chinese workers there a lot more to act as a quality assurance and management team to ensure things are done to whatever standard you set. Do people think said workers will turn down a large payrise and refuse to operate as a quality team over the rest of the factory? Performance metrics and bonuses can drive anyone's behavior in any direction you want..... we're not talking the airline industry and the need for experienced engineers.....
We have no idea what their current quality assurance/control processes look like, how many people are doing it or what they are paid.

And to look at another company, if nationalism argument were true, why does Enterbay actually have the worst QC of the major companies? Is anyone currently commenting about Sideshow actually aware of Enterbay and their 'Passion (lol) for (lack of) Perfection' ?

Regarding Sideshow, it is because they don't need to do better. They are a large company (for the collectible market) pumping out product on mass and have such a large and broad scale of output across different formats that as long as it sells, they aren't going to put the extra effort and cost in since we'll all buy the products anyway.

Will Sideshow apparently moving into higher end prices and pieces (Hoth Luke/Han, XWing Luke, ToD Indy) result in much better quality? Who knows?
We do know for a fact that it didn't in the 1/2 scale legendary format statues. They were literally billed initially as being a much higher quality product for the price (which itself is insulting to the 1/4 statue buyers to get told that...) but as they began to be rolled out, the same sloppy QC and lack of effort has been seen (see the 1/2 scale Wolverine and Darth Maul threads).

So who knows how their new higher end 1/6 scale figures will fare....

Flame on! :lol
This thread probably won't last long
In before the lock :)

haha really?.
hmmm edited out some of the sarcasm in the post because getting it locked was not the intention of posting it :D

Amd I'm not saying anything worse than what appears in individual threads and I think its far less inflammatory than the 'Chinese are racist and Sideshow need to to something about that!' posts appearing everywhere to apparently explain the difference between Hot Toys and Sideshow....
Are you referring to PopCollector quoting my post in the Snake Plissken thread?
I hadn't been aware of "racism" being cited as an issue on QC at factories. That is not the case. It is the case of "you get what you pay for and if they can get away with taking more of your money for less work, they'll do it." Which is true in any country and in any industry. The factories that make product for Hot Toys may ONLY make product for Hot Toys. HT controls such a high percentage of the market for these things that a factory may fear that turning in a poor product for HT could result in not getting more of their business.
Pay peanuts get monkeys that's what they said...

It all depends how much monitoring & control you have over the factories, if you wanna save cost flying a QC personnel over to China to oversee production, then it's your problem.

You don't see this problem happening to Apple do you?
You don't see this problem happening to Apple do you?

China hacked Apple's iCloud at the end of October of this year, and wasn't Apple's iCloud hacked which led to the 'Fappening' aka leaked sensitive personal 'data' of tons of celebrities?
you call that a factory QC issue?

China hacked Apple's iCloud at the end of October of this year, and wasn't Apple's iCloud hacked which led to the 'Fappening' aka leaked sensitive personal 'data' of tons of celebrities?
Is there a lot of pro-Western sentiment in China? I always got the impression that they were a people heavily oriented towards race and nationality. That doesn't make them necessarily averse to other cultures, but if there's a tendency to rip off foreign businesses, it wouldn't surprise me to see that get blamed on their insularity.
My partner is Chinese and I am constantly told that what we hear about China and what China is really like are 2 different things. They are usually very polite to Western people. It is the Cantonese Chinese and the Mandarin Chinese that can issues with one another....then there is Taiwanese, which is a whole other story.

SSC suffers because they make everything overseas and they're not there to watch what is going on. In my personal experience, it is the same in most jobs. The boss isn't around, so the staff relax and chat and don't get much work done. As soon as the boss is back or someone important is visiting, everyone is busy doing their jobs.

There are many Chinese Internationals that SSC could hire to be a representative in China to oversee production. Any mistakes will be picked up straight away and not cause these lengthy delays. One former place I worked for specially ordered socks with stitched in wording and when they finally arrived after a month delay for Chinese New Year, they were all spelt incorrectly lol. An error like this would have been picked up at the factory before it was shipped if the store had someone over seeing production.

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What I kinda dont see if anyone blaming SSC for this bad QC. ive have SSC before they were what they were today in that they use to make kits and were much smaller back then and workmenship was better back then. I kinda dont care for them as much anymore as they dont really care. I've pointed out pricing and website "error"? They dont care to fix any of this as I had contact to a manager directly. I love how their website now show "phototype shown" lol. Asked them if they update photo when they get the release product. Their answer was "yes new picture are taken and the product photo is updated" Im not sure why many of the items I let or have gotten still show "phototype shown" 2+ years after they are shipping the products.

There are products that are products that are overprice more then the manufactors price by 20% over retail but sideshop doesnt care to fix this. Been over 3 months since ive pointed this out and they still list the overpriced item. Guess if your customer and you dont care and will pay for whatever item they will say thank you and take your money.

Let your money speak to sideshow. Improve or shop somewhere else or buy from a retailer that carry sideshow product (which kinda eats at sideshows profit selling the item to those retailer at wholesale price).

I wish HT had another US outlet other then SSC since its basically all i buy from SSC because HT doesnt have SSC QC control.
Its about quality control management or SS simply dont care. When SS really drop a balls, its not because a mere human error but its looks like SS just tell those workers to stop and ship a product anyway. Or subtle message for SS to pay a fair wage. Put HT as comparison, its also made in china but QC is far better and superb. Its not about china factory but management, SS need fire everyone on that division. Or they simply doesnt have QC management?
SS doesnt care plan and simple. just look at how its manage. 1. NFD they make money off you if you find out the product lives up to par IE you see some get their product and its doesnt look as good as "phototype shown" you want to cancel sure you lost your NRD free 10% profit for SS and have 1 more product to sell. 2. if they cared they would stay on top of things both over there and over here. notice their pass QC sticker IE they got the product and think its good enough.
3. just check out their website and look at all the phototype shown if items are being shipped why is there still "phototype shown" probably because if they cared to show the real photo of the item being shipped they wouldn't get orders for said items.