BvS: Dawn of Justice versus The Dark Knight Trilogy

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Super Freak
Jan 17, 2013
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BvS: Dawn of Justice is coming out in a couple of days and I was wondering how many of you are as hyped for this film compared to the Nolan Dark Knight movies.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of all the Nolan DK films and enjoyed each of them in a different way.

I'm not hyped for this release and I'm not a fan of Superman at all (I will say that I thought the Man of Steel was actually pretty good) and the idea of them two against each other does not appeal to me. However, I'm still seeing it and I do like the look to the armored suit for Batman. And if I enjoy the movie, I'll probably end up grabbing one of the suits. But if I don't like the movie, it will be an easy pass, I have zero figures pre-ordered.

Are you excited for this release compared to the release of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises? Do you see yourself grabbing a lot of Hot Toys figures from the movie?
I'm going to say I'm looking forward more to this one, largely in part because it has Superman in it also and because like you, I also enjoyed MoS. As much as I do like TDK trilogy and that rendition of Batman, I can't say I was extremely looking forward to any of them. I actually never saw BB or TDKR in theaters.
I was hyped until I stopped by the movie section of this movie. I seriously wanted more DC line based toys from Hot Toys to lift off from BvS hype, but the looks of it, it might be short lived. In all reality I'm lost for words.
well any of the 3 movies are better so...

and does a movie sucking really affect you guys? I still think the figs look cool. I still want them.
I don't plan on seeing BvS in theaters but that isn't going to stop me from posting my opinions because interwebz. From the little footage I've seen, and the reviews I have read, each Nolan film, including TDKR, is far better than this movie. At least Nolan put effort into keeping whats true about most of the characters in the films, particularly batman.
Just got back and I'm so conflicted about this movie, on one hand I loved Batfleck and Jeremy Irons, but the movie took such a ham-fisted approach with the JL stuff. Still got high hopes for Suicide Squad though.
Loved Dark Knight but I don't really have any interest in seeing BvS. I'm sure I will some day but no hurry. Just doesn't seem like a real Batman movie to me.
I haven't seen BVS, but I'm not hyped at all, and not just because of the negative reviews, but because of the second trailer with Doomsday and some of the casting choices like Gadot. Now, when Batman Begins came out, I had no expectations and I was blown away...considering the previous film was B&R. From the moment BB ended, I could not wait to see a sequel, especially because they teased the Joker at the very end of the film...which has to be one of the greatest teasers ever, and such a great way to end the first film. So for almost 3 years I kept in touch with every single bit of news regarding TDK, and I loved everything...even Ledger's casting. TDK's marketing campaign was one of the greatest ever...for those who kept track of it, with all the Joker clues and the "I believe in Harvey Dent tour." Everything was done perfectly, from the teaser trailer where you hear the Joker's new voice for the first time to the official trailers....I even went to see "I Am Legend" in theaters just to see the official TDK trailer.

Then, Ledger died...that didn't change anything for me because I was already looking forward to the film, but I noticed how other people were suddenly interested in the film...people who hadn't seen BB. Because I was involved as a fan with the "Harvey Dent marketing campaign", I actually received an email from "the joker"/WB for a special early screening in Orlando FL, but unfortunatly I couldn't go because I was in college at the time, so I missed it and probably lost some of the "exclusive" merchandise from the screening. When I finally went to see TDK, I was literally trembling in the theater because of how anxious and exited I was...and to this day, I haven't been as hyped about a film as I was for TDK. After watching TDK, I bought just about anything I could get TDK related to go along with my BB merchandise, including the Mattel Movie Masters figures.

Because of TDK I got into Hot Toys, and bought most of their figures along with other figures from other films because I was hooked on HT...but that's another story. When TDKR came out, I was looking forward to it. The marketing campaign as well as the trailers were cool, but it wasn't even close to how I felt about TDK, mainly because I wasn't a big fan of Bane or Cat Woman, but when I saw the film, I loved it...loved Bane and the way the trilogy ended. I didn't buy any HT figures from it except the updated Batman figure, but I skipped the rest, not because I wasn't a fan of the film, but because by then I was tired of Hot Toys and their way of doing business and their constant milking of characters. Anyway, no theatrical experience compares to TDK for me...not even my favorite film of all time, Terminator 2. If I like BVS, I might buy some merch...probably Batman, and I might just go for a Japanese import 6'' inch figure, not HT.
I haven't seen BVS, but I'm not hyped at all, and not just because of the negative reviews, but because of the second trailer with Doomsday and some of the casting choices like Gadot. Now, when Batman Begins came out, I had no expectations and I was blown away...considering the previous film was B&R. From the moment BB ended, I could not wait to see a sequel, especially because they teased the Joker at the very end of the film...which has to be one of the greatest teasers ever, and such a great way to end the first film. So for almost 3 years I kept in touch with every single bit of news regarding TDK, and I loved everything...even Ledger's casting. TDK's marketing campaign was one of the greatest ever...for those who kept track of it, with all the Joker clues and the "I believe in Harvey Dent tour." Everything was done perfectly, from the teaser trailer where you hear the Joker's new voice for the first time to the official trailers....I even went to see "I Am Legend" in theaters just to see the official TDK trailer.

Then, Ledger died...that didn't change anything for me because I was already looking forward to the film, but I noticed how other people were suddenly interested in the film...people who hadn't seen BB. Because I was involved as a fan with the "Harvey Dent marketing campaign", I actually received an email from "the joker"/WB for a special early screening in Orlando FL, but unfortunatly I couldn't go because I was in college at the time, so I missed it and probably lost some of the "exclusive" merchandise from the screening. When I finally went to see TDK, I was literally trembling in the theater because of how anxious and exited I was...and to this day, I haven't been as hyped about a film as I was for TDK. After watching TDK, I bought just about anything I could get TDK related to go along with my BB merchandise, including the Mattel Movie Masters figures.

Because of TDK I got into Hot Toys, and bought most of their figures along with other figures from other films because I was hooked on HT...but that's another story. When TDKR came out, I was looking forward to it. The marketing campaign as well as the trailers were cool, but it wasn't even close to how I felt about TDK, mainly because I wasn't a big fan of Bane or Cat Woman, but when I saw the film, I loved it...loved Bane and the way the trilogy ended. I didn't buy any HT figures from it except the updated Batman figure, but I skipped the rest, not because I wasn't a fan of the film, but because by then I was tired of Hot Toys and their way of doing business and their constant milking of characters. Anyway, no theatrical experience compares to TDK for me...not even my favorite film of all time, Terminator 2. If I like BVS, I might buy some merch...probably Batman, and I might just go for a Japanese import 6'' inch figure, not HT.

Cool. I always like reading about people's favorite cinematic experiences. Thanks for sharing.
A more fair comparison would be Shumacher movies and BvS...TDK is too high a standard...

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