Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Looking forward to seeing what they put out. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for Moore.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I'm looking forward to certain actors in 1/6 like Christopher Walken and Benicio del Toro.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Can I change topics again?

Insisting you will improve quality is one thing, but how about the piss poor qc on 10's tardis and the worse customer relations that are currently happening in response to it? This is going on as we speak.

Can we expect more of this from bcs with the Bond line?

When BC tried to paint me out to be the villain a few days ago I asked called them out on this, they never replied.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I don't think I've ever read such a jaw dropping few pages in any thread. I love Bond films. I was disappointed they got the license but I came on here determined to be positive and throw out a few wish list ideas. But the turn things have taken is almost disturbing.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Thread needs a good clean out.

I don't think we need yet more threads cleaned. That's not the answer. It's open and honest, despite being hard reading.

Greggo has had his say, I've given my opinion too, so have others, time to move on. It just needs to be proactive and positive talk from now, if that's possible :lol
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

But it could do with one. The fallout from this announcement is the same as the fallout from October 14th 2005. If people just gave Big Chief Studios a chance, they might be surprised.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

He came into the lion's den, admitted some faults, explained several things, expressed a desire to do better. He wasnt rude or condescending or vulgar IMO. I wish more company reps would address customer issues like he did. He definitely tried.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Thank you. :)

He came into the lion's den, admitted some faults, explained several things, expressed a desire to do better. He wasnt rude or condescending or vulgar IMO. I wish more company reps would address customer issues like he did. He definitely tried.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

No surprises. It's the same 3 guys that always stir the same old shizzz... Geez. It's almost like they have a personal ax to grind or something... :monkey3
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

That's right, paint me as something I'm not as a way of trying to undermine what I had to say. Classy.

I'm sure I'm just part of the giant hidden conspiracy to bring you down. :panic:

I welcome anyone to actually read any of my past posts, and make up their own minds, rather than take your word that I'm just some kind of 'hater'. Clearly I'm really bad at this just being a hater business, too, given how much money I have actually spent purchasing so many of your products so far. But maybe that's all part of my secret evil plan, too?

Walking away from this insanity, now.

I actually agree with everything Ex-Parrot is saying. I felt he made some great points that were right on the nose on quality issues.

Greggo may I suggest as a representative( or employee?) of BCS you should always portray a positive outlook to your customers and product. I personally know how it is to read forums and be attacked or criticized on the products you make (different industry but same intense hard core fans). I make it a personal choice to try and not respond directly to threads like this one. If I do then I don't reveal I work for said company unless I'm directed otherwise by my employer. Otherwise you tend to get into a not so flattering flame war like this one.

What is good though is that from your responses that you are very passionate about improving the BCS 1:6 figure line and recognize that some products could be better.

And I second ali032373 previous comment above, I'm happy that you do frequent and contribute here as well.

Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Excited to see this licence picked up and look forward to seeing the first releases. Fingers crossed an Alec Trevelyan comes along eventually and a Brosnan Bond.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I hope at the very least this is a wake up call for both Big Chief and even Darklord Dave. I realize there is sometimes a lot of unproductive criticism and negativity on the boards but in this case, its been an overwhelming amount of passionate collectors (several of which are already BC customers) voicing their concerns and telling the company like it is. They need to step it up BIG TIME in order to pull this license off and justify the price point.

The cost break down is helpful and thoughtful, but its only about what else is offered and the quality in comparison to the price. The fact is, no ones gonna care about that cost break down if the figures are inferior, instead, we are gonna be proved right to be skeptical and wish another company got the license.

Like i said from the very first reply in the thread, i HOPE for the best here. But the track record gives me no reason to assume any different. Especially when some of the responses are defending the past releases as "good enough" or "most people liked it." I realize it must be tough to accept these responses but the truth is, if thats the attitude the company is taking, no improvements will be made. Greggo is trying his best to be diplomatic and hes getting it from all sides, but IMO is still defending undoubtably inferior product which is insulting our intelligence.

Im happy a company got this license. Same conversation as in the GOT thread with threezero, and im sure Dave has to be diplomatic when dealing with these companies, but I just hate having my intelligence insulted or being told things are "good enough" when they clearly are not. I want more people to speak up respectfully here so we can get the best possible product, even if it means lighting a fire under Big Chief to get them where they need to be to truly compete in the market.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I have faith that someday passionate internet doll collectors will learn the difference between a tactful criticism and a vitriolic attack. :pray:
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Lets wait and see what gets produced, the proof is in the pudding as they say. Personally I think HT make a lot of dud sculpts and dark paint apps, Ichabod Crane, John Matrix, Bruce Wayne to name some and they are supposed to be the best in this hobby.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

But it could do with one. The fallout from this announcement is the same as the fallout from October 14th 2005. If people just gave Big Chief Studios a chance, they might be surprised.

With respect, some of us have been 'giving them a chance' for more than five years now, and consistently putting our hard-earned on the line while doing so. And still continue to do so to this very day, despite not always being fully satisfied by the final result. As such any trepidations we may have, and state, aren't based on spite or bias or some outlandish desire to see them fail, or because we are part of some secret cabal, but rather on well worn past experience of what has actually happened up to this point.

As an active customer of their products, and a huge fan of the licenses they hold, few people want to see them deliver the goods more than I do, but promises have been made before, only for their releases to remain inconsistent. They are fully capable of delivering something pretty great, they have shown that before, but it has always been a bit of a rollercoaster with these guys, and that is all I was ever saying, before everything went crazy.

Hopefully that's no longer the case, I guess we'll see with their next releases. because the final product always tells the story. And I'll probably take a punt on the Connery no matter what, and once again just hope for the best. And honestly, I don't know how someone demonstrates having given them a chance more than having purchased all of their Doctor Who releases over the past several years, and currently having another four active pre-orders for future releases with them. Pointing out valid criticisms doesn't mean someone hates them or has it in for them, just a hope and desire to see certain areas improve in the future, that's all. And any criticism I ever make is borne out of that hope that they will acknowledge and learn from past errors and continue to refine and improve.

Anyway, with that I'll step away. And hopefully discussion can continue on now unabated.