Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Just got done watching the UE.... It made the movie a bit better but did not change the movie in a way that some director's cuts do like Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven.

I still feel the same way about it. Luther is awful.... Gets worse the more I watch him... His little nervous "hmm" that he grunts when talking is maddening once you start to hear him doing it.

The beginning is the best part... I really enjoy the film up until Luther kidnaps Superman's mother... Then the film just gets kinda dumb.. I should love it as it is when the action kicks in but it just fails to grab me and much of that has to do with Superman being a reluctant hero all movie long and Batman being a **** all movie long.. I just have trouble getting into the Superhero part of the Superhero movie.

WW is still great though.

6 out of 10.
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Should have stuck with drinking TAB.
I just watched the Ultimate Cut.

I'm learning the more I watch this movie the more I don't like it. I found the Ultimate Cut did nothing but add more useless subplots to its already overstuffed story. I still think the fight scenes were really well done, but thats now becoming the only good thing I can say about this movie. I'm not looking forward to Justice League or anything Snyder directs in the future.

It actually had the converse reaction on me. The added footage was supposed to better delineate the plots and subplots that were already there. I felt it accomplished that, as the previous edit was rushed and many people complained about what was perceived as "plot holes" and "pacing" issues. I throughly enjoyed the Ultimate Edition, except the Affleck shower butt shot, didn't need that one. Lol.

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I thought the extended version of the final scene between Batman and Lex was awesome - can't believe they cut it for the theatrical version. It reveals that Batman "still has friends" at Arkham Asylum, which is interesting given the most recent rumor that the solo Batfleck movie will take place in Arkham.
It actually had the converse reaction on me. The added footage was supposed to better delineate the plots and subplots that were already there. I felt it accomplished that, as the previous edit was rushed and many people complained about what was perceived as "plot holes" and "pacing" issues. I throughly enjoyed the Ultimate Edition, except the Affleck shower butt shot, didn't need that one. Lol.

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That's exactly how I felt. Watched the EC the day it came out with my kids and then again over the weekend with my cousin. We all thoroughly enjoyed watching the EC and thought it was great.
That's exactly how I felt. Watched the EC the day it came out with my kids and then again over the weekend with my cousin. We all thoroughly enjoyed watching the EC and thought it was great.

100% agreed. The theatrical cut should never be watched ever again. Lol.

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I just watched the Ultimate Cut.

I'm learning the more I watch this movie the more I don't like it. I found the Ultimate Cut did nothing but add more useless subplots to its already overstuffed story. I still think the fight scenes were really well done, but thats now becoming the only good thing I can say about this movie. I'm not looking forward to Justice League or anything Snyder directs in the future.

Snyder did OK with 300 and Watchmen, but he started to lose me with Man of Steel and for certain BvS. I think the reason these are so poor are his rambling directing style and not having a full grasp of the story he 'wants' to tell. Yeah Watchmen was a bit long in places, but still I'd rank that one above Man of Steel and BvS. I didn't flat out hate it (BvS) but its replay value is very low in my book. I am somewhat intrigued by the stand alone WW movie though, the new trailer for it looks decent. i am NOT looking forward to the JL and Aquaman movie, neither really grabs me.
UC amazing and really fills in stuff- made we love the film even more. Might be the most daring DC movie in tone and theme and might be the last one like this if they are moving toward the MCU template with JL...ashame in my book
I thought the extended version of the final scene between Batman and Lex was awesome - can't believe they cut it for the theatrical version. It reveals that Batman "still has friends" at Arkham Asylum, which is interesting given the most recent rumor that the solo Batfleck movie will take place in Arkham.

So, it's basically going to be a video game adaptation. Not good news.
UC amazing and really fills in stuff- made we love the film even more. Might be the most daring DC movie in tone and theme and might be the last one like this if they are moving toward the MCU template with JL...ashame in my book

I was about to say that it raised the bar for self-pitying heroes but then I remembered Nolan had Batman wearing his jam-jams in his titty bed for eight years.
Finished the Ultimate Cut. I liked BvS when I saw it twice in the theater and like it even better now. I don't mind a dark and bleak superhero movie especially since the MCU will always be there if I want the opposite. I didn't have huge issues with the film before but the extra scenes did redeem some sequences that were problematic in the theatrical cut.

I was also reminded that the Wonder Woman email thing wasn't as silly as it's made out to be online. People had been acting like she ignored this big battle to stop and catch up on her emails. She was literally watching live news footage of the electrical disturbance at the Kryptonian ship when she noticed that Bruce Wayne had sent her a message about a pretty major issue for her. No battles had begun up to that point yet. Superman and Batman hadn't faced each other, Doomsday hadn't been born, it just wasn't that odd for her to check his message especially since it was related to the one thing she'd been seeking up to that point.

Also the whole "Your mom is Martha too? Did we just become best friends!?!?!?" thing has also taken a life of it's own online. I had remembered thinking it was an awesome scene in the theater and then couldn't help but chuckle at how silly some people were making it out to be. But having their mom's share a name didn't make Batman want to be buddies with Superman, what I got from that moment was that he was in a place where he thought he'd wasted decades fighting criminals that were no more than weeds. Weeds that choked the life out of nameless victims. Victims he no longer empathized with or sympathized for.

I think the last victim he truly cared about was the little girl in Metropolis but in that moment that he hugged her his sympathy turned to blind rage and from that point on he began to fight criminals in a way that terrified the very people he was saving. When Bruce saw Superman helpless and pleading for Martha he realized that a man lay at his feet just as his father had decades earlier, not because he had committed a crime and deserved justice but rather because of the anger of Batman himself. He couldn't let that stand and for the sake of both himself and his parents (particularly his father) he had to personally make amends by reversing the situation that he put Superman in.

When he went to the warehouse I thought "why does he need to come in through the floor? Why not just pull a 'True Lies' outside and gun down all the bad guys in that large room?" Short answer I'm sure is simply that Zack Snyder wanted a cool Batman fight (duh) but I also couldn't help but think that maybe Bruce didn't want to take these guys out clinically and remotely Space Invaders-style. He needed to become the Knight of Gotham again and take them out personally. Trusting his own instincts and senses to prevent collateral damage instead of his gadgets. Anyway, "apologist theory" or not, I liked it. A lot.

The place where the movie faltered the most IMO was in the 10 minute overly emotional funeral that I just don't believe the film earned. But at least they didn't end with that since it was followed by the awesome Batman/Lex prison cell scene.
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Just watched the extended cut. My problem still isn't that it's bleak -- people who dismiss films like this for that reason are shallow and could probably be entertained with a laser pointer -- it's that it sucks. The writing is just...oh my god, it's just awful. I mean, David Goyer has said on record that Batman vs. Superman is where you go when you run out of ideas. Now that's his opinion, and while I completely disagree with it, I respect it. But you don't then have him write the god damn Batman vs. superman movie!

And Snyder. Oh, Zack Snyder. I don't know how this is the guy who made Man of Steel, which I loved. It grounded Superman in a way that I didn't think was possible. Sure, he was portrayed as the boy scout you'd expect, but placed him in a world that was a little harsher and didn't always allow him to be the person he wanted to. This humanized him, and while the movie wasn't perfect, it managed to be a little bit more honest about humanity while never losing that unflinching sense of hope and optimism that a Superman origin story should have.

But then I watch Batman v Superman and it's like they know jack about how to weave a story. Maybe the first film was an accident? I mean, he just seems to have no understanding of who these characters are. Even in his interviews he seems out of touch. Have you guys seen that quote where he touts that in his cinematic universe Batman could get raped in prison and that would be so cool? I mean, what the ****? Who gave this guy control of this franchise?

I'm glad some of you found enjoyment in it, but I'm just so disappointed they squandered an opportunity like this. We finally got a Batman vs. Superman story on the big screen and they blew it.