Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I really hope that it was Darkseid abducting the body. It would fall in line with stories of the past when he controlled Supes' mind, as well as all the visions in the film that Wayne got. Darkseid had the ability to bring people back from the dead as well. Man I can't wait for the Justice League movie.

I like the sound of this better than Supes just coming back so easily. I really wish we had a MOS 2 before this movie came out.
So I got to go see this yesterday.

What I enjoyed:
Bruce Wayne/Batman. I thought Ben Affleck was one of the best things about this film. He made one heck of a Bruce Wayne. Bases on the epilogue, it made sense as to why he was motivated to take down Superman. His Batman was brutal. Totally kicked ass. The way he moved reminded me very much og the Arkham games. Never has Batman fought so well on the silver screen. The killing nitpicks have been over exaggerated in my opinion. For the most part, I didn't get the impression that Batman ever figured "I am going to kill this thug".

Wonder Woman! She was another one of the high points of this film. I think Gal Gadot was well casted for the role. I am stoked for the Wonder Woman film to come out. It was pretty epic to see her fighting DD.

Alfred. Irons did a fine job as Alfred. I liked the banter between Alfred and Wayne. Some of the better writing in the film.

Perry White. Laurence seemed to be right at home. I like his portrayal of the head of the Daily Planet.

The final fight. Overall, it was enjoyable for me.

What I didn't like:

Lex Luthor. Eissenburg was so miscasted. He was just so annoying. I rolled my eyes everytime he was on screen. He was just cringeworthy.

The design of Doomsday. He looked like a troll from LOTR. What a wasted character. There should have been a better buildup to the character.

The pacing. It just seemed off. It felt like it dragged in parts.

In summary, it had some great aspects to it. I will be buying this on blu ray when it releases. I look forward to the future of DC's cinematic universe. I am cautiously optimistic that future films will be an improvement over what we have thus far been given.
Why does everyone hate on doomsday? I mean what does a generic troll look like? In all reality, they did the best they could my only gripe is the lack of a *****

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Why does everyone hate on doomsday? I mean what does a generic troll look like? In all reality, they did the best they could my only gripe is the lack of a *****

Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free

I had no problem with his look at all....
Yep, he fought tooth and nail to keep the "Bat is dead" line in the movie despite reservations by Snyder.

Most of the time movie execs have a feeling about something but no flags anywhere.

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But isn't he considered an "uber fan"? I mean, critics don't count apparently, but now fans don't either? He was hyping this up for a long time IIRC...

Don't bother. Some of these lot probably think Disney wrote him a secret check.
