Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I want a figure of this Bats right now!
I am stoked out of my mind. I don't see how anyone can knock DC for not embracing comics after seeing that shot of Batman in military gear (not that I didn't think they weren't before). My only complaint is that I wish we got to hear Superman talk and I'm kind of worried about the slow-mo.

I wish I would have checked out the Star Wars stuff before watching this. I started hearing them talk about Captain Phasma and Poe something, and I just went back to watch this trailer again. It's really hard to comprehend that a direct from the comics Batman is coming on the big screen. I still think the Dark Knight was a perfect portrayal of the character (I guess I'm the only one that thought the fighting was good in that movie), but I'm really excited for this new take. I hope they abandon the notion that Clark has a secret identity.
Hope it's not the cliche of teaming up to stop a greater threat. In those scenarios the characters don't become friend, they don't resolve issues they just tolerate each other for a battle
Someone sure is desperate for attention :lol


:yess: You got me!!!.... No I don't care. I just get tired of people getting excited for mediocre story telling in favor of eye candy and ooh's and aaah's. I can't tell you how many times I've been annoyed by someones comments like "who cares if the movie isn't good, if we don't go see it they will stop making them", or " any movie is better than no movie" There's a reason why most of Hollywood is picking apart and insulting this genre and it's creators. WB just seems to be doing it for the money not for the love of the characters like Marvel. I like both, not partial towards one or the other.
I will admit, what they showed looked really good but so overstuffed. I like the idea that Batman is trying to take Superman down for humanity's sake and even sliding Luthor in there but with Wonder Woman, we haven't seen AquaMamoa and a few other tidbits which weren't spotlit I'm worried it'll feel very surface with not much depth. Batfleck looks great though, although seeing a bit of the Bat origin there again makes em feel like we're getting a lot of surface.
Batman almost got wasted by laser vision.



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