Awesome LightSaber Duel

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Those were great. I will add what some have already said which is that some of these are better than what Lucas put on screen. It's amazing what these fans have been able to do with no budget. Don't get me wrong, I think the Maul vs Qui Gon/Obi-Wan it a great fight on screen and the rest are pretty good too, but these fans totally blew them away IMO.

I really liked the "Art of the Saber" the best. The dialog before the battle and the music really set the mood and the fight was impressive as well.

I have often thought that fans can come up with better ides than the originator of a project. That's not to slam Lucas at all, because I LOVE Star Wars, but what these fans have done shows me that Star Wars COULD have a life of it's own past Lucas if he ever let it. Sadly, I don't think he ever will.
I loved this video.

Since getting high-speed Internet access a few weeks ago, I've watched many of these. There are tons out there, but this is one of the best.

That being said, I think it's absurd to claim this surpasses the official duels, and, if they cared, it'd be insulting to the actors who performed much better on-screen.

Sure, there were a few cool new moves in there, but there were problems also. Chief among these were the moments when the combatants were clearly aiming at their opponent's saber instead of their opponent's head, or the moments when they're rolling around and could have sliced the other at any time if they wanted.

Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson are great actors. Ray Park is a phenomenal martial artist. Nick Gillard is a great choreographer. I love fan films, but they're never going to be able to seriously compete at that level.

Just because no one thought of the force tug-of-war or GL decided against it, that doesn't change any of this.

Kudos to these kids for putting together something so awesome.
Was watching a few on that board. Some are nice and then there are . . . . . . . Man, there are some serious bad writers and even worse actors. I don't recall many chubby Jedi in any of the movies lol.

The Art of the Saber one was pretty kewl, prolly the best IMHO. Kinda Matrix meets Star Wars.
Art of the Saber was really good. I liked how the combatants carried themselves like trained fighters. You can tell just from their stances that they know what they're doing. You don't see that in a lot of fan films.
Anyone know how you would get a lightsaber to glow in a pic? Say the 12" Luke lightsaber when he comes? I'd like to find out how to ignite that blade in photoshop because I'm afraid I won't be able to get the batteries in either :D Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.
Wow, I'm shocked to see that people want some of the stuff in that video in a Star Wars film. It looks like these guys have been watching the Matrix trilogy too much. That cheesy pointing and one-arm behind the back crap is pretty lame, IMO. The effects are nicely done for a fan-film, but anyone who fought like that would get their ass handed to them.

The prequel trilogy did have some problems, but the saber fights were the BEST part! Duel of the Fates and Obi-Wan/Anakin were fantastic. Yoda/Sidious was actually pretty cool as well, since Yoda was significantly better animated in Ep. III.

That stupid Sonic the Hedgehog Yoda ruined the Ep. II fighting scenes for me, but Eps. I and III had some of the best saber action. 1000x better than anything in that fan film. The fight choreography in the PT is incredible.
elwood49 said:
Wow, I'm shocked to see that people want some of the stuff in that video in a Star Wars film. It looks like these guys have been watching the Matrix trilogy too much. That cheesy pointing and one-arm behind the back crap is pretty lame, IMO. The effects are nicely done for a fan-film, but anyone who fought like that would get their ass handed to them.

Elwood it's a fan film they are just some guys having some fun. Some of it might look pretty cool in a "real" SW movie is what some of us are saying. Quit being such a critical &*& :rolleyes:
jlcmsu said:
Elwood it's a fan film they are just some guys having some fun. Some of it might look pretty cool in a "real" SW movie is what some of us are saying. Quit being such a critical &*& :rolleyes:

Right and I'm saying that NONE, as in 0%, of that crap should make it into any of the "real" movies. I would HATE anything like that. Why does that bother you?

I'm aware that it's a fan made film. The effects are nice. I would've said "nicely made" until people started commenting about how the choreography in that is better than the prequel trilogy, which is funny to me.
True, they are nice for fan films. But none of them are on the same level as the prequel fights.

The fighting over the saber thing was neat, but I don't think any of the movie battles needed a piece like that.
elwood49 said:
Right and I'm saying that NONE, as in 0%, of that crap should make it into any of the "real" movies. I would HATE anything like that. Why does that bother you?

I'm aware that it's a fan made film. The effects are nice. I would've said "nicely made" until people started commenting about how the choreography in that is better than the prequel trilogy, which is funny to me.

I think a couple of the concepts from those would have looked cool in the real SW movies. You know done by real actors and choreographed by professionals.

I'm not even gonna go into what bothers me about you in public. :)
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True, true... the fan films are usually very well done and exciting. But far from being close to Gilliard's fights in the prequels. Those just raised the bar with each movie they made. I still count the Obi/Maul fight from Episode 1 as the most electrifying thing I have ever seen. Just perfect!! :google