Asmus Toys Evil Dead 2

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im considering whether it'd be worth it to send the sculpt to a painter to get repainted or not.. after seeing the pictures im not even sure if i want to keep it but i might wait till i get it in hand before deciding to return it to sideshow
Every time i look at it i can't help but think of Kyle MacLachlan
I was paying $391 via Sideshow, there shouldn't be any bloody need to mod or drastically adjust a "luxury" licensed figure in that price range. lol

Yes I have contacted Sideshow CS for a refund too. It's only the second week in January and we already have our first major fail of the year and first contender for worst figure, congrats Asmus.
Yep…I’m not an artist, painter, or figure customizer…I pay $300 for figures because I can’t make them myself!
if I could, maybe I wouldn’t be so quick to part with my cash!
I want to unbox an amazing figure and display it on my shelf.
It’s ridiculous for anyone to assume that this figure is passable because they can break out their art supplies and finish the job that Asmus started.
Happy for them…but I have neither the time, ability, nor inclination to pay $300 for an art project, when that’s not my thing.
No longer on the fence, going to send request to cancel. That's unacceptable, what a let down. Was looking forward to this.
So potential things I'll be needing to do:

1. Shave down hair and rehair with real hair on the Ash sculpt
2. Paint nipples and cuts on body
3. Repaint and add hair to Henrietta
4. Custom harness and Holster
5. Leave the standard base in the box
6. Weather outfit filthy
7. Repaint Linda's head. Style hair
8. Replace belt.

It's what they call a fixer upper! 😆

That Henrietta pisses me off though. I agree they are going to get hell for this set. This is a blatant rush job. They need to address it.
Yup if there's one solution to the poorly tailored outfit, it's just to weather and dirty up the thing like crazy so you no longer notice. 😁

My list will be to just repaint the sculpt, weather the outfit, find a new belt, and maybe create a new base of some kind.
Yup if there's one solution to the poorly tailored outfit, it's just to weather and dirty up the thing like crazy so you no longer notice. 😁

My list will be to just repaint the sculpt, weather the outfit, find a new belt, and maybe create a new base of some kind.
It worked for my SS TOD Indy 😆 at least with Ash, it'll be a darker grime and muck that will help even more .
Asmus added 2 additional hands and removed the foot hair from their Gollum/Sméagol set in response to feedback. They also added a free cape to the Galadriel set in response to feedback. There have been other examples but those are the most recent.

I have purchased their LotR line and all have been from good to great out of the box. This one however looks like it falls short.

Thanks for the fact check.

Playing devil's advocate, the Galadriel cape is really the only instance I think qualifies, though I wasn't following that thread as closely as others, so I'm vague on the circumstances.

As far as Gollum, I'm not so sure they took action on that as much as they just clarified the messaging. It seemed obvious that both hand sets should be included with both bodies, and to not include them both would be ... wrong. Same situation with the hairy feet. They never should've been there in the first place. If a waiter brings me the wrong meal, and I have to correct them, I'm not going to praise them for 'responding to my feedback'.

For Asmus to be praised for responding to feedback, they should be improving the likeness on Helm's Deep Aragorn after reveal. They should be offering replacement hats and staffs (staves?) for Gandalf. There were things on this Ash figure that people wanted them to fix, and they didn't.
Even I'm pissed off ! And I buy anything and everything evil dead, what a disappointment ! Oh well it'll give me something to do for a few months. Ramman81 you're right and I apologize
Asmus presents a Henrietta cake topper

View attachment 555347
God seeing this a second time makes me frustrated. What is the point of releasing this unfinished like collectors are going to take it and say thanks for the hot pile of ****. Smh no way I'm getting the deluxe now, I can get the ripped shirt and seamless arm separately on ebay.
Asmus presents a Henrietta cake topper

View attachment 555347
Asmus and downgrades, they go hand in hand. Even with their LOTR figures, theres always some change or downgrade from the prototype that they don't announce or show until release.

Kind of baffling that they would remove his rooted hair, release Henrietta and just not say anything about it. :lol

Imagine the outrage if this was Hot Toys or Sideshow.
I might get the standard down the line who knows but it's a cancel for me.

If they were to lower the price on the standard version, I'd buy one and look to upgrade everything.
my payment has been pushed to feburary 15th, fingers crossed theres a review or more pics of the figure. hoping to not cancel but if the figure is truly bad, i might just have to cancel it to get my nrd back
Oof! What were they thinking? Surely they must know that most collectors would prefer a delay to allow for getting things right instead of rushing a release with a lot of glaring errors/issues.
Personally, I’ve been impressed with all the LOTR figures I’ve gotten so far. But to see them release that Ace Ventura and now this Ash is a real blow.
I’ll keep my regular edition PO in a holding pattern until I see some more pics showing a futzed and posed Ash by someone who knows how to take a decent photo before I decide on cancelling. But geez, Asmus. Lift your game!
Makes me appreciate the care that Nanjin is putting into his Trek figures. Asmus needs to take some notes.