Are there any muscle bodies that you can put a necked head sculpt on?

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Oct 2, 2012
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They all seem to be necked the muscle bodies, leaving only the choice of using neckless sculpts for them. But I have a necked sculpt that I want to put on a muscle body, so are there any?
Depends what head sculpt it is?
I'd say cut the neck off the head depends how much you paid for it and how confident you are;)
Depends what head sculpt it is?
I'd say cut the neck off the head depends how much you paid for it and how confident you are;)

yeah not very confident, if it comes down to it I'll try that though. Thanks for the input. Why aren't muscle bodies the same as narrows and regular in that they have a detachable neck so you can use both neckless and necked sculpts?
I guess aesthetics would mean a detachable neck would have a join and that defeats the point.
What head sculpt have you got to fit?
I guess aesthetics would mean a detachable neck would have a join and that defeats the point.
What head sculpt have you got to fit?

Makes sense, it's a sculpt I sculpted myself and got 3D printed. I think I'll use a standard narrow shoulder body instead since I'll be using a shirt with it so the pec muscles should show through anyway. Thanks for the help.
post a pic of your sculpt bud

Sure mate here:

This isn't in the best material shapeways offers but thought I'd try it out nonetheless. I'll go with a TT narrow for now.
If you just want muscle arms, SSC has produced figures like that where you can easily use a head with neck (Zartan, Rock N Roll). Like others are saying, there isn't much use for a muscular chest if you are not going to also have a muscular neck.
That is what I thought to.

Haha, yes it is Simon Cowell, glad you all recognised him.

If you just want muscle arms, SSC has produced figures like that where you can easily use a head with neck (Zartan, Rock N Roll). Like others are saying, there isn't much use for a muscular chest if you are not going to also have a muscular neck.
Yeah I'm looking for the muscley chest area really, not so much arms but thanks anyway.
Haha, yes it is Simon Cowell, glad you all recognised him.

Yeah I'm looking for the muscley chest area really, not so much arms but thanks anyway.

I didn't want to offend if it was a self portrait sculpt hahaha.

Not cowells biggest fan , why did you make this, to use as a voodoo doll?:lol
Seriously though, nice job:)

Whats next louie walsh or cheryl?
What other sculpts have you made, would be interested to see more?