Are Sideshow loosing touch with Marvel Collectors wants??

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Super Freak
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
While I think the latest dio is a nice sculpt the choice of characters are those you would expect 5 - 6 years into a licence. Where are:

Thanos v Silver Surfer
Juggernaut v Colossus
Dr. Doom v Thing
Daredevil v Bullseye
Apocalypse v Arch Angel
Jean Grey v Emma Frost
Ironman v Ironmonger

then we have the last comiquette X-23 yet where are:
Silver Surfer
Juggernaut comic version
Captain Marvel
Adam Warlock

Where is the following PF's

hell this is just a few of the many neglected characters.
Nah, they need to add filler for the bigger, bad asser *yes not a word, but now it is ^^^^^es! to come. If SideShow came out with all the Grade A pieces right away, there maybe fears that people may lose interest in the line. The great thing is it gives us more time to save up for those big A-listers. I like having a window of 6 months, to even a year... I mean I collect lines outside of Marvel as well, so this helps out the old wallet. With the current economy, and the fact that most of us on here aren't rich... this is not as bad as you make it out to be.
It would take Sideshow 5 years to get the grade A charactes done at this rate.
Spiral and Psylocke are 3rd stringers. I thought the Vs line was going to be about epic battles but that is no longer the case.

It gives me time to save up money for what is surely going to be bad ass coming out in the next 6-8 months.

After all, we have the Galactus LSB... I hate the LSB line, yet I am foaming from the mouth for that Galactus bust. *moans*
the last two dios has been dissapointing, for me. The Daredevil vs. Punisher is a gret match up but the execution of the statue is just not the same compared to the other dios.
I agree with Eli, Sideshow are keeping the BIG GUNS holstered until SDCC. I like the new Dio and anyone saying that it sucks is only because they were personally dissapointed that it was something they didn't want. At least SSC are doing different characters now, I mean the crybabies were whining about too much Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man and as soon as a new character comes out they bash it, that's what is lame.
I guess where I am coming from is that a few years back every single piece on this line was awesome. The art direction and choices have gone down significantly sometime when they decided to make companion pieces to the Sentinel dio.

This piece just seems completely random to me.
I agree with Eli, Sideshow are keeping the BIG GUNS holstered until SDCC. I like the new Dio and anyone saying that it sucks is only because they were personally dissapointed that it was something they didn't want. At least SSC are doing different characters now, I mean the crybabies were whining about too much Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man and as soon as a new character comes out they bash it, that's what is lame.

:lecture :lecture :lecture
I agree with Eli, Sideshow are keeping the BIG GUNS holstered until SDCC. I like the new Dio and anyone saying that it sucks is only because they were personally dissapointed that it was something they didn't want. At least SSC are doing different characters now, I mean the crybabies were whining about too much Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man and as soon as a new character comes out they bash it, that's what is lame.


Well said. The ^^^^^ing is becoming tiring. This place is starting to turn more into the Statue Forum mentality every day which is why I don't post there much anymore.

It is just ^^^^^ing to ^^^^^ about something, nothing is good enough anymore.
I agree with Eli, Sideshow are keeping the BIG GUNS holstered until SDCC. I like the new Dio and anyone saying that it sucks is only because they were personally dissapointed that it was something they didn't want. At least SSC are doing different characters now, I mean the crybabies were whining about too much Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man and as soon as a new character comes out they bash it, that's what is lame.

Definitely! You can't make everyone happy... or in this case, most of the Freaks happy...

If you don't like it... don't stress. You can't afford to buy every piece anyway. If SideShow came out with too much of the good stuff all at around the same time you guys would be crying how you can't keep all your preorders and we would suffer the seige of "what should I cancel from my preorder list" threads. - BARF!
I like their choices so far..Knowing that a sabretooth and a Venom are in the works makes me think they know what they are doing
All disappointment for me: Thor vs. Loki, that Blade vs. Dracula crap, Daredevil vs. Punisher, now Spiral vs. Pyslocke. Either lame version of the characters, uninteresting characters, wrong action pose or wrong match-up or combo of these factors.

I like the Wolverine vs. Sabretooth, 1st X-men vs. Sentinel, Hulk Vs. spidey, Capt. vs. Skull but the current crop just don't have that same quality.
When I read some of the negative crybaby posts on here from some of the Freaks, I visualize a growling Clint Eastwood from Grand Torino.