Any interest in a Hot Toys Star Trek line?

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Past is the past. Give me HT figures of Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov, Sulu but all from the NEW FILM! Don't forget Nero and Spock Prime either!

Whoa, I would go broke... I loved all the characters. The crew/cast did an excellent job.
I'd be down for ANYTHING from the original series, original movies, and the Next Gen show. The outfits from Stark Trek 2 are by far my favorites.

But if they came out with stuff from the new movie, I'd buy it.
Any creature not able to adapt to change is destined to become extinct.
I love Star Wars figures, and I totally loved the new Star Trek movie, but I still have no personal interest in Hot Toys figures for Trek, but I'd like to see them made.

The only Star Trek anything I ever bought was the 7 of 9 PF, but that was cause I was a geek/perv for Seven.
Much like Indy, there is no long-term profit in Star Trek collectibles.

If they would make some good ones, there would be! Most ST collectibles consist of TOYS mostly.

I'd go for anything Trek. New, old and inbetween. As long as HT or another high end company was doing them.
I don't need long term lines. If they made Spock, Kirk and Bones I'd be happy. Not to mention that the space jump suits seem almost tailor made for the HT Treatment as does Nero and even the Space Police.
Like the Mike I'd be happy with classic Spock, Kirk and Bones!

Any thing else is a bonus.
Man....if we can't get them from HT then I'd love to have someone commissioned to do them...
Nah. The line must be drawn here. This far - no further. And I will make them pay for what they', I wouldn't buy Star trek stuff.
Sideshow's hint aside...I hope it is not just the Quantum Mechanix stuff...have you heard anything Wookster?
What would we get from Hot Toys in any case? The top two or three figures and the line would be over. I'd buy them if they were cheap enough. I wouldn't pay $150 for such simple figures. I wouldn't expect the new Trek to be able to command the interest or warrant such a cost.