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Not trying to instigate but he did say he talked to Howard, had some "crappy" cell phone shots, told me he ran into a wall because he was replying to one of my responses while it was jam packed with other people walking around, and that he would work on getting some different angled pictures for other members. So based on that, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even if he did re-use other people's pics, I have no reason to believe he would fabricate the entire thing because that would be... quite frankly that would just be a really odd thing to do. To the point where I'd just go along with it cuz that makes me cringe thinking about doing something like that.

"Leave him alone!" (Chris Crocker voice) :lol

I saw where that was said about Howard didn't he say he couldn't take photos because of a crappy cell? The point is no one should be pissed about it.
One could say people don't need to overly defend another grown man either just like people shouldn't feel the need to tear a man down online...

Anyway, he's there, he's not there, whatever. The pictures are here. He's putting in work regardless. He's given me good info personally. At this point just let the man speak for himself whether he feels the need to address it or not.

Nicely spoke :)
In terms of defending someone usually I've seen and know lots of people can be dicks online even send death threats. Which is when you really need to re-evaluate your life. Anyway no one's sending death threats here but when the thread gets into a sort of unsatisfactory environment that's when I feel the need to say "grow up".
Well, I'm new to these boards and did think Motux had inside information and based on his verbiage over multiple posts, thought he was there at the show.

I figured he was somehow in a circle of trust with the HT company. I don't really care, good for him of true, but it is in fact very lame if not. Every message gives the impression he's "in the know."

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I just wanna see 1/6 Punisher :pray:

Netflix? This one was at SDCC
Video link:
snow trooper commander, strange and a droid.....:rip

Least I have an idea what I plan to purchase in the next 6-9 mos with a few unexpected....
Well, I'm new to these boards and did think Motux had inside information and based on his verbiage over multiple posts, thought he was there at the show.

I figured he was somehow in a circle of trust with the HT company. I don't really care, good for him of true, but it is in fact very lame if not. Every message gives the impression he's "in the know."

I'm staying out of this thing people are having with Motux. I paid little attention to what he may or may not have said about being at the show or his possible relationship with people at Hot Toys. But I will say, that there are plenty of people here, and on many forums, who talk, or write, as if they are "in the know". It's not uncommon whenever a community gathers around a fandom to attract some who just, for whatever reason, "know" everything or overstate their own credibility about knowing it. I am not applying this observation to anyone in particular, not even Motux, I simply don't pretend to know him or the situation well enough to make that kind of determination. But, I do think we should engage in all these things with a grain of salt and not get to worked up whenever we may run into such things.

I appreciate it when forum members disagree some because it helps not just accept every answer without questioning it and provides a broader view. So, when someone feels someone's information is wrong, I like it that another member points it out. But, I'm not sure what benefit there is to the forum to escalate things so much when someone feels like someones else is speaking as if they have more credibility than they perhaps actually do. It can be frustrating, I know. And, I have been caught up in escalation of arguments on the forum too, it's easy to do. But we are only held hostage by those who act like they are "in the know" more than anyone else as much as we let them. Again, forums like these have people in them that give the impression they know more than they do. Again, I am not saying Motux is doing that or not, but whenever we feel we are running into such things we don't always have to take it task - who cares?

That's what bothers me about it. There is zero evidence that he is there, and that he has an in with HT. He's just building up a reputation for being "in the know", then making speculations and if anyone disagrees with him he can just say "Howard Chan told me" and people will just believe him. From Seeing Motux's posts over the years I can tell that he has a hard time with people disagreeing with him. I think this was a way for him to make people stop. And when people start lying about information like this (especially people with so much rep), when actual information comes out it makes it harder to tell if it's real.

This is a community for doll collectors for Christ sake. :lol We're all just here for information on action figures, and speculate about them. There's no reason to be making stuff like this up. The speculation should stay speculation. Nobody has to be the ultimate authority.

At the same time, people in this thread only has as much "authority" you want to give them. We don't need "evidence" that he is there or not. I'm guessing that most of us only know each other by the crazy forum names we have here. We don't know anything about anybody, and that's okay. There are always going to be people on the internet who are "wrong" or think you are "wrong" and act like they know more than everyone else, but we don't need to try to 'get to the bottom of it' and "prove" they are actually "wrong" or whatever.

...I don't want to derail this thread anymore than it already has been...

and, that's the problem, because whatever Motux did or didn't do, is or isn't. The thread has degenerate away from its supposed to be about.
This is a community for doll collectors for Christ sake. :lol We're all just here for information on action figures, and speculate about them. There's no reason to be making stuff like this up. The speculation should stay speculation. Nobody has to be the ultimate authority.

Agreed. :duff
what the hell happened in here, im gone for half a day and all I see now is... CHAOSSSSSS.
If Strange is the only reveal it's ok. It's the most impressive portrait I've seen in a long time.
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