Amoktime releasing their own horror figures

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I'm glad for companies like Amok, ER and SFM, who despite setbacks are reaching back to the days when we older freaks were watching Chiller Theatre, Creature Features, or just plain ol' old time great TV and wishing we had decent figures from it. I can't wait for the It! Terror from Beyond Space figure. Though I must admit I hope they decide to go with a rotocast version (I would love a Metalunan type suit but that ain't happening) rather than the slit joints that were shown. Its a great movie and the inspiration for Alien.
Hope these figures still see the light of day... its been a long while since anyt of 1/6 Amok Time figures have been released.
When I last spoke to the sculptors they said that several of the figures are nearly finished production and will be shipping out soon. There have been unexpected delays at the factory level. Because of the delays they have already experienced AT and ER felt it was in their best interest not to attend SDCC. Once the factory situation settles down and they can count on accurate delivery dates, more new products will be reveled. A lot of things happen behind the scenes that for legal reasons can't be discussed in an open forum. Newer companies take time to get rolling at a steady pace. If these companies cancel anything I'm sure they will make an announcement of it, like they did with the Uncle Sam Haim figure.
I think I'm going to pick up the NOTLD Deluxe Zombie Figure, with the 4 heads. That looks pretty cool and I love the movie. The Elvira figure seems very inexpensive and it looks great!
I thought the Elvira figures were scrapped because they looked too much like Cassandra Peterson or something like that?

Also: have you notice Amok Times website/pre-orders section is very streamlined now? They state they are evolving it into a better site. Were some of the figures release order changed? :confused:

I know the factories over there have been giving all the smaller toy companies a really hard time because they are catering to the uber toy producers first.:banghead Maybe the evolved website will let us know what order the items will be released/updates. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if IT came before everything else...heh,heh,heh.....:angelsmil
It would kill me to have "It" released now. I really want one of each color and I can only hope that they change those cut joints for balljoints. It would improve poseability 100% IMHO. And the balljoints were a great choice on Neca's new terminator 1:6 figures.