12" ANH Leia

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Those shots are MOST flattering. Only issue I see is the hanging of the dress which some creativity will overcome.

Well now I feel her face is more in proportion thanks to Sideshow's photos.

Yeah, I thought the head looked more proportionate in the Sideshow pics too.
I dont know why people are mad
SS has never released a figure that lives up the the prototype
I ordered Leia but I lowered my hopes long ago
Im only getting it because I didnt get Baloosh (spelling) and I figured they couldnt hack up this leia much (they came close)
considering how Star Wars fans are I wouldnt expect a change from them
unfortunately we will buy almost anything including a crappy figure
I like the blaster though
Recognition of the sculptor is unconventionally missing from the product page.

I agree that the production photo does look better than what we've seen prior.
Wow, her box is only the size of a creature pack? I had no idea, though it makes sense. Not quite as grandiose as the other figures though, which makes the price a bit sad, but I'm not concerned about it.

BTW, am I the only one who had no concept of a 'folding stock' before this? I mean, I've read the visual dictionaries religiously, and had no clue what that meant. It's so cool! They should have used it at some point in the movie!
If he sculpted the piece, I don't see why Sideshow would not still give him credit.
I think Sideshow has stopped listing the sculptors on 1/6 stuff altogether... at least I remember hearing that awhile back.

The SSC shots really do look good, which is very strange. If they have good pictures I really don't know what to expect from the figure :rotfl Although one issue I've noticed in all pictures is the difference in color between her hands and face, why didn't they color match like they usually do?
Sideshow's in a practice of not consistently posting artists now, it was said at one point they didn't want to just post the sculptor with the figures because there were other artists including the proto painter and tailor, etc. that weren't getting recognition.

It's identical to Boushh, it's definitely Andy's work, I think he may have even said so at one point.
Thanks MF! Yea, there's about a head difference between the female and the Big Boy. Wouldn't be too bad for a custom Vader since the heights are all relative in the line.
Bottom line, height difference won't be the male being short, but the female too tall. 1/6 female bodies are probably about 5'5" height in scale to other bodies, and I think Fisher's like 5' even, she's not very tall at all, even Hasbro's little figures proportion her now and they're such tiny figures. That's just par for the course in products that capitalize on the re-use of generic parts.