1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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WIP Cairo Indy. Just wanted to share this idea with everyone before these seamless arms sell out. They can be found at One Sixth Kit:

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Yeah, the forearms are a really nice touch. Makes it look almost like a statue.

Id like to see something like that included from 1/6 makers. It really takes the figure to a new level.

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I guarantee his opening sequence will be in the past and he'll be de-aged. Classic Indy.

Whatever McGuffin he was looking for in the past will likely resurface in the 60's (or whatever era the movie takes place in) and bring old-man Indy back out of retirement and into a new adventure.

Called it back in Feb 2020

Pictures are out of a Nazi train and a stunt man wearing a Young Ford mask on a motorcycle -- likely the new opening.
Guys, let's all chip in for Wor, he needs $36. :LOL:

I was on the fence as I was hoping the gripping hand was his right hand, but I saw the previous set was over $70 before selling out, with just one more arm. Probably a Kit tactic.
if anyone thinks they can salvage this and wants it, PM me.

Inigo hat from his smiling sculpt -- I dropped it and it cracked in a couple spots. I reglued but seems a bit fragile.


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I gotta say Ford's not looking too bad here, and I think the older and more grizzled Indy still works pretty well (at least assuming he's got a much better story to work with).

Of course with the dots on his face he's clearly going to be de-aged for some kind of prologue or flashback scene, so maybe that will increases the chances of a new Raiders-era HT figure?



That's once again the opening sequence where Indy is back fighting Nazis. Surely the best part of this albatross of a movie.

I gotta say, he just looks terrible.

You're a school teacher?


Ancient Indy icon.jpg

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It's always good to see Harrison back as Indy, even at 78. However, we must remind ourselves, its the mileage not the years. For a guy at his age, I think he looks great.

In the meantime, it's nice to see the jacket back with some more Raiders-esque details; lack of the storm flap snaps (thank god, never liked those!), full length zipper, pocket design, etc. Even that hat, which is obviously wet, reminds me of the original dunk in the South American river. I know some people are taking issue with the iconic outfit still being worn despite the time period(s). Honestly, I would enjoy if they decided to "update" some of the details to resemble the Steranko concept paintings from the very beginning, particularly if they're having Jones in his OSS days (I would presume based on the Nazi's). At the very least, it would be a nice way of coming full circle.


Any who, I'm cautiously optimistic.
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I have the original paperback that came out before the film released, with the front and back cover art that's a variation of the central image.

I'd never heard of Indiana Jones but the book seemed good, and that was the image I had of Indy before the film came out.

The cover also promised pyramids, tanks and SS troops in the desert!


And yes, in those photos, Harrison does look a little rough around the edges and haggard. But then again, he's 78. Who knows that the situation was in that scene or why they look the way they do. Also, those are basically paparazzi shots taken from a distance. Ford looks younger than he is, and I for one am happy he remains the one and only Indy (other than the stunt guys). I hope they don't over-rely on de-aging tricks/cgi though. Time will tell.

Also, with Mangold involved I can't help but think of Logan. Hugh Jackman looked intentionally like hell and that movie was fantastic in my opinion.
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