1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: ROTJ - Boba Fett

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I expected more from HT to be honest. Helmet looks a lot like the sideshows in terms of sculpting. Medi Rotj still is king.

Technically true. But a smidge too small, so not a king for 1/6. People try to fudge it by making the fig a bit taller, or other figs displayed next to it a bit shorter, but it's really more 1/7 than 1/6. Maybe 1/6.5.

It's like a lot of the GG mini-busts - very nice, sold as "1/6," often appear to maybe be 1/6 (I've tried to use a few of them) but not 1/6 when you put it next to some 1/6 figs.
Boba was never tall tbh. Put the Medi extenders on him and beef him up a bit and he's good to go.

He's a normal 6' guy. And the Medi is not just too-small height, so extenders (which the Medi ROTJ version comes with) doesn't really solve the problem. The parts themselves are underscale (though not all the parts - oddly, a few are actually 1/6, though most are closer to 1/7 like most Medis.) I can also never get past the chest armor on the Medi Fetts - wrong shapes, huge gaps between plates. I like the Medi helmet sculpt, it's just a tad too small for a fully proportional 1/6 Fett - though you can fudge it as I mentioned.:(
Boba was never tall tbh. Put the Medi extenders on him and beef him up a bit and he's good to go.

I've gotta respectfully disagree with you. I've got both figs and it's not just the height of the medi it's also coloration as well as materials. A few years ago I would've agreed with you. The helmet on Hot Toys could've been done better but IMO is quite better than SSC.
I've gotta respectfully disagree with you. I've got both figs and it's not just the height of the medi it's also coloration as well as materials. A few years ago I would've agreed with you. The helmet on Hot Toys could've been done better but IMO is quite better than SSC.

Yeah, the sculpt on the HT helmet is off, but it doesn't jump out at me the way the SSC helmet errors do. With the HT helmet posed at the right angle, it hides the errors pretty well, whereas I've never seen the SSC helmet look accurate from any posed angle.

The HT helmet sculpt was a real missed opportunity, though the ROTJ helmet is a little differently shaped to the distorted ESB version, so I guess even if they had nailed it, it still wouldn't have solved the issue for a perfect 1/6 ESB Fett helmet - which is still yet to be nailed by any company. Maybe a shapeways 3D sculptor will come through for us someday - until then, I guess we wait on the HT ESB Fett.
Well I suppose it comes down to a list of shortcomings. I think a rotj jedi looks better, though if I owned one I surely would be hunting for a HT chest piece and hands/feet. The other way around (HT with medi helmet) isn't doable because the Medis aren't parted out often if ever. I own a medi fett (customised the chest plates for reasons you named), and the helmet and jet pack are definately in scale for 1/6th. The hands are a tad small I'd agree. I think HT looks great, but the helmet sculpt is too off for me. Though the earpieces do look good. I can't imagine the visor being off is any other reason than this: either disney wants it to look this way OR they're afraid making things assymmetrical will turn off buyers.
I'm pretty close to selling this guy. Gonna box him up and see if I'm fine with him not on display. I think it's a sum of its minor flaws that has done him in. Maybe I'll dig the eventual ESB version more. Hopefully they'll redo the helmet as I prefer that shape anyhow.

I see the colors in the promo pics, especially on the 1/4 scale, and they look so vibrant, but on my shelf the 1/6 looks a bit too olive and drab. He looks best to me on top of my detolf--so viewed from a more below angle and away from lights essentially.
Here's three photos I recently took:


I love the background pics, are they prints or something else. I so need to get this figure but all my money has been going to complete my ANH heros collection.

I actually went to the actual locations for these pictures. I'm kidding no I bought them from Disney Store online maybe a year and a half ago. They were limited releases of the original Star Tours Travel posters for the ride at Disney. Sadly they're not available anymore at the moment. I hope they bring them back again because the only one I'm missing is the Dagobah cuz I ran out of money at the time.

Boba seems to get mixed reviews but I personally really like the figure. It was my first HT figure in hand.
I actually went to the actual locations for these pictures. I'm kidding no I bought them from Disney Store online maybe a year and a half ago. They were limited releases of the original Star Tours Travel posters for the ride at Disney. Sadly they're not available anymore at the moment. I hope they bring them back again because the only one I'm missing is the Dagobah cuz I ran out of money at the time.

Boba seems to get mixed reviews but I personally really like the figure. It was my first HT figure in hand.

Lol. That would have been cool if you could visit those places. I hope they release them again, I really need some background pics for my Detolf. Yeah I really like the figure. Hopefully I can pick one up soon and at a decent price.
Just pulled the trigger on this guy, after contemplating for a while.

So what's the jury on the tan suit/blue suit deal? I always thought it was blue, but it looks tan in other photos. Point me to a thread/resource? Thanks :)