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Freaked Out
Feb 11, 2009
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I'm a big fan of all the sleazy
"70's GRINDHOUSE" flicks,
so I've decided to create a
in early 2010. Most of the parts are already ordered,
so the next update should be already possible in the
1st 2 weeks of January 2010.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71qQlOPNbrg :devil
Here's the pic from the youtube video:

The headsculpt started the whole idea!
It fits pretty good with the scar
(which he maybe got from a "knife fight")!

The base figure setup is:

1x DiD French 2eme Regiment de Cuirassiers 1815
"Eric" headsculpt

1x Sideshow Subject 245: Punk Zombie - Vest
(Bloodied & Weathered)

1x Dr. Figures 1/6 70s Fashion Series
(Bruce Lee Style Outfit)

I'll probably buy a "german WWII helmet" as displacement for a normal motorcycle helmet too.

And of course I'm looking for a good "1/6 Harley Davidson Chopper"!
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I've updated the pic above with some new parts!
I'll also work on a "BIKER HIDEOUT" DIORAMA!
It'll be filled with weapons & loot in wooden-/cardboard boxes.

I'm not sure if I'll prefer a "stockroom" or "residential
house" style. The difference would be:

- Wooden floor
- Concrete walls
- more industrial stuff like oil barrels

Residential house:
- Carpet floor
- Wallpaper walls
- more living room stuff like a couch, hifi equipment, fridge...

I tend a little to the "Residential house" version.
I need to see, for which version I can easier get some props!
I've created a quick raw prototype of the
(Only with shaders since textures would finally not match with the real thing anyway.)

Concept= A kind of "BIKER HIDEOUT" (living room style)!

01. with a couch in center

02. couch table with
- beer cans/bootles
- $ bill piles in front of some packages with stardust ;)
- A pistol (in reach), if unwanted guests will appear
- Miniature magazines from the 70's
(like "Playboy" & "Biker magazines")
- some trash under the table

03. On the left
- Jerry Cans & a gas bottle
- A cardboard box with loot

04. On the right
- Cardboard boxes
Filled with hay & grenades
Filled with rifles & guns

05. Some miniature GRINDHOUSE biker movie posters on the wall
(I've many high-res scans from my collection, which will look great printed as mini posters!)

I'll start with the couch today!
I've access to many old '70s fabrics, so I'll look for something nice for the couch & carpet.

That's it for now!
I hope I can show already the 1st photos the next time!
Stay tuned & merry x-mas,

I got 2 big deliveries for my "Grindhouse Biker" today,
so it makes progress! I'm pretty happy with the look so far.
I'm still waiting for a "chain with iron cross" + a helmet.

Can somebody tell me how to add the medals to the vest?
There're some long plastic pins to transfix thru the fabric.
So far they just stick in the fabric.
What's the best way to fix the pins so that they won't move anymore?
Somebody told me to shorten the pins & add some "hot glue".
Is this a good way to do it?

Here're some pics of the progress:
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Hot glue is usually pretty safe to use... even if you get messy it just comes off after dried. I'd probably just use a gel superglue... a little drop and that pin isn't going anywhere.
To galactiboy:
Thanks! I thought so, since they're not very big or heavy.
I just want to get them a little tighter to the fabric!
I'm still waiting for some stuff like a
"necklace with Iron Cross" & "a helmet"!
And I'll start the diorama room soon.
If somebody knows the "McKenzie Brothers" set
from McFarlane, that's how the diorama shall look like.
Only with loot instead of Canadian beer!" ;)
Is that 3Ds Max you're using for the "3D prototype"?

I use carrara, BTW, do a whole lot of 3D stuff in my spare time.

I use a combination of HEXAGON 2.5 (for the modelling)
& DAZ STUDIO 3.0 (for the rendering).
I'll send you a PM.

BTW: The figure makes progress!
New photos will be uploaded soon!

Here's the final version of my
"Custom 1970's Grindhouse Biker"!
I love this guy! It's so satisfying when a custom figure idea
finally turns out like with this figure.

I've tried to keep the parts in a matching color scheme:
Brown: Pants, Chain, Undershirt, Leatherstrap on the helmet
Blue: Shirt, Vest, Helmet
Black: Shoes, Gloves, Cord on the shirt
Golden: Seams & Buttons on the vest, Necklace
(which is btw REAL gold!) :)

Looks like: Misson accomplished! :)





If somebody likes to recreate this figure, here's a list of the parts:

1x Hot Toys TrueType 2010 body
1x DiD French 2eme Regiment de Cuirassiers 1815 "Eric" headsculpt
1x Sideshow Subject 245: Punk Zombie - Vest (Bloodied & Weathered)
1x Dr. Figures 1/6 70s Fashion Series (Bruce Lee Style Outfit)
1x German WWII Helmet (Original paint removed with nail polish remover)
1x Hot Toys TDK Bankrobber Joker Hands (Left hand's fingers cut free to hold the knife)
1x Sideshow The Dead Corporate Spokesman Watch
1x Canadian Military College Cadet - Metal Knife
1x Some Did WWII Insignias + a Gold chain
1x Bronze chain (found @ a jewelry shop on ebay)

When I'll find the time, I'll create a "biker hideout" room diorama for this guy.
I know he looks to clean.
I'm only afraid to ruin the figure, so I keep it at the moment like it is. I've seen so many great custom figures which looked crappy after they were soaked in blood. I'll probably add more dirt/dust than blood.

I've the idea for a "Nature gone wild/Animal horror" diorama, where he fights against a huge rat or maybe a spider invasion. I'm not sure if I'll create the old "Biker hidout" room idea or such a diorama. I don't have much time @ the moment anyway, but since I collect all kind of "Nature gone wild/Animal horror" flicks for many years, this could be fun to create.
I found this rat in a store for HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS!
It looks pretty good! Not to much like a cuddly toy.
The size (13x28cm) should work too.

The inspiration for the idea comes from the movie:
Those rats were huge too.

Here's the pic of the rat model:
Looks great... although I'd love to see him battling a Rat up on his hind legs; like he's attacking. But whatever you do I have a feeling its gonna look awesome :rock
After a very long time I've decided to start the work on my "BIKER versus MONSTER RAT" dio. I had some problems to find a good partner with some more skills in dio works. Now I finally found somebody who can help to create the dio with wooden floor, wooden planks on the window + door & broken glass window...

Here're some pics:
The 1st one is a basic concept of the idea for a scene "half inside of a warehouse <> half street side"!
The 2nd is a closeup with some more added details!
The 3rd is my old Biker, who even got some longer hair in all the months! ;)




For the "Street side" we've some more ideas like a "fallen down garbage can" & a "severed power cable" on the wall left to the window.
And of course some damage to the wall like rat paw scratches.

The "Rat" shall get "light up red LED lights for the eyes".

Any additional ideas are always welcome?