Hot Toys 1/6 Chewbacca - Han Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Who over there is like...yeah that looks good let's show it off at this huge event
Tempted. Not really an improvement over the first two versions but fixable with some work. ANH was a lot of combing, TFA added surgery to the skills needed. It seems this version will be another test for anyone trying to fix it before putting it on the shelves.
Hey I don't have a Chewbacca so this at least will look good next to Han since it's specific to the film so I probably will order this, hopefully it's a bit out there in terms of shipping.
These chewies seem to get worse with every release. The first version is still the best.
HT just don't seem to be improving on the first Chewbacca, in fact they are getting worse. Such a shame.
It cant be this hard to make Chewbacca....

Every single release has sucked.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....