Bobby the Brain Heenan has died

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Ham and Egger
CF Supporter
Nov 16, 2008
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One of the greatest entertainers I've ever seen, pro-wrestling or otherwise. He was the best at what he did. Witty, incredibly funny, he understood the audience and knew how to press your buttons. So many Vivid memories of my childhood are connected to the stuff he did in the WWF. I hated his guts as a kid, and grew to respect and love the work he did as a teenager and adult. Rest in peace.

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Agreed. The best to do it period. Funny and witty as hell. May he rest in peace

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We can enjoy wrestling for what it is but if anyone deserved a bigger stage... it was that guy. God damn was he funny.

There are many sad humanoids and ham & eggers in the world tonight. RIP
I was thinking about the ham-and-egger expression while driving last week for some random reason. He was so great and had so many great lines.

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I'm very heartbroken to hear about this. Not only the best manager and a good wrestler before managing but just so good as a character in any facet of entertainment. The quick one-liners he came up with and his color commentary with all his play by play partners was just memorable. RIP Mr. Heenan. There won't be another quite like you.:(
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Thanks for the fun memories. I remember watching him a lot when I was very young. May he now rest in peace. :pray:
Gorilla and the Weasel will be calling it in the Heavens from now on and that is the way it should always be!
Very sad news. The Brain always got me to laugh. I think I'll be firing up some old episodes of Prime Time on the network now.
I was shocked when I saw Mick Foley tweet about it. Had to look it up. That sucks. All my favorite wrestlers are passing away. Heenan really had the psychological aspect to the bit. He knew how people function and played into that, which made him great. He didn't have to be a physical specimen in the turnbuckles. He was just an amazing personality.

I have some old VHS tapes somewhere that I need to fire up this next weekend.

Bobby would have been a helluva sidekick for a late night host back then. But by the end of the night everyone would realize he was smarter than the host.

At this very moment, all of Beverly Hills should be dressed head to toe in black in mourning God Dammit!!
I've been watching a lot of old Hogan matches recently and this quote from the Brain made me laugh so hard:

Brain: (on Real American, Hulk Hogan's theme music) "That's my second favorite song."
Gorilla: "I'm almost afraid to ask...what's your favorite?"
Brain: "All the rest are tied."

A massive loss, he was such a brilliant color commentator
I've been watching a lot of old Hogan matches recently and this quote from the Brain made me laugh so hard:

Brain: (on Real American, Hulk Hogan's theme music) "That's my second favorite song."
Gorilla: "I'm almost afraid to ask...what's your favorite?"
Brain: "All the rest are tied."

A massive loss, he was such a brilliant color commentator

The one and only...

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I've been watching a lot of old Hogan matches recently and this quote from the Brain made me laugh so hard:

Brain: (on Real American, Hulk Hogan's theme music) "That's my second favorite song."
Gorilla: "I'm almost afraid to ask...what's your favorite?"
Brain: "All the rest are tied."

A massive loss, he was such a brilliant color commentator
I've got to watch the '92 Rumble again. Heenan was an absolute clinic in commentary through the whole thing.

*Piper hits someone to save Flair*

"I never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Roddy. It's a kilt. It's not a skirt, it's a kilt."

*Piper goes after Flair*

In some ways this really is a god send, anyone who's seen him in the last 8 years will know how ill he's been. He's been a shadow of his old self for such a long time and it was so heart breaking to see him like that.

One of my favourite Brain moments has to be from the early 90's when Rick Rude was having feud with the Big Boss Man, it came to head when on one episode Boss Man grabs Heenan and handcuffs him to the barriers alongside the ring. Heenan was locked up for the remainder of the program, screaming for Rude to come to ringside and release him.

In some ways this really is a god send, anyone who's seen him in the last 8 years will know how ill he's been. He's been a shadow of his old self for such a long time and it was so heart breaking to see him like that.

One of my favourite Brain moments has to be from the early 90's when Rick Rude was having feud with the Big Boss Man, it came to head when on one episode Boss Man grabs Heenan and handcuffs him to the barriers alongside the ring. Heenan was locked up for the remainder of the program, screaming for Rude to come to ringside and release him.

I Googled him as I forgot what he looked like. I remembered what he looked like before and I was shocked to see what he looked like now.