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Yeah, will be interesting. Closest thing we have these days is maybe Pratt but he often plays roles a bit dumber than the Ford flicks from the 80s. Still don't think we've seen any heir apparent to most 80s action stars.

Umm no..voice too high
Would a CG Han, if done pretty well, be OK for you?

It'd have to be freaking Kurt Russell in GOTG2 quality CG! :)

Or if they pulled an "Age of Adeline" and did an old Han/young Han simultaneous story with current Ford (obviously the old Han section would have to take place prior to TFA) and the same Ingruber kid from Adeline. Those are really the only scenarios that would be remotely worth considering for me. But even then I just think Han is perfect as is with his first moment on screen being him sliding into the Mos Eisley cantina booth and his last either the Ewok Celebration or getting killed on Starkiller Base (depending on which movie you count as the "canon" end of his arc.)
They've already botched that idea with his young Solo movie. But if they did a movie and he had a little 5 minute bit that could have been cool.
It's disturbing isn't it..even though TFA did fine without Luke, could they really pull it off without Han :panic:

SW is so inherently silly that you MUST have a character who can step back and roll his eyes at what is happening around him to give the audience permission to laugh with the story and not at it. The OT/TFA had Han and RO had K-2. Hopefully LFL recognized that and has an appropriate fill in for TLJ and onward.
SW is so inherently silly that you MUST have a character who can step back and roll his eyes at what is happening around him to give the audience permission to laugh with the story and not at it. The OT/TFA had Han and RO had K-2. Hopefully LFL recognized that and has an appropriate fill in for TLJ and onward.
Ernie Hudson is looking for work!
There you go. :rock

"Rey the next time someone asks if your midichlorians are off the charts you say YES!"

There's proof how I hated that concept in the PT, I spelled it wrong :slap

Yoda's logic of the Force will always be supreme

Especially when he said " " Not this crude matter! "

Take that Midichorians :pfft:

Thank you Yoda..Thank You :bow


Rotfl !!!! Yeah exactly like that !!
Tunic sleeves are too short. Hope they add some length.

Right, I'm pulling out the red marker !!

To me during setup they simply didn't pull the coat sleeve out long enough. They wanted to show some white sleeve, but clearly showed too much.

Looks like there is extra material there in the circled part of the jacket sleeve.

Just my answer to the "too long white sleeve theory".
