1/6 Star Ace - 300 / 300: Rise of an Empire

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Mmm, thank god I bought the Sculpt4ever Eva Green HS with long rooted hair. Now I'll buy this one for the body and outfit, and use the HS for something else.
What did they do to Eva green!!! That's the main figure I want from this film! Looks so bad :(

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Surely Star Ace is going to do a neutral headsculpt for Themistokles. Offering just a screaming head is ridiculous not to mention he wasn't really a screamer like Leonides. Helmet looks off and the legs look to thin. If they offer a neutral sculpt I'll pick it up and probably body swap. The Eva Green Artemisia head sculpt is terrible, but as mentioned there are better ones available.
I kinda like this Eva Green head. I just thought the movie was OKAY but I loved her in it. If she ever goes on sale somewhere, I might bite. What's the "better" head look like? Any pic of it somewhere?
I kinda like this Eva Green head. I just thought the movie was OKAY but I loved her in it. If she ever goes on sale somewhere, I might bite. What's the "better" head look like? Any pic of it somewhere?
The only important character is evA! They need to do better than the silly pic shown by them.

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I don't like to dump on the artists, but with the flood of 1/6 scale figure companies these days, I get the sense that some companies are just saying, "eh, good enough." And, inevitably, what's released from those companies is good enough to get people to bite, but not really up to snuff for what's being charged.

I think some companies realize they can't charge as much as Hot Toys and collectors are okay with the figures we get in those circumstances, but others just ride Hot Toys' coattails (price-wise) without matching the quality. Star Ace has phoned-in a few figures--Mad-Eye Moody comes to mind. Threezero's Rick Grimes was remarkably mediocre after a lengthy period from preview to release. I guess we'll see what happens with Artemisia leading up to release. Hopefully something changes.
Hopfuly they fix the sculpt I'd really like a nice eva green figure she is my favorite actress.
I'm looking for some figures to kit bash our long running Dungeons and Dragons characters. The Artemisia figure might make a decent base for my shadow mage. I'll probably give her a go.
How can Star Ace even display this Artemisia with a straight face? It looks like a cheap knockoff as opposed to a licensed figure from a top 1:6 producer -- head sculpt bears no resemblance to Eve Green, cheap body, poor tailoring. Do they seriously want to be considered in the same league as Hot Toys? What the hell is going on with this company? They need to either fire their creative director, replace their supply chain or both. Right now I'd maybe pay $80 for it so I could part out the outfit (which would still need work) and accessories, find a custom head, and put it on a decent body.

Not to mention they show a screaming Themistokles. While he did have a battle scream in a couple of scenes, for the most part the character was depicted as calm and strategic. Leonides was the screamer. Unless they add a second neutral head sculpt, that's another one I will try to pick up cheap in the secondary and hope someone produces a decent Sullivan Stapleton sculpt.