Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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At least we actually get something for our money. At least I can watch my movie even if Internet is down. Again, I have nothing against digital. I even use it, but it's not a replacement. I still buy CD's too for certain nands over just downloading everything.

If I ever want to buy a whole album from a band then I buy the CD. Nothing tops having the art and looking through the lyrics and linier notes while listening to the album on your stereo. If it's just a song or two then I will by digital. But no way am I buying a new Van Halen, Vol Beat, Metallica, etc.. album on digital.

Another bonus of having physical is I can quickly browse my collection to figure out what I am in the mood for. Look at the cover art and decide if I want to watch. I know you can do the same with the digital but its not the same.

Having said all this I am 45 years old. I have talked to younger 20 somethings who have never owned a CD in their life. So I think it is inevitable that physical media will go the way of the dinosaur. But its still a ways off I think.

Yet Record Albums are making a small comeback... So what do I know
I rent movies on my VuDu account a lot but I still buy Blu + DVD + HD Digital of my favorite movies. I prefer physical copies over digital but I do take advantage of digital copies of movies, music and books.

IMO nothing beats a physical copy of any of those but I do like and use my digital collection(s).

One perk of working for my local library is that I get all the digital codes when new DVD/Blu-ray movies arrive and go into our library collection. No one else there has or uses VuDu. :yess:

That's why I'm making cave paintings of all my favorite films, nothing else has stood the test of time as well.

:lol :lol :lol

High Definition Movies: Civil War

Digital Download vs. Physical Media

Digital Download = Team Iron Man

Physical Media = Team Captain America

I'm with Team Cap!!!

:rock :hi5: :rock
If I ever want to buy a whole album from a band then I buy the CD. Nothing tops having the art and looking through the lyrics and linier notes while listening to the album on your stereo. If it's just a song or two then I will by digital. But no way am I buying a new Van Halen, Vol Beat, Metallica, etc.. album on digital.

Another bonus of having physical is I can quickly browse my collection to figure out what I am in the mood for. Look at the cover art and decide if I want to watch. I know you can do the same with the digital but its not the same.

Having said all this I am 45 years old. I have talked to younger 20 somethings who have never owned a CD in their life. So I think it is inevitable that physical media will go the way of the dinosaur. But its still a ways off I think.

Yet Record Albums are making a small comeback... So what do I know

The problem with that, moreso with movies, is a lot of the teens now rarely ever pay for their entertainment. Once the older generation is gone so is much of their revenue.
Bluray 3D in CW during the airport battle was amazing.

The last movie I watched in 3D was Jaws 3 :lol

I'm pretty sure when my kids get older I'll revisit some of these movies in 3D so I can have that experience with them. Are there any films you can definitively say are worth it?
The last movie I watched in 3D was Jaws 3 :lol

I'm pretty sure when my kids get older I'll revisit some of these movies in 3D so I can have that experience with them. Are there any films you can definitively say are worth it?

Oh man, drop what you're doing and watch these 6 in 3D for starters!

Jurassic Park

Then Avatar and Step Up 3D JUST for the 3D!

Want to see just how incredible my 3D set up is?

Still can't stomach 3D.

It's a resilient little gimmicky virus I'll give it that, it came back with a vengeance and it doesn't look like it'll go anywhere any time soon.
Still can't stomach 3D.

It's a resilient little gimmicky virus I'll give it that, it came back with a vengeance and it doesn't look like it'll go anywhere any time soon.

While a gimmick in many movies there are some where the 3D greatly enhances the viewing experience.

My Bloody Valentine is another good example.

I need a proper F13th Part 3 in real 3D dammit, the only thing that makes that movie fun is missing!

Is 3D standard in 4k televisions now?

The answer unfortunately is a big fat NO!
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Just binged the entire Cap trilogy. Holy ****. Need to decompress. That was beyond amazing. Cap transcends all soldiers, then all spies, then even his fellow superheroes. Cap's first and last fights in the entire trilogy feature him getting beat up and then saying "I can do this all day" before Bucky blindsides his attacker.

Both Howard and Tony's first scenes in the trilogy are them giving a tech demo in front of an audience.

Skull's taunts to Steve that he's greater than everyone yet "pretends to be a simple soldier" ring true to greater degrees with each film.

When you watch them all in sequence you see that he never stops being that teenager from 1942 who will stop at nothing, whether it be falsifying enlistment documents or defying the United Nations to stand up for the little guy and oppose whoever needs opposing. But he isn't a tyrant who's above the law because when the job is done more often than not he'll surrender (he submits himself for prosecution in all three films.)

It was crushing to have TFA and TWS fresh in my mind then see his reaction to Widow siding with Tony about the accords seconds before getting the text that Peggy died. He lost both of the women he was closest to in seconds. Bucky was MIA. Other than Sam he had no one at that point. Really harsh.

I'm pretty blown away. The trilogy starts great and gets better with every film.
Yeah I don't get it, they're still making 3D movies, showing them theatrically and selling 3D blurays yet the 3D tv's have diminished, makes no sense.

They're either hoping this VR thing will take off, it won't, or they're working on glasses free 3D which i'll be ok with.