Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I'm bummed that Guillermo del Toro's Justice League Dark (or "Dark Universe") isn't happening. :( But that's more because he sits on his hands deciding what to do than WB canning it. I think someone could still sell them on the idea. If Suicide Squad does well, you could use Enchantress as a "bridge" character and maybe even cameo some of the others in other DC films.

But imagine this line up:

Doctor Fate
The Spectre
The Phantom Stranger
Etrigan The Demon

Maybe even bring in a proper Constantine or even Swamp Thing.


I would be more excited for that lineup than any other comic film in my whole life....anything close to that in my heart would be the Marvel Monsters(WBN,Dracula,Frankenstein,Manphibian,GR,Son of Satan,Satanna,Man-Thing,etc,etc)
You seem to be broadening what I said in order to turn it into something you disagree with. Liking Marvel and therefore wanting DC to fail is not the same as liking The Fantastic Four and wanting it to be done right.

With regard to BvS, I actually wonder which set of fans have been more harsh against it. Marvel fans laughing at its misfortune or DC fans upset that WB/Snyder dropped the ball in their minds?
I don't see how my interpretation doesn't jibe with your quote, but maybe you are equating "fandom" with just loving Marvel/hating DC or vice versa? I took it as face value that you just mean being a fan of an approach, which could mean that you love fun, humorous movies and hate joyless, bleak ones.
I don't see how my interpretation doesn't jibe with your quote, but maybe you are equating "fandom" with just loving Marvel/hating DC or vice versa?

Correct. You commented that I was a Marvel guy appreciating a DC movie so I commented on the "either/or" fan mentality that some adopt regarding the two companies and how silly I think it is, nothing more.
I would be more excited for that lineup than any other comic film in my whole life....anything close to that in my heart would be the Marvel Monsters(WBN,Dracula,Frankenstein,Manphibian,GR,Son of Satan,Satanna,Man-Thing,etc,etc)

Even cooler than Marvel Monsters (imho) would be DC's Creature Commandos (which actually exists inside the DCU canon as part of S.H.A.D.E.):

Frankenstein's Monster
Bride of Frankenstein
Warren Griffith (Werewolf)
Vincent Velcoro (Vampire)
Khalis (Mummy)
Dr. Nina Mazursky (Female Creature From the Black Lagoon)
G.I. Robot

Just think about that. A war movie where the heroes are a crack team made up of a group of classic monsters based within the DC comics universe.
It most certainly was dam thing read like a movie and it was the bases for the avengers of course the PG version.

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Truth. I like the Avengers for what it is, and it is a historic CBM (just like BvS, even though I'm not a big fan), but I'd have much preffered to see The Ultimates done right. That comic was a cinematic as it got. The characters were realistic, their problems were cranked-up to 11, and it was all in all a great reimagining. Oh well, let's hope that in the Rebooted MCU they'll tackle that version, complete with gore, nudity and profanity.
Even cooler than Marvel Monsters (imho) would be DC's Creature Commandos (which actually exists inside the DCU canon as part of S.H.A.D.E.):

Frankenstein's Monster
Bride of Frankenstein
Warren Griffith (Werewolf)
Vincent Velcoro (Vampire)
Khalis (Mummy)
Dr. Nina Mazursky (Female Creature From the Black Lagoon)
G.I. Robot

Just think about that. A war movie where the heroes are a crack team made up of a group of classic monsters based within the DC comics universe.

I forgot about GI Robot!! Great character!

How about Doom Patrol? Now that would rock......
Truth. I like the Avengers for what it is, and it is a historic CBM (just like BvS, even though I'm not a big fan), but I'd have much preffered to see The Ultimates done right. That comic was a cinematic as it got. The characters were realistic, their problems were cranked-up to 11, and it was all in all a great reimagining. Oh well, let's hope that in the Rebooted MCU they'll tackle that version, complete with gore, nudity and profanity.

But but its to dark for the kiddies ;) man I hope CW actually has an emotional punch the way scene in the airport looked like something out of a MArvel CApcom game I kept waiting for the the power level bar to show up on each side and a count down.

I forgot about GI Robot!! Great character!

How about Doom Patrol? Now that would rock......

Oh, hell yeah. I'd always be down for a Doom Patrol movie. :rock

Outside of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman my favorite DC characters were always the ones more on the fringe and the margins. And I was always drawn to the mystical, dark and supernatural characters like all of the ones we've discussed. Monsters, aliens, mystics and robots have always been my bag (more than superheroes, to be honest), and this is where DC has always excelled, imho.

This is one reason why "Chill of The Night" (from Batman: Brave and The Bold) is one of my all-time favorite single animated DCU episodes... The back-and-forth banter and game of destiny between The Specture and The Phantom Stranger is so great. I still can't believe that was done in a children's show. It wasn't over the top or even really that overtly dark, but the undertones... whoa. Also, bonus points for having Kevin Conroy voice the Stranger and Mark Hamill voice The Spectre. (Also, Adam West as the voice of Thomas Wayne in the same episode) :rock
But but its to dark for the kiddies ;) man I hope CW actually has an emotional punch the way scene in the airport looked like something out of a MArvel CApcom game I kept waiting for the the power level bar to show up on each side and a count down.

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Don't get me wrong, I love good-hearted Stever Rogers, but I'd love to see Army-Grunt Cap crack some skulls. Or Hank and Jan be founding "Avengers" and a "Science Couple". The realism worked there because these guys and gals weren't gods or the like, they were nutso scientists working for Uncle Sam in Top Secret Army Programs. And, honestly, who doesn't want to see a Rampaging Gray Hulk **** some **** up? I love the MCU, but yeah, sometimes it is too "cookie-cutter" for my tastes.

Ultimates wasn't a thought-provoking piece, but like, say, John Wick, it managed to deliver non-stop action and add a realistic element to those characters, who, let's face it, if they were real, they'd be more like their Ultimate counterparts. Earth-616 is home to my favourite characters, but, for a while, the Ultimate Universe was MY Universe. Shame it had to go...
Anyone have pictures of the BvS Kryptonite spear prop or movie stills? I though some good images of it would have come out by now.
Just in case you guys were wondering why we call you Trolls.


It has already been established that anyone that hates this movie is a troll. Anyone that didn't like this is just a moron.

The only people telling the truth are the people that loved this.
The defenders are the only ones that can be trusted,
The only people with any dignity and self respect.

There is a horrible, harsh, ever burning place in hell for all the people that hated this movie. Their souls are damned for all eternity.

Don't worry bro. They'll get what's coming to them. Don't you worry your little head :)
It's so weird because I was thinking the same thing, but then I see BvS supporters make poignant observations and lucid arguments in regards to other films and I'm just wondering how do they not see the problems with this movie.

I just figure we all approach things from a slightly different perspective, so in most cases, I'm not going to ridicule someone or argue with them over opinion, it's just pointless. To one person it might genuinely be a great film, to another, pure crap, and that's great actually. How painfully boring would life be if we all just saw everything the same way? I just can't wrap my head around people who get their panties all in a twist over this stuff, actually get hostile and start developing conspiracy theories in their head over why their beloved movie just isn't appealing to most everybody else, to me it just comes off as mental illness.

So, enjoy your movie, I'm glad you like or love it, just don't get so worked up about it. People already get worked up enough over religion, politics and guns, no need to add movies to the list. But if I state my opinion, don't expect me to walk on egg shells to protect your self esteem, it's just a damn movie! If I like it, I'll say so, if I don't, I'll say so.

By the way, this isn't necessarily directed at anybody specifically here, or for that matter, meant to exclusively apply to BVS.