Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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this was a vid i was waiting to see, i was really curious what this girl was going to say, took her a very long time but i cannot believe she fell under the disney brainwash.
this is a hate vid, dont bother looking if you want to skip more hate :lol. (and, yeah yeah, another narcissistic nobody spam video thats garbage opinions blablabla lol )
but for the haters, she makes some really really good points, she makes great points.

Still clinging too much to what others think.

hey I PAID for this mess and sat down for 2 hours to see it.... that bs excuse doesn't work anymore :duh:nono find a new one. It's just interesting, I value her opinion way much more than yours I can tell you that :lol
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I didn't like the movie but I couldn't get past 2 mins of that video. I shut it off after the estrogen thing.

She looks like she has more testosterone than me, look at dem hands. If it wasn't for that sweet, angelic voice, I'd assume her **** was bigger than mine too.
I know right? :lol watch a 30 min video of some chick with ****** hair whine about a movie. :lol At least have one getting a pearl necklace not making one.

hey I PAID for this mess and sat down for 2 hours to see it.... that bs excuse doesn't work anymore :duh:nono find a new one. It's just interesting, I value her opinion way much more than yours I can tell you that :lol

cool starry bra.
All of the movies will be at least slightly different tonally. Even MOS and BvS are different in tone (with BvS being darker and more brooding and philosophical). BvS will be the darkest of all. This was a creative choice they made.

Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman will also have their own looks and feel, though ultimately staying within the same universe.

BVS and philosophical should not be in the same sentence. :lol
I didn't like the movie but I couldn't get past 2 mins of that video. I shut it off after the estrogen thing.

She looks like she has more testosterone than me, look at dem hands. If it wasn't for that sweet, angelic voice, I'd assume her **** was bigger than mine too.

she just happens to have a feminine man thing , nothing wrong with that, Come on bro IT IS 2016 :nono

BVS and philosophical should not be in the same sentence. :lol

BVS and philosophical should not be in the same sentence. :lol


Unless, of course, we're talking about 10th Grade Philosophy here, in which case, sure.
:lol to comments like this. The old "I liked it and anyone who doesn't has no taste or does not know what a good movie it"

Before laughing your lungs out you might want to re read What ive written.
Never said people who disliked this movie in particular are stupid for not liking it.
Just that these days the success of a movie means nothing about its merits.
Huge turds have huge success.
Saying that the average audience has no clue about What is a good movie is just a fact.

As first BvS again i Will say that it has many reasons for not being liked.
But I do for many reasons too Without dissing the valid arguments against it.

I'm going with olbert and spin on this one, clicking my heels 3 times and repeating:

"This movie will be praised in the future as a work of art"

That might even happen sooner than later, as in extended cut!

Well that escalated quickly.
Dont think BVS is a work of art.
Far from that.

But i really really love that Warner is trusting Snyder all the way.
Even i end up not liking What they Will do (im having a real hard time going to see BVS a second time you know so im not that sold) i like the way they are doing it.
They take risks, big risks with their vision, so far it must have been good for them since they keep it up.
No studio is crazy enough to follow a vision, a plan if they are already losing money.
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Thinking some more about the movie, it also occurred to me how lifeless both Metropolis and Gotham (because apparently, they are directly next to each other, who knew?) were. I know partly it was to remove civilian casualties from the equation, but neither of those two places gets any kind of characterization in the movie other than buildings! Each city is usually shown to have some personality, but here they're just a generic backdrop.
Thinking some more about the movie, it also occurred to me how lifeless both Metropolis and Gotham (because apparently, they are directly next to each other, who knew?) were. I know partly it was to remove civilian casualties from the equation, but neither of those two places gets any kind of characterization in the movie other than buildings! Each city is usually shown to have some personality, but here they're just a generic backdrop.

I had that issue while watching the movie. Other than the beginning scene with Bruce in the city, we really dont see civilians in the city in the rest of the movie.

Desdpool suffered from the same thing, it was even worse because there was a massive shoot out on a busy highway and not even one cop showed up lol.

At least BvS had the awesome Batman hiding scene.
Just in case you guys were wondering why we call you Trolls.


So, without a hint of irony or snark, without a sly laugh, you feel comfortable with saying that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is a philosophical movie that challenges the viewer and makes him/her ask questions and use his/her brain?


Which is, valid and all, but IMO that couldn't be further from the truth... Still, a different opinion doesn't make someone a troll. Do we all have to like the same things and have the same thoughts? I've proclaimed my love for Batffleck and Wonder Woman, but I don't see why it makes me a troll if I think it's laughable that BvS is considered a "philosophical" movie...

It's an attempt at deconstruction, nothing more, nothing less. But again, that's just my very own, very personal opinion, that doesn't make me a "troll" just because I support it. It's just that, an opinion, a subjective piece of my mind. Like it? Cool. Don't like it? Still cool. But I do not think name-calling was warranted.