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I'll bet $ Finn is force sensitive. Especially after watching the scene where he hears voices screaming when Starkiller base fires and kills all those folks.

Yep.definitely agree here.
Finn hears the screams and looks straight up.
Those screams aren't from anyone near him, and even when the cantina patrons do come out of Maz' castle, they are hardly screaming like the way Finn first hears.
I'm also thinking that the way Maz regards him seems like she sees something in him that others might not. I doubt she would have so cavalierly pointed to the saber saying "you have one [a weapon]" when he goes into battle unless she thought he'd be at least somewhat adept at using it. I think she senses The Force at work in him. His self extrication from the ranks of the First Order might have been the will of The Force resonating inside him.
There is no way im buying that he is force sensitive. It probably would have shown itself at some point in his life while in the first order. He gets beat up by multiple people, including just some random stormtrooper who i would imagine is not force sensitive. At one point he mentions to using the force to han, clearly showing he doesnt even know what it is. Just something hes heard of.

He doesnt seem to have any of the intuition stuff that force users have. Many of them have this when theyre children and he shows no signs of it in this movie. He doesnt sense rey when she is behind him and han has to point her out to him lol. We only saw 2 force users in this movie. You cant even say snoke is because we never see it, never hear about it. Hes just the leader of the first order in this movie. Not a sith, not a darth, just some ugly guy. So really its just rey and ren.
There is no way im buying that he is force sensitive. It probably would have shown itself at some point in his life while in the first order. He gets beat up by multiple people, including just some random stormtrooper who i would imagine is not force sensitive. At one point he mentions to using the force to han, clearly showing he doesnt even know what it is. Just something hes heard of.

He doesnt seem to have any of the intuition stuff that force users have. Many of them have this when theyre children and he shows no signs of it in this movie. He doesnt sense rey when she is behind him and han has to point her out to him lol. We only saw 2 force users in this movie. You cant even say snoke is because we never see it, never hear about it. Hes just the leader of the first order in this movie. Not a sith, not a darth, just some ugly guy. So really its just rey and ren.

I'd say it's pretty extraordinary to be able to spontaneously break a lifelong regime of indoctrination and mind control in an instant and have the confidence to attempt to both thwart his oppressors and make off with their most prized prisoner in a single afternoon.

The writers may yet have to determine the extent of his Force connection, but one thing that I think cannot be denied is that The Force is moving through him and guiding his destiny. His presence in the story amounts to a critical catalyst to the events that the obvious Force users must have to fulfill their destinies as well.
It should have been Phasma that he was fighting. Would have given her something to do, and would have made that fight actually mean something, instead of him getting beat up by some nobody stormtrooper.

FN-2199 isn't just some nobody Stormtrooper, though--he's one of the three other members of Finn's squad, who's always drank the Imperial Kool-Aid way more than Finn. Who better than Nines, one of Finn's own teammates, to really feel betrayed by his squad leader and call Finn "traitor!!"
There is no way im buying that he is force sensitive. It probably would have shown itself at some point in his life while in the first order. He gets beat up by multiple people, including just some random stormtrooper who i would imagine is not force sensitive. At one point he mentions to using the force to han, clearly showing he doesnt even know what it is. Just something hes heard of.

He doesnt seem to have any of the intuition stuff that force users have. Many of them have this when theyre children and he shows no signs of it in this movie. He doesnt sense rey when she is behind him and han has to point her out to him lol. We only saw 2 force users in this movie. You cant even say snoke is because we never see it, never hear about it. Hes just the leader of the first order in this movie. Not a sith, not a darth, just some ugly guy. So really its just rey and ren.

Are you saying Snoke isn't a force sensitive? Because if you are, there's a few examples of why he definitely is.
I'd say it's pretty extraordinary to be able to spontaneously break a lifelong regime of indoctrination and mind control in an instant and have the confidence to attempt to both thwart his oppressors and make off with their most prized prisoner in a single afternoon.

The writers may yet have to determine the extent of his Force connection, but one thing that I think cannot be denied is that The Force is moving through him and guiding his destiny. His presence in the story amounts to a critical catalyst to the events that the obvious Force users must have to fulfill their destinies as well.

I agree that Finn has to be at least somewhat Force-sensitive, but perhaps not in a combative manner. Not every Force-sensitive individual is created equal and has a strong enough connection to be an ace with a lightsaber, as we saw throughout he Clone Wars and prequels. Finn certainly did better with that lightsaber against Kylo Ren than Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar did against Palpatine, that's for sure.

Finn can feel the pain and suffering around him to an extent that snaps him out of his brainwashing--I think he has to be at least slightly Force-sensitive.
I agree that Finn has to be at least somewhat Force-sensitive, but perhaps not in a combative manner. Not every Force-sensitive individual is created equal and has a strong enough connection to be an ace with a lightsaber, as we saw throughout he Clone Wars and prequels. Finn certainly did better with that lightsaber against Kylo Ren than Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar did against Palpatine, that's for sure.

Finn can feel the pain and suffering around him to an extent that snaps him out of his brainwashing--I think he has to be at least slightly Force-sensitive.

I think Finn, while he would have lasted longer than the two mentioned, would have gotten his ass handed to him by palpatine. He may be force sensitive like Maz. Perhaps even more so.

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I personally don't want him to be force sensitive. I like the thought of it being a rare thing. With that said, if he is, he doesn't have to pursue it. Leia didn't.
I don't think he's force sensitive either. I think this idea that only a force user can operate a lightsaber is just some old EU garbage.
Are you saying Snoke isn't a force sensitive? Because if you are, there's a few examples of why he definitely is.

Nooooo. Just saying it was not shown in the movie at all. He's just the leader of the First Order. There are no Sith or Jedi in this movie. No Darth's. Not a single example of Snoke being a force user in this movie. He didnt do anything other than sit in one place and talk in 4 scenes. Im not saying he isnt, he might be, but thats getting off track. This post is about Finn, and I see nothing to even hint at he even knows what the force is at all, considering he said that one dumb line "we'll use the force". Lol
Rey didn't know what the force was either until Maz explained it to her and how to "let it in." Maybe Finn is a force sensitive and just needs it explained to him as well.

This may be nothing but there's a behind the scenes shot of Boyega practicing Kendo, I believe.

We may see him wield a lightsaber again in VIII.
I like the idea of phasma fighting Finn. After seeing brianne and the hound fight in game of thrones I'd love to see phasma have a really brutal fighting style. I'm sure snoke will be a force user. He says he needs to finish rens training. I never understood why snoke had to be mocapped. Would have looked much more sinister with a good prosthetic. Voldemort was more imposing!

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I like the idea of phasma fighting Finn. After seeing brianne and the hound fight in game of thrones I'd love to see phasma have a really brutal fighting style. I'm sure snoke will be a force user. He says he needs to finish rens training. I never understood why snoke had to be mocapped. Would have looked much more sinister with a good prosthetic. Voldemort was more imposing!

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I cant figure out why he was CGI either. Doesnt he need to actually do something at some point? I guess were going to have a CGI snoke walking around, fighting people. Dunno what thats going to look like.

Almost seems like because they wanted him to look strange, they did it in CGI and JJ just basically said "well its fine for my movie, he's only a hologram in it, so ill let the other 2 directors figure out what to do with this. good luck suckers!" Hehe

Not to mention that he looked really out of place in this movie. He was so clearly CGI, looked more like something you would see in Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Wish they got an actor to play who is one of the most important characters in this sequel trilogy. Ive seen the movie many times and he still looks so odd to me.

I read that they didnt even decide on his look until last October, only 2 months before release, which left them with almost no time to get him in the movie, and it looks a little rushed. His CGI doesnt look as good as Maz to me.
It's alright, I'm sure they will change snokes appearance for the special editions.

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They'll change him like they changed the original Emperor in ESB.
