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Stuff looks good. Master Chief looks sweet still but man they had that at last year's SDCC and they haven't gotten it out yet.
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Oh man, I love that DC Women print! That's quite an original idea - no costumes, yet there's clues for the less obvious ones.

And could someone please tell me what they don't like about Rorschach so I can hate it too - even though it looks great?

I agree with everyone else, the mask just looks half-assed. The Jacket looks shabby (note, his left shoulder strap is torn) but I'm not sure if that's intentional since the character is very scruffy.

I'm sure that this is a prototype so the mask might improve.

This is a great picture. Who is the one sitting on the right? Lois? Hawkgirl?
The seated character is Batwoman

I actually thought that might have been Lois lane. I can figure out the rest from the clues, but the first blonde from the left I'm having trouble with, I think that's Black Canary since she is standing next to Oracle, leaning on her wheelchair. But if that is her, then where's Huntress? Looks like she was late for the photo shoot. :lol
Wouldn't have thought about Batwoman - I assumed it was Mary Marvel, although the jewelry didn't seem appropriate to Mary. Nice splayed-leg pose for the lesbian...I like it!
Hey guys...

if you are at the new York Comic Con, stop by the DC booth. They should be giving away free posters featuring this new image by Adam Hughes:


If I have the order right its (from the left) Selina Kyle, Zatanna, Oracle seated in front, Black Canary, Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Vixen, Batwoman seated in front, Poison Ivy and Harley.

Yes I have and sure that one looks better but he will only be offering the head so that is no alternative.

And a Rorschach custom would be about 3 times as much as the DC version so yeah DC for me please.

The head/hat combo is the biggest pain. The rest of the costume is easy. Buy the head from Josh and build your own for much cheaper and better quality.
I just got back from the Con and it was Awesome! Every big player was well represented with only one glaring omission. Sadly my camera charger went missing so no photos guys, sorry. There are some statues that you must see in person to truely appreciate. Gentle Giants' 'Kneeling Darth Vader' looks incredible and so does Kotobukiya's Final Fantasy PF Judge Master Gabranth. Neca's new line of Harry Potter statues look cool, as do their TMNTs. The 18" Alien pose looks so much better than the Halcyon model or Kenner toy it was molded from. I recommend everyone to come check out NYCC next year as it will only get bigger and better.

Sideshow must come next year. This show is so worth the trip.

For those of you who asked my help with exclusives, I'll pm you shortly.
I can't say for sure, but I would have to assume that is NOT the final 12" Rorshach mask. I know they were not allowed to show the unmasked version yet by request of the movie studio (to avoid spoilers), perhaps the mask was thrown together at the very last minute. It does seriously look like a sock that someone drew on with a sharpie. I'd bet the farm that the final mask will be much nicer, probably a thinner material like spandex with screen-printed ink patterns or something. There's no way the final product will end up looking like that.

Once again, I'm only speculating... But I think it's early to judge.
My understanding is that they will be available at cons all season long. I just don't know if its only cons that DC has a booth at, or if they will send them as give aways to every con...

Adam and I don't actually have any, or I could try and work something out...

If you could swipe a few for the Freaks it would be MUCH appreciated. That is a beautiful piece and I am not even a DC fan. :eek: