Who had the upper hand, Mace or Palpatine?

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Who had the upper hand?

  • Mace, he would have destroyed the Sith if not for Anakin

    Votes: 74 58.7%
  • Palpatine, giving the illusion of losing was all part of his plan

    Votes: 52 41.3%

  • Total voters
After seeing ROTS it makes Yoda's words to Luke so much more chilling: Luke don't underestimate the powers of the Emperor.


You know, I really wish Yoda had not died in ROTJ. I wish instead that he had gone with Luke to the Death Star and ****ed up Palpatine himself. Prophecy be damned.:lol:lol:lol
you know, in one of the star wars infinites comics, he does exactly that. I THINK it's infinities A new hope.

He crashes the death star into the emperor's pallace on coruscant
That Palpatine was feigning weakness at that point has never been disputed. The argument is whether it was because Mace was beating him.

Palpatine was going to play the old man card just when Anakin showed up. But when Mace screamed: "The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . ." Palpatine got enraged and lost all focus for a moment.
Palpatine was going to play the old man card just when Anakin showed up. But when Mace screamed: "The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . ." Palpatine got enraged and lost all focus for a moment.

speculation at its best folks :emperor:monkey3
Would you say that in general, the opinion is that kids don't grasp at the subtlies, and need thingss perfectly spelled out for them?
Would you say that in general, the opinion is that kids don't grasp at the subtlies, and need thingss perfectly spelled out for them?

I think it's naive to look for subtleties in Star Wars....:D

Honestly, I think, either purposely or not, it's vague at best, and like many many many aspects of the Star Wars universe, completely open to interpretation a thousand different ways. And thirty years of Star Wars fandom has shown us that an imaginative fanboy can think up a justification for ANYTHING!!

In the end, I think Palpatine had the upper hand the whole time not because of anything he did or didn't do during that fight, but because I think he's a cooler character and I want to build him up as much as possible.

Having a kick-ass character like Palpatine lose a fight to an annoying, stoic, bland character like Mace Windu is tantamount to Ben Stein beating the crap out of Chuck Norris. It just doesn't work for me.

"You are under arrest, my lord," he told the Chancellor, motioning to Anakin to stay back.

But Palpatine was not looking at Mace Windu. "Anakin," he cried. "I told you it would come to this. I was right, The Jedi are taking over."


"He has too much control over the Senate and the Courts," Mace replied. "He is too dangerous to be kept alive."

"It is not the Jedi way." But the Chancellor has daid the same thing about Count Dooku. If Jedi Master and Sith Lord made the same argument, were they really so different? And I need him to save Padmé.

But Master Windu was not listening. He raised his lightsaber - and Anakin knocked it aside. The unexpected blow sent the lightsaber flying... and left Mace defendless against a new bolt of Force lightning. Chancellor Paplatine was faking! He was not tired at all.

-- Revenge of the Sith, Junior Novelization.

When Anakin enters into the office, Palpatine puts in motion plan B: Turn Anakin right now and use that to kill Mace.

This is why i was asking. it kinda spells it out.

If that's what works for you and makes Star Wars more fun for you, enjoy.

In my version, Palpatine was playing possum.

He was to a point, but that acting was to aid in turning Anakin once he got his ass whooped.
Temporary thread derailment!

Speaking of chuck norris, I'm duty bound to spread this around.

The annoying chuck norris jokes are MUCH funnier if you replace chuck norris with Stephen HAwkings.

The only time stephen hawkins was wrong was when he thought he made a mistake.
Stephen hawkings tears can cure cancer, to bad he's never shed any.
try some out :)
speculation at its best folks :emperor:monkey3

PALPATINE: Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over.

Palpatine´s show begins.

MACE WlNDU: The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . .

Mace makes Palpatine know he will never let the Sith take control of the Republic.

PALPATINE: No! No! You will die!

Palpatine gets enraged and starts shooting Sith lighting to Mace instead of keeping playing the old man card.
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PALPATINE: Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over.

Palpatine´s show begins.

MACE WlNDU: The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . .

Mace makes Palpatine know he will never let the Sith take control of the Republic.

PALPATINE: No! No! You will die!

Palpatine gets enraged and starts shooting Sith lighting to Mace instead of keeping playing the old man card.

By George, I think you've nailed it! Only took us 414 posts ...
I still think Mace never had the control of the duel. He made the mistake of thinking Palpatine was defeated and defenceless only because the Sith Lord lost his lightsaber, when he was not, and he paid for his mistake with his live.
I still think Mace never had the control of the duel. He made the mistake of thinking Palpatine was defeated and defenceless only because the Sith Lord lost his lightsaber, when he was not, and he paid for his mistake with his live.

what cost Mace his life was Anakin cutting off his hand...not mace underestamating Sidous....*sighs*
based on what?
he underestimated the hold sidious had on Anakin, didn't he? :rolleyes:

What I was respondingto was OR saying Mace underestimated sidous cause he thought he was old/weak/and defensless....you can take what I say out of content if you want though :rolleyes:

Mace infact new sidous to be dangerous(there for not underestimating him) thus the line

"he to dangerous to be left alive"