(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I wish they would just release the new show as a full season. WTF?

Me too. It's such a great show. It took everything I loved about the old Ninja Turtles and made it even better. Way better than the show from the early 2000s. Nickelodeon did a good job.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

These are 60..... EACH! Like we were saying to each other the other day, SW only from now on. :lecture I can't wait to unpack my collection, sell the non-SW stuff and then spend all that on SW goodness!!!!

Yeah hell no.

I know I will get a number of piece that pull me in due to nostalgia, but I think I am staying with SW for the main. Just too much history to not.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I really wanted to get that Rocket & Groot bundle, but after seeing what HT wants for Rocket, that bundle will be ridicuously expensive.

On the plus side, just got an email from my dealer and my XM Cap will be shipping on Monday!! :yess:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ah HT Star Wars. I remember when everyone thought that was going to be a big thing. :lol

I remember commenting that they would be limited in what they did. I didn't think it would be this limited.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, fawk those Revoltechs. Their whole gimmick is that the articulation is made up of giant, obtrusive balls. I got those for free.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I really wanted to get that Rocket & Groot bundle, but after seeing what HT wants for Rocket, that bundle will be ridicuously expensive.

On the plus side, just got an email from my dealer and my XM Cap will be shipping on Monday!! :yess:

What's the price on Rocket? It's not really 200, is it?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Exactly! Remember when you had to randomly find a magazine hidden in the woods?
Never happened to me. But I didn't go in the woods very often, except when escaping from the police... I did score mags in the bathroom at work when I was 16. They were kinda nasty (definitely "used") but I took them anyway. Last month, I found a box of them in my basement. Yes, I still have them. I will discard them soon, but I want to take a ride down memory lane first... :monkey1

We have 3 house showings today so I have to be out of the house until 3:45pm. WTF am I going to do? I'd go to the flea market but I ain't got the money. Ugh, this is so annoying.
Where ya movin to? Just a bigger house, or different city, or far far away?

Not me ! I emailed back I was good to go mister ! :thwak:

No hook me up !

And I would have bought much more had you not dawdled so long mister ! :p
I blame furystorm. Of course, I blame everything on furystorm. I'll send you a quote this weekend. I want to give you the friend discount, but not give them away either, since I need to start recouping the $500 I paid for the collection (only recouped $10 so far--sold a wampa). We'll git 'er done! :hi5:

Hope house cleaning burned those sheets :lol
Knowing the hotel industry, those bedspreads are still being used today! And may have never been cleaned... :monkey1

Oh, man! I just remember one time finding a magazine near this ditch my friends and I walked by coming from school. It had she-males in it. The first time I'd ever found out about them. :panic:

You aren't getting any from him that you are from me, are you? Because they may just end up in your Christmas in July package. :wink1:
This reminds me of a story. I had a gay co-worker on Resurrection Blvd. One day, he gave me a XXX DVD, and said I would probably enjoy it more than he would. It had a dude and two chicks on the cover, so I figured it was straight porn, which is why he didn't want it.
I popped it in that night. Starts off with two chicks going to town on each other. So far so good. Two dudes come in, and they each start doing a chick. Seemed fine. And then they swapped. The girl took the girl, and the dude took the dude. I stared in disbelief for a moment. As soon as I saw two sets of testes slapping I turned it off. It's an image I wish I could erase forever!

You have the unfortunate job of lining everyone up, so you always know who has your name.
True, but now everyone knows that YOU don't have them. :slap

LOL! Me and my friends would always go tubing down the creek here in town back in the day (I think we were in 7th or 8th grade maybe) and one time we stopped and got out near the woods to walk back to where our bikes were, close to a bridge in the woods we ended up finding a few magazines and I think a video so we grabbed them up and headed on our way... at the top of the hill we ran into our old principal from school and had to hide the magazines etc in our shirts and back or our shorts so he wouldn't see them. I just remember the whole time freaking out that a magazine would slip out of one of our shirts. :lol We said our quick hellos and whatnot standing as still as possible until he went back to his gardening and then we took off. haha. Good times.

Here is the aftermath of the slaughter on the hornet's nest. Turns out they were hornets that stung me, not bees.

Are those white capsules like cocoons? That's kinda disgusting. When I killed a nest, it was barely formed. I caught it early...

Hey Ken did you get your processing email for Ilum Yoda?
No. Did you? I got mine coming from EE. The order still says August 2014. Did you get yours direct from GG?

Sometimes getting too big is a bad thing for your long-time customers.
Unless you're a male prostitute! :lecture

Need to win the boba fett contest

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I missed it. Wasn't on FB til it was over...

Forget about Chopper for a minute. That thing on the left looks like you found a load of random pieces at the end of a toy chest and tried to stick them together.

Could we have a thread for her?
I was thinking the same think... on both comments!

Good morning, 'tinians!

Celebrating 5 years of marital bliss today!

Happy Haniversary!!! :rock :rock2

Yep, that's exactly what I'd like to do to her.

That's pretty darn cool, but a Mandalorian skull would've been cooler than the 3PO stick shift.
Or Han Solo's carbonite head!

I must research this specimen later, and then make a specimen of my own. :)
and EW!

I'm thinking of those vinyl figures made a few years back of the Fat Boy and Little Boy bombs painted to look like the droids. Can't find a pic.
I had those in my hand at that SDCC. I spoke to Ken Lilly about them. But they were too expensive for me. In hindsight, I wish I had bought them. Been searching for them on Ebay ever since the ROW trip! :lol

OMFG! I need to diet on THAT!

Looks delicious. Mac and cheese makes everything better, as does bacon.
This! :lecture

Aw, how cute! You have Rocket in your tree!

And he falls apart after a week. Or he sheds his skin. You ever see a naked raccoon? Not pretty.
No, but KD has! Late at night, the raccoon he's stalking in his tree gets undressed.

OMG that hair! I really hope you didn't fall for her back then...

Has anyone mentioned this happening with the HT Luke in any way?
Better not! I loves my Lukes! Just wish they'd make more... Of course, if they did, it would now be $400 for one figure...

Almost caught up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :panic:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Is the HT IM preorder all we're getting today?

EDIT: Nope. Also a Sideshow Green Lantern 1/6 figure.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I can't wait to unpack my collection, sell the non-SW stuff and then spend all that on SW goodness!!!!
I agree with that sentiment (except I'm keeping Muppets and Simpsons)!!! Although I have less of an excuse for having not unpacked yet. I've been here 5 years already...

On the plus side, just got an email from my dealer and my XM Cap will be shipping on Monday!! :yess:
Your drug dealer sells Sideshow stuff on the side???

The previews actually look really funny.

I just thought the previews were going to show it all.
Strangely, most of the stuff in the previews are NOT in the film! They're alternate takes...

Scott, you never multiquote me, you son ofa b!!!! :cuss
Say something worthy of being quoted, then perhaps I will!!! Oh, wait...

That's got to be the longest multi-quote response I've ever seen. So I fixed it for you! :monkey3

Remember when KenBen didn't multi-quote :panic:
I blame Waller! :lecture

I taught him to do that. :yess:
Yep, it's all your fault.

Not so sure that was a good thing. :dunno
:lol Too late! There's no going back now!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That mother load of autos I won showed up today minus the Richard Armitage/Thorin.
