Masters of the Universe Classics

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Well, perhaps I ought to give it a second chance, someday. For me, even if it's set in the same continuity, the characters, style and tone of the whole thing just turned me off... Almost like the opposite of a spiritual successor, I guess.

But, like I said, perhaps I should watch it sometime. If I like it, it wouldn't be the first time I disliked something initially only to like it later. :)

Oh to be fair dude, I think you will have a hard time liking the cartoon. It's really really aweful. I tried watching it again recently and couldn't do it at all.
I am referring to the over all idea of He-Man chasing Skeletor across the galaxy, the continuation of the story and the toys being of interest.

I think it was an interesting new chapter just horribly handled...especially when we know that Filmation were set to be the ones to do the cartoon as apposed the pityful and truly terrible studio, Jetlag.
Full pics are up on the Org for the unnamed One...Second head is interesting,pretty creepy and dare I say kinda cool..the pics that were leaked are 100% legit

He is in fact Gorpo and an Evil Orko
Full pics are up on the Org for the unnamed One...Second head is interesting,pretty creepy and dare I say kinda cool..the pics that were leaked are 100% legit

He is in fact Gorpo and an Evil Orko

Which is what Emiliano had been saying for about a year if not more it was going always to be Gorpo and both Toy Guru and Four Horsemen saying it wasn't.
Which is what Emiliano had been saying for about a year if not more it was going always to be Gorpo and both Toy Guru and Four Horsemen saying it wasn't.

yup Emiliano completely leaked it and it blew over most everyone's head.....Gorpo is the real name in the Bio

I can tell you right now,Toyguru is as shady as they come....There are other stories about how crooked he really is, that I have heard through other direct sources.Nothing is his own Idea as he just steals ideas from others and calls it his

If I didn't like MOTU so much,I wouldn't of bought a thing from this guy's type of Salesmanship

Reading that just brings me back to the whole 200X comic debacle. Mattel just kept tightening the leash on what Val and Emiliano could do. I remember that teaser we got for Illumina that never saw the light of day and the encyclopedia getting nixed after the first issue. Not to mention Mattel stopping the Power and Honor foundation catalog.
Reading that just brings me back to the whole 200X comic debacle. Mattel just kept tightening the leash on what Val and Emiliano could do. I remember that teaser we got for Illumina that never saw the light of day and the encyclopedia getting nixed after the first issue. Not to mention Mattel stopping the Power and Honor foundation catalog.

Sure,so Mattel can make their own and call it "theirs" (and their idea/story) and then taking away credit from all the talented artists and designers
When you work for toy companies, you get no credit. That's just the way it is.

What's happening here is different. In public we are told that all that MVC Bible stuff was nothing more than a fan pitch but in reality, the contents are being used which I think is massively unfair.

But then you remember my Green Goddess art being used to help launch MOTUC was used without my permission and my own signature removed.
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Finally opened Modulok. Pretty great figure. I did not like the six-legged look so I went with four legs and four arms.




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Dude! zero, your pics are always breathtaking!! Modulok rocks!! :rock!

any pictures leaked of the NA she-ra design?


My UNO and Hydron are out for delivery!

As for the whole Emiliano vs. TG drama, it's getting old…
I wouldn't have a problem if Emiliano didn't work for Hasbro… there's a conflict of interests there that make his motivations shady as well…
I can tell you right now,Toyguru is as shady as they come....There are other stories about how crooked he really is, that I have heard through other direct sources.Nothing is his own Idea as he just steals ideas from others and calls it his

If I didn't like MOTU so much,I wouldn't of bought a thing from this guy's type of Salesmanship

He comes off as a typical corporate weasel type. The whole "I'm a real fan" thing is a facade.
any pictures leaked of the NA she-ra design?

you'll see her images in the mini comic that comes with The Unwanted One....but you can pretty much guarantee that NA She-ra is in the POP Sub

Also,She-ra becomes Despara (She-Hordak) guess is we'll see Despara as 2015's Sub Exclusive
That's some baloney talk right there dude in fairness. :D

Is it? I like Emil, every time I've had the chance to interact with him his really nice! Love his art, and his ideas for MOTU, and he is indeed very passionate about the property. BUT, the fact that he ENJOYS putting all the dirty laundry of people for everyone to see to gain sympathy for himself is what I don't like… He basically let's his passion get the best of him and turns HIS problems with TG and Val into a circus for everyone to see, and so everyone feels pity for him for getting "screwed"…
Again, I like him a lot as an artist, and I am sure that he's a great guy, but all this spectacle is pretty pathetic… he always wants to be the one with the last word and the one to say "I told you so"…
And again, he works for Hasbro, so, that alone, "baloney" or not, speaks volumes!

Now, I am NOT saying TG or Val are innocent, they are quite the characters themselves, but me, as a MOTU fan couldn't care
less about the backstage drama, it's just pathetic… But that's just me...
Is it? I like Emil, every time I've had the chance to interact with him his really nice! Love his art, and his ideas for MOTU, and he is indeed very passionate about the property. BUT, the fact that he ENJOYS putting all the dirty laundry of people for everyone to see to gain sympathy for himself is what I don't like… He basically let's his passion get the best of him and turns HIS problems with TG and Val into a circus for everyone to see, and so everyone feels pity for him for getting "screwed"…
Again, I like him a lot as an artist, and I am sure that he's a great guy, but all this spectacle is pretty pathetic… he always wants to be the one with the last word and the one to say "I told you so"…
And again, he works for Hasbro, so, that alone, "baloney" or not, speaks volumes!

Now, I am NOT saying TG or Val are innocent, they are quite the characters themselves, but me, as a MOTU fan couldn't care
less about the backstage drama, it's just pathetic… But that's just me...

He's a freelancer who happens to have had Hasbro as a client, he's not an employee.

Here's the problem about backstage drama, it tends to affect what's happening onstage if it's bad enough. Emiliano has helped fill in the gaps about some of the strange decision-making going on with MOTUC. If the truth needs to be said, you gotta go for it. Who cares if it spoils everyone's visions of sugarplum fairies at Mattel. It's a perfect wake up call to anyone thinking about breaking into the industry. As a MOTU fan, how could you not want to know why one of the biggest talents to hit the brand has been pushed out? No use in pretending it has nothing to do with MOTU because it does and he has contributed far more to it than most.

As for ENJOYing it, I don't think he has much time to chuckle when he gets kicked out of the org, gets his facebook suspended, or has his ideas blatantly ripped off with no credit. Whether you agree or not, the man has paid a steep price for daring to voice his opinions on the matter. An opinion is all he really has.
Is it? I like Emil, every time I've had the chance to interact with him his really nice! Love his art, and his ideas for MOTU, and he is indeed very passionate about the property. BUT, the fact that he ENJOYS putting all the dirty laundry of people for everyone to see to gain sympathy for himself is what I don't like… He basically let's his passion get the best of him and turns HIS problems with TG and Val into a circus for everyone to see, and so everyone feels pity for him for getting "screwed"…
Again, I like him a lot as an artist, and I am sure that he's a great guy, but all this spectacle is pretty pathetic… he always wants to be the one with the last word and the one to say "I told you so"…
And again, he works for Hasbro, so, that alone, "baloney" or not, speaks volumes!

Now, I am NOT saying TG or Val are innocent, they are quite the characters themselves, but me, as a MOTU fan couldn't care
less about the backstage drama, it's just pathetic… But that's just me...

Yeah it is baloney actually. You are making some seriously wild speculation there.

For some one who claims to care little you seem to know enough to out the person for airing it rather than what is actually being aired.

And I will also echo what Frank very appropriately said.
It seems to me behind the scenes, the Toy Industry itself is quite the dirty back stabbing business as it'd be surprised how much competition there is and how jealous some folks can be who are involved in it.