Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Did you browse previous pages and didn't find any of that?

Then again, some boards are better than others.

I lurked a bit around the IMDB forums, it was horrible. :thud:
Why didn't people ***** and moan for months after half of NYC was destroyed in The Avengers? :dunno

When an alien race with superpowers comes to destroy ****'s kind of hard to avoid **** being destroyed.

It has to do with how the destruction was handled. In THE AVENGERS, the heroes are shown actively trying to contain the violence and protect civilians. At the end, we see the aftermath and people's reactions. NONE of that is shown in MOS.
Avengers was fun, and exciting, where's MoS was dark and gritty.

You're shocked at the level of destruction, because the film wants it to mean something to you.

Avengers is like "Hey, don't worry. It's all in good fun!"
Did you browse previous pages and didn't find any of that?

Then again, some boards are better than others.

I lurked a bit around the IMDB forums, it was horrible. :thud:

All I got was "this is the best superman ever!" "This is the best movie I've ever seen!" Or "best movie of 2013." But no one could tell me why they liked it. Others there said they did not like it and could say why. No one could tell my what about it they liked though.
Why didn't people ***** and moan for months after half of NYC was destroyed in The Avengers? :dunno

When an alien race with superpowers comes to destroy ****'s kind of hard to avoid **** being destroyed.

Just watching it again there is a big difference in watching the destruction in NY in the Avengers where Humans are saved time and time again by our Hero's and watching MOS which felt like a disaster film half the time. I understand that Superman was up against great odds and he could not always save the day but that is part of the films problem IMO. Having that terraforming ship destroy half of Metropolis was overkill and the film would have been better served without it. The scene of Superman looking at the destruction of Metropolis is a real downer. Just too much IMO and not fitting for a Superman film.... Or any Superhero film. There was always a sense of fun in the Avengers. MOS was sorely lacking that.

Just My Opinion of course
All I got was "this is the best superman ever!" "This is the best movie I've ever seen!" Or "best movie of 2013." But no one could tell me why they liked it. Others there said they did not like it and could say why. No one could tell my what about it they liked though.

They must not have realized that they owed you an explanation, damn those people. :lol
They must not have realized that they owed you an explanation, damn those people. :lol

Yeah but when discussing film it's nice for people to back up their opinion. Just helps to see where everyone is coming from :)

Otherwise the threads would look like this'

I Liked it
I liked it
I did not like it.
I liked it.
It was OK
I Liked it.
I hated it.
I liked it.
I did not like it.
I Liked it
I liked it
I did not like it.
I liked it.
It was OK
I Liked it.
I hated it.
I liked it.
I did not like it.
I Liked it
I liked it
I did not like it.
I liked it.
It was OK
I Liked it.
I hated it.
I liked it.
I did not like it.
I did not like it.
I Liked it
I liked it
I did not like it.
Just watching it again there is a big difference in watching the destruction in NY in the Avengers where Humans are saved time and time again by our Hero's and watching MOS which felt like a disaster film half the time. I understand that Superman was up against great odds and he could not always save the day but that is part of the films problem IMO. Having that terraforming ship destroy half of Metropolis was overkill and the film would have been better served without it. The scene of Superman looking at the destruction of Metropolis is a real downer. Just too much IMO and not fitting for a Superman film.... Or any Superhero film. There was always a sense of fun in the Avengers. MOS was sorely lacking that.

Just My Opinion of course
I don't even know if viewers would have paid that much attention to what was going on in Metropolis, except that the whole mood of the movie was so depressing and joyless to begin with that it highlighted the fact that the destruction was causing real pain, and Superman was either unable or unwilling to assist at some level (either explanation would fit in given the mood of the film). That same gut response wasn't felt in Avengers, where the heroes and situations did seem genuinely fun and hopeful on some level, as most comic book characters were meant to be. Here you've got sad sack Pa Kent giving bizarre speeches and committing suicide, you've got brutal, self-hating enemies, you've got a grim, desaturated Superman essentially threatening the U.S. government and killing his enemies, you've got destruction and death on a massive scale, it all feeds into an overall mood that highlights the suffering and pain that really shouldn't have been the focal point of the first Superman reboot movie IMO.
I don't even know if viewers would have paid that much attention to what was going on in Metropolis, except that the whole mood of the movie was so depressing and joyless to begin with that it highlighted the fact that the destruction was causing real pain, and Superman was either unable or unwilling to assist at some level (either explanation would fit in given the mood of the film). That same gut response wasn't felt in Avengers, where the heroes and situations did seem genuinely fun and hopeful on some level, as most comic book characters were meant to be. Here you've got sad sack Pa Kent giving bizarre speeches and committing suicide, you've got brutal, self-hating enemies, you've got a grim, desaturated Superman essentially threatening the U.S. government and killing his enemies, you've got destruction and death on a massive scale, it all feeds into an overall mood that highlights the suffering and pain that really shouldn't have been the focal point of the first Superman reboot movie IMO.

I agree 100%
It has to do with how the destruction was handled. In THE AVENGERS, the heroes are shown actively trying to contain the violence and protect civilians. At the end, we see the aftermath and people's reactions. NONE of that is shown in MOS.

Just watching it again there is a big difference in watching the destruction in NY in the Avengers where Humans are saved time and time again by our Hero's and watching MOS which felt like a disaster film half the time. I understand that Superman was up against great odds and he could not always save the day but that is part of the films problem IMO. Having that terraforming ship destroy half of Metropolis was overkill and the film would have been better served without it. The scene of Superman looking at the destruction of Metropolis is a real downer. Just too much IMO and not fitting for a Superman film.... Or any Superhero film. There was always a sense of fun in the Avengers. MOS was sorely lacking that.

Just My Opinion of course
Well I agree with this. The film is very, very flawed but I think Superman did all that he could to save people.

I'm more asking this to the people who specifically claim that he just watched people die and didn't bother trying to help random civilians.

I might be remembering wrong, but it seems like he didn't have time to go around and save every random person he saw, what with the giant terraforming machine killing thousands by the minute. Then there's Zod and his crew rampaging everywhere.

If he went around saving every random person whose foot was stuck under rubble, that's just time wasted that he could spend getting rid of the real threat.

A lot of people act like he just stood by and did absolutely nothing while everyone died. :dunno

I don't even know if viewers would have paid that much attention to what was going on in Metropolis, except that the whole mood of the movie was so depressing and joyless to begin with that it highlighted the fact that the destruction was causing real pain, and Superman was either unable or unwilling to assist at some level (either explanation would fit in given the mood of the film). That same gut response wasn't felt in Avengers, where the heroes and situations did seem genuinely fun and hopeful on some level, as most comic book characters were meant to be. Here you've got sad sack Pa Kent giving bizarre speeches and committing suicide, you've got brutal, self-hating enemies, you've got a grim, desaturated Superman essentially threatening the U.S. government and killing his enemies, you've got destruction and death on a massive scale, it all feeds into an overall mood that highlights the suffering and pain that really shouldn't have been the focal point of the first Superman reboot movie IMO.
See, this is the kind of tone I wanted. The problem is that there was never any payoff.

I wanted the film to be very dark, gritty and dreadful, but with the glimmer of hope that is Superman.

There was never a time I felt inspired. I never wanted to cheer Superman on as he persevered through this seemingly hopeless battle.

There was just no real emotion. Every attempt to make you "feel" just ended up backfiring. Like Jon Kent's death. I was shocked at how stupid and forced that was. It didn't give the characters any depth, it only made them look like fools.
It's a flawed film, and several respectful folks here have brought up interesting and valid criticisms.

That said, I still really love this film and feel no need to make excuses for that.
I don't might. When the world ends, there will be only two people left. People who hate Man of Steel, and people who like it. You might want to think about where you stand!
I'll take my chances. :lol

That said, what's the deal with WB's bluray/DVD manufacturing factories now a days? The last several WB discs I've bought have been scratched up, brand new, right out of the case. My copy of Pacific Rim was all scuffed and my collector's OCD forced me to exchange it. Now my Man of Steel bluray is in good shape, but the included DVD copy has several deep scratches on it. I'm weary of exchanging it for fear of ending up with a set in even worse shape. I'm paying about $25 bucks for these multiple disc new releases. I really don't think any of the discs should be damaged. Anyone else having this issue or am I just lucky?
I liked this movie, even though ~80% of my friends hated it. :lol

Movie's flawed especially Pa Kent's death, but I especially liked 6 things:

1) Flight scene and music (goosebumps!)
2) Supes's new outfit
3) Ma Kent scenes, esp. childhood scenes
4) Faora's fighting style
5) First time heat vision is convincingly done
6) Zod strips off armor and starts looking like Stamp Zod