Premium Format Harley Quinn

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Rhymes with sword. :lecture

There is an entire market for that in Japan and plenty of statues elsewhere get made with those bits as well it really isn't anything disturbing or especially surprising either. Sometimes I feel like you guys need to get out more. And by "get out" I mean browse the internet :lol There really isn't much difference between nipples, the ridiculous amount of cleavage of the Poison Ivy statue, and then cast off bikinis. Hell ARH does cast off already too. Different strokes. Whatever works.

It has nothing to do with being surprised (though I'll admit to being disturbed). Some of us simply have limits. Myself, I feel that certain fans need to get out more, and by 'get out', I mean 'date'.
I do like the statue and the pose and niples and curves and fabric and all, but SS could have done way better on that EX face
Rhymes with sword. :lecture

It has nothing to do with being surprised (though I'll admit to being disturbed). Some of us simply have limits. Myself, I feel that certain fans need to get out more, and by 'get out', I mean 'date'.

I question how it's much different from spending nearly half a grand on an hourglass figure lady in tight spandex :slap Some people enjoy the human figure more than others. It has very little to do with how often they get out or something.
The Punisher Ex head was never officially put up.... This is the order thumbnail for the Ex as seen on the contest page.... I am PRETTY sure it is official m8.

please do not change anything SS!

Watch him get on the wait list.

:thwak not this time my friend unless it sells out in a few hrs when I'm at work.

The peeps that are worried about the nipples can just have them sanded off. There problem solved.


Superman and Batman have short shorts and you can see their junk bulge. No controversy.

Its just nipples.

Yeah nipples in clothing is realistic with tights. No biggie.

Huge buff half naked men is fine, but a sadistic serial killer having perky nipples is an instant taboo :dunno I do question how American society has raised people to think about sex. It's just strange.

Nipples = Must Buy :D


You guys are all smoking crack, she looks awesome! The nipple issue is stupid to me, I'm not one for oversexualization (especially for a character like Harley) but like someone said women have nipples, big whoop! some have bigger than others, some show more, there's every kind of women and nipples. And are we really going to pretend to understand the frame of mind of a deranged girl like her?
Should we shave Superman's bulge because he has junk in his trunks?

anywho!! Love the statue! The cloth looks great, the pose is cool, the base is like the Joker's, they're going to look awesome together, she's going to be a great addition to the Bat collection.
I'm not sold yet on the EX head yet so I think I'll display the reg but it might grow on me when I get it.

Bring on the PO! :yess::yess:

Shave off supermans junk? :rotfl eewww!
I question how it's much different from spending nearly half a grand on an hourglass figure lady in tight spandex :slap Some people enjoy the human figure more than others. It has very little to do with how often they get out or something.

I wouldn't buy a generic statue of a girl covered with leaves, or a jester with a big **** and a hammer. Were they not the characters that they are, they wouldn't get a second thought from me, other than to perhaps inspire motivation to find a beautiful girl to engage. At no point in my thought process would I be possessed with the curiosity to look under Harley's pj's to see how pretty the flower is, and it has nothing to do with a deficit of appreciation for the female form.
Real women do indeed have nipples; as a woman myself, its a no-brainer. However, Harley has never struck me as a seductress, though and so the fact that she is sporting these so prominently is offputting. Harley is cute and rather sweet, with a touch of lets-kill-the-Bat thrown in - she should not be a full-on seductress.

Nipples hanging out makes men happy, true but everyone else is wondering "does this detract from the 'flavor' of the character?" And this strikes me as dissonant with the feel of the original character from the cartoon. Dini or Dodson [comics] would never portray her like this.

He would portray her like this:


....and IMO this portrayal of the character has yet to be surpassed.

Women with nipples displayed prominently get A LOT of unwanted attention from men; women IRL know this and behave according to whether they want that attention or not. But Harley is looking for the approval of the Joker only, pretty much and so asking for attention from every passing man strikes some fans of the character as, well, really out of character for her.

Im a little disappointed that SSC took the low road in this fashion.

The woman is crazy. She would have her nipples stick out just as an excuse to tempt men to look and then smash them on the head for doing so. Sort of like Gogo in Kill Bill when she asks the guy at the bar if he wants to F her and then she sticks a knife in his leg.
True, the cartoon wouldn't show nipples, but those are for mainstream TV for children, and do not represent what the character would really be like if she were real. Having protruding nipples couldn't be more appropriate. The low road would be camel toe, which wouldn't really be inconsistent either. In fact, camel toe would fit right in.
The connotation that protruding nipples is immoral makes it even more appropriate for this statue to have them. It's an artistic triumph, that shows the character as she SHOULD look.
Guess one can use nipple covers/petals :dunno (but how, would be the question). About the teeth, I wouldn't go to that (Neanderthal) extent, but she sure looks like she's posing for a toothpast commercial :)

Her teeth look like they stick forward too much from her skull to me.
Her teeth look like they stick forward too much from her skull to me.

It's fine if you like the style. It's a cartoon character after all. I think she looks great! Could have a few improvements but good enough for me :clap now SS please do not change anything on PO day!
I was wondering can someone photo chop the ex head with the eye mask on her face? Wonder what it would look like?
Didn't have time to read through the thread - overall like the figure, but is just me that thinks the reg head looks kind of small? Her body just looks thick in comparison.

Nope, I already stated it, and so did others. Her head does look a tad small here imo.


Have the people complaining about her sexualization ever seen a Bruce Timm drawing of her? You know, the guy who drew her for Paul Dini?

None of her original comic appearances were anything but straight up Bruce Timm cheesecake (except that he gave her big, soft nipples sticking out through her bodysuit).


In all fairness, most of Timm's pin-up art looks like that.

It's OK, though, I'm fine with nipples, as I'm sure most people are on this side of the pond.

Who knows. I hated the Joker EX head when I first saw it and I still do :lol

Lol, same here.
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Something like this....


Wow thanks bro for doing this! Looks great I think. But then again after some research I don't think she looked like this before correct? Seems like SS has the ex head right already as far as the way she looked. It's more about the eye shadow then a mask so it seems. But the pic still looks great!
Wow thanks bro for doing this! Looks great I think. But then again after some research I don't think she looked like this before correct? Seems like SS has the ex head right already as far as the way she looked. It's more about the eye shadow then a mask so it seems. But the pic still looks great!

CBG m8, you ever get tired of being wrong:wink1:


One of Harley's most popular outfits was good old nurse Harley from Batman Arkham Asylum:lecture
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